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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/27/2018 in all areas

  1. Technically they are entirely different. Total dissolved solids is a measurement of actual dissolved solids in solution. EC is only a representation of the resistance in solution. The two are theoretically not interchangeable and entirely different. Your confusion comes in from companies converting the resistance into a possible representation of total dissolved salts or "part per million". This conversion is based on particular parameters and works more as a representation than an actual account for the solute. Try aim to use EC rather than TDS/PPM. If you know what you put into your solution, you can use a bit of simple math and work out your concentration by resistance.
    3 points
  2. So I went out and got me a catnip plant. Next to each other, the cat chooses that catnip every time... Problem solved. Now if only I can get the birds to stop aiming for my plants. Sent from my EVA-L09 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  3. 1 point
  4. Update: Since adding ferts my main plant has boomed, wow I know I was to expect it, but not so fast. Getting a deeper green which I was not expecting and leaves look healthier.
    1 point
  5. My cat eats my outdoor plants as well, but they're big enough that it only manages or bothers to eat the lower leaves. If it gets to the bud, it's popcorn bud anyway, but haven't seen her eating the buds. EDIT: Its normally just half a leaf or so. Maybe plant some catnip on the other side of your property, that should keep them away from your plants, but jy MIGHT bring more rogue cats
    1 point
  6. one week to chop, Barney's - Peppermint Kush Ill post another image with a handwritten tag.
    1 point
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