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    Green Leaf Organics

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/13/2018 in all areas

  1. Im not your buddy, Guy! hahah Sorry i couldnt resist!! The leaves are doing as they do in nature hahah, thanks for popping by bud
    1 point
  2. Cool man, thanks for the updates.
    1 point
  3. its a new week and the plants have done great! Bushfire OG Day 19: has been growing really nicely & im really impressed thus far!! I have moved it from the FF seedling mix to a 2L pot filled with the FF premium classic. Its a little bit stunted from the transplant but settling into its new home nicely.I have a couple leaves curling up at the sides, think it was the light so i raised it slightly also trying to raise the RH inside my cupboard. Talkin' Blue (Amablue cheese) #2 Day 23 This seedling sprouted in a cup of coco & 14 days later i transplanted it to some FF soil, it found its feet after a couple days and has now been moved to a 2L pot filled with the FF premium classic. Super happy that its recovered nicely Talkin' Blues (Amablue cheese) #1 Day 10 Not much to talk about yet, its been putting roots down and showing good growth. Waiting patiently until its big enough for me to transplant into a new home
    1 point
  4. @420SA@420SAof placing my stuff by thw wrong post or to cause duplication
    1 point
  5. What are your cab Temps and how far is your light from your canopy. Looks like light burn to me. Alternatively I have seen root damage cause sporadic damage like that.
    1 point
  6. This plant makes the OCD happy
    1 point
  7. Damn that neck in neck till the finish hey..... Congrats boys and shoutout to the sponsors.......
    1 point
  8. My D.P. bag seed. Flux style @lightaddict 420magazine And my 1st attempt at cloning in soil, snapped branch. 1.5ltr bottle/ humidity dome.
    1 point
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