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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/25/2018 in Posts

  1. There is just something about organics that make buds so tasty. There is no better organic growing than in a "Living Soil" teaming with beneficial Bacteria, Mycorrhizal Fungi, and everything else your Cannabis needs to grow the dankest of bud. And best of all, you don't need any other nutrients at all for the entire life cycle of the plant. When I decided to go a full on organic route, I spent hours and hours searching the net for formulations, that are firstly effective, and secondly, has ingredients that are easily obtainable in South Africa from a sustainable source, and affordable. I have had to make many substitutions, since guano’s are not so readily available, and they are super expensive when you do manage to get hold of it. So I thought I would share my soil mix that I grow all my babies in. Super Soil Ingredients 60l Potting Soil (I use DoubleGrow) 40l Mushroom Compost ( Also DoubleGrow) 25l Worm Castings (Hortishop) 500g Bone Meal 500g Talborne (I do not use the Fruit and flower, but the VitaVeg 6-3-4) 1kg SeaMunGus (Chicken Manure and Kelp pellets and plants love it!) 1kg Lucerne Pellets (Rabbit food) 500g Agricultural Lime 500g Volcanic Rock Dust (Turbogrow) 1 sachet of rock phosphate 500g Mycoroot 1 Compost activator sachet (Effecto Brand) 500g Brown Sugar (You can add Molasses, but I find that it takes the micro-organisms longer to eat up the sugar) Once all these are thoroughly mixed, this soil needs to mature and stabilize over a period of 2-3 months minimum; however the soil becomes sweeter the longer you leave it. I store my soil in large black bins, and chuck the whole lot out and mix through once a month for the first 2 months. This soil needs to be kept only just moist, but not wet. Pro Mix Ingredients 60l Coco Peat 30l Worm castings 30l Mushroom compost 20l Perlite 40L Super Soil (This first needs to stabilize before using) 500g Bone Meal 500g Talborne VitaVeg 6-3-4 500g volcanic Rock Dust 500g Mycoroot 500g Agricultural Lime Regardless of the size of the container I grow in, I fill the bottom half with Super Soil, and the remainder with Pro Mix. From seed to harvest I have never had deficient plants, and I only use de-chlorinated tap water (Just let it stand for 24 hours or more to let all the Chlorine evaporate. Unless your tap water pH is really off, you don’t even need to pH correct your water. The lime in the mix is a brilliant buffer to acidity. It does cost a bit to mix this soil up, but the results speak for themselves!
    1 point
  2. Howzit guys, These are my first grows ever, black domina xxl auto. Day7, coco mix, grow, ill be posting frequent updates here and probably going to be asking a load of questions! My mother (haha) is busy growing GSC x2 and Ed Rosenthal x1, ill maybe post a few pics of these as well. Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
    1 point
  3. Looking at the available space I'm going to guess about 1m across 1.5 to 2m deep. The issue here will be access to your plants and as you mentioned ventilation. Fresh air is essential. Cobs require a bit of headroom so that may be of concern. Possibly look at a quantum board type led solution if you are stuck on led as your lighting choice. Personally. I would use the area as it. White walls will be plenty reflective. I'm assuming there is a door to that area by the latch middle left.
    1 point
  4. Now that sounds like a good idea, everyone playing off the same base and it will be truly 420SA local content [emoji16] Sent from my ALE-L02 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  5. I would donate a span of beans for next years outdoor. Gives me a chance to see my beans in others care.
    1 point
  6. The slower u can dry your bud the better. 14 days at 13 degrees C 64% RH in complete darkness , bag at 11% moisture content in the bud
    1 point
  7. So here's my entry. Unknown Auto strain I received as a seedling 27th October. Coming along nicely
    1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. Auto LSD! I can honestly say I have had the worst luck with Autos in the past but that gives me motivation to learn and come back better every time. This time I can say I’m starting to hopefully dial in the Autos, slowly but surely Think it started running low on nitrogen late into flower, hence the yellowing leaves Hope you all like and advice is welcome
    1 point
  10. First proper small SCROG attempt, Master Kush and Cali orange advice is welcome, thanks
    1 point
  11. SSH started indoor and trained, then moved to greenhouse and further trained its been fun one so far
    1 point
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