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  • [Wanted] Dehumidifier

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      Price is Negotiable Item Condition: Good Original Packaging: No Courier Offered: No

    Hi all,


    I am looking for a dehumidifier, want to try get one by this weekend at the latest.

    If you have one and are happy to part with it, please let me know and drop me a PM! πŸ˜„ 

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    Try emailing this dude: info@splendidair.co.za Based in the cape I believe. I spoke to him a while back and he has a lot of recon units and new at generally better prices.

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    sorry.. late.. when temps are cold.. the dehumidifier makes it more cold.. isn't helping as cold air just releases more moisture. Try a 500w electric heater. Uses less electricity (at least on my side, my dehumidifier leeches 1300w from the plug on cooling cycle).. and ever degree you go up, humidity drops several %. Winter the electric heater has more effect and is cheaper for dark times.

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    @Prom sounds more as if you are using a portable AC on dry mode? AC will cool the air while trying to remove moisture. Dehumidifier will warm the air while trying to remove moisture. AC dry mode does not work nearly as well as a dedicated dehumidifier and cools ones room which is not always wanted and you cannot set the desired RH with an AC.


    @Marzcanna How many liters can it remove within 24 hours for interest sake? Looking for something like the GMC 26L dehumidifier which removes 26L in 24 hours at 30C and 80% RH.

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    Mhhhh a dehumidifier only works with a cooling unit, you can't collect water with a hot circuit, would just vaporize it again. Your system releases warm air, is most likely the hot air coming from the compressor. My hot air gets to the outside over a 150mm aluminum duct from the dehumidifier unit, has two exits, processed air and waste air. Is a multi function thingy, can heat, dry and cool. I only use it on dry or cooling function during summer. Now in winter i have the heater inside the tent. One vent circuit brings the warm raised and most moist air to the outside. And the second brings it from mid tent range to the veg tent to use the less moist air again to heat the tent up more. 

    The hose ends in the toilet ^^ so no tank issues. But.. no cooling.. no dehumidifier working πŸ€“

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    You are correct, you have a multi function air conditioner, cools, heats and dehumidifier. 

    The Meaco, or similar, has one function, dry out the air, and it will compress it and then their is condensation, but also heat from the system doing so. But every time I use the dehumidifier, only system, then it will always heat the room to 2 to 5 deg higher temperature. Always.

    But running my aircon, with external pipes, then I cools the air, and removes the heat outside, but more used on very hot days, than the dehumidifier itself, which is for cold nights, or damp cold days.

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      On 7/3/2021 at 1:04 PM, PsyCLown said:

    @Prom sounds more as if you are using a portable AC on dry mode? AC will cool the air while trying to remove moisture. Dehumidifier will warm the air while trying to remove moisture. AC dry mode does not work nearly as well as a dedicated dehumidifier and cools ones room which is not always wanted and you cannot set the desired RH with an AC.


    @Marzcanna How many liters can it remove within 24 hours for interest sake? Looking for something like the GMC 26L dehumidifier which removes 26L in 24 hours at 30C and 80% RH.


    Doesnt remove that much just around 3-5L 

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      On 7/3/2021 at 7:52 PM, Prom said:

    Mhhhh a dehumidifier only works with a cooling unit, you can't collect water with a hot circuit, would just vaporize it again. Your system releases warm air, is most likely the hot air coming from the compressor. My hot air gets to the outside over a 150mm aluminum duct from the dehumidifier unit, has two exits, processed air and waste air. Is a multi function thingy, can heat, dry and cool. I only use it on dry or cooling function during summer. Now in winter i have the heater inside the tent. One vent circuit brings the warm raised and most moist air to the outside. And the second brings it from mid tent range to the veg tent to use the less moist air again to heat the tent up more. 

    The hose ends in the toilet ^^ so no tank issues. But.. no cooling.. no dehumidifier working πŸ€“


    That my friend is a portable Aircon and not a dehumidifier.


    I have some of those portable aircons which I want to put up for sale actually. Great for cooling, but not very good at removing excess water I find.

    Same as with a mid-wall split AC unit, great at heating and cooling but sucks at removing excess water and cools the room down.


    A dedicated dehumidifier warms the air up before expelling it back into the room and does not have a dedicated exhaust hose for hot / cold air, unlike a portable aircon.

    Also a dehumidifier uses little power, under 500W on all the home units I have seen.

    If you want to be able to remove excess moisture, get yourself a proper dedicated dehumidifier.


    @Marzcanna I'd prefer a bigger unit, but a very nice option for someone who can get away with a smaller dehumidifier! Very good price too if it was R1500 landed.

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    I've been using Meaco DD8L desiccant dehumidifier, its a not a huge unit but it works unbelievably well. on laundry mode it will do around 15l per day. 

    Only thing is that it heats the room. So I leave it outside the tent. 

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      On 7/5/2021 at 9:29 AM, ORGANinc. said:

    I've been using Meaco DD8L desiccant dehumidifier, its a not a huge unit but it works unbelievably well. on laundry mode it will do around 15l per day. 

    Only thing is that it heats the room. So I leave it outside the tent. 


    Same same, leave outside, and anything Meaco will kick arse 

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    Score, definitely. 

    Mine stopped removing water the week before the 2 year mark, and they replaced parts for free and it's on fire again working hard.

    I hardly noticed using it with the electricity bill honestly. 

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      On 7/5/2021 at 9:36 AM, The_StonedTrooper said:

    Score, definitely. 

    Mine stopped removing water the week before the 2 year mark, and they replaced parts for free and it's on fire again working hard.

    I hardly noticed using it with the electricity bill honestly. 


    I didn't know they would do that, that's so brilliant.

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      On 7/5/2021 at 12:10 PM, The_StonedTrooper said:

    This would be awesome, but buying something from someone in another province off Gumtree isn't ideal.


    I will find something in JHB πŸ™‚  Thought I might as well try on the forum as well incase someone wanted to sell theirs.

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      On 7/5/2021 at 12:59 PM, PsyCLown said:

    This would be awesome, but buying something from someone in another province off Gumtree isn't ideal.


    I will find something in JHB πŸ™‚  Thought I might as well try on the forum as well incase someone wanted to sell theirs.


    Didnt know what options you had, or how badly you wanted it, at a discount. 

    But honestly, electronic things, new is always best, and with that 2 year repair warranty πŸ˜‰

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    Check Facebook market place as well. I got my dehumidifier 24lt Midea for R1200 from someone leaving the country. 

    Been using it more than a year already. 

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