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  1. Hello, what do you think it is causing the discoloration and the burn holes? It looks like the media has either run out of potash, the coco wasn't buffered and rinsed properly or the silica has kicked the pH out of range and potassium is unavailable. One or the other, those plants are showing a deficiency of K
    1 point
  2. Hi hi I'm New here, I grow my own weed alone, LOL!!! I smoke my weed alone, I make lovely kookies with icing on top, I like to make own gummy bear sweeties and I eat them up by myself LOL!!! NOT FOR SALE
    1 point
  3. Remember autos don't like a lot of nitrogen and plant them in a big container from the start don't give them any stress only LST them the first 12 to 14 days is the most important if you mess up the plant might not have time to recover as it grows with age and not light cycles. But good luck show us some pics of your grow brother. And biltong and budz is one of the preferred choice here I've seen.
    1 point
  4. Autoflower is the easiest to grow because they flower by them self with age not light cycles. And when you use a tent that's the expensive way you need lights and fans humidity control all those type of things if you get alot off sun on your balcony I would say since it's your first time try it outdoors and see how you managed with it are you up to all the time it's going to take from you and all that alot of guys spend thousands and n growing gear then they still end up buying smoke. So get yourself an autoflower sativa or indica they are just as potent as photoperiod plant just a bit smaller great for a balcony I think it would be the best choice for you get some kelp molasses and cal-mag and bone meal and you would be fine
    1 point
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