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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/26/2018 in Posts

  1. Entering 3rd week of flower.
    4 points
  2. Larry The garden of weeden security, always on top form witth his IPM
    3 points
  3. Yeah clicks sells them for R179. They had a special on fans recently for an additional 30% off.
    2 points
  4. I would donate a span of beans for next years outdoor. Gives me a chance to see my beans in others care.
    2 points
  5. Nice, I just use a frozen bottel of water - 2l in my 100x100, I maintain 25-27 temp with only a 150w HPS.
    1 point
  6. Very nice post! You're spot on about raw salts!!
    1 point
  7. Awesome man, YOu werent on 420 magazines aswell?
    1 point
  8. Hi NPKGuy You seem to really know your stuff.I for one would love a diy nutrient thread. Thanks
    1 point
  9. Hi Guys, l have been watching the posts here and was quite apprehensive to buy again from GSR. But the deals on Friday was really good. So went ahead and bought. I looks like they did change there courier service from DSV to Fastway. I recieved my seeds this morning. No issues with the delivery. Sent from my VTR-L09 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  10. Chocolope rocks big time. Thanks @Totemic
    1 point
  11. Hey guys I just wanted to give you a heads up about false advertising when it comes to nutriplex They marketed it as a flora replacement, advertising the same n.pk ratios on bottles. Micro 5.0.1 Grow 2.1.6 and Bloom 0.5.4 This is where the fun starts as not what Nutriplex has been registered with Gov we can see the actual elemental npk percentages on the bottle. As a result the current pics on their website show the origional packaging but the new bottles in store do not show the old 2.1.6, 0.5.4, 5.0.1 ect only the elemental percentages. Here is an example with the help of hydro buddy. and Yara Conversion tool https://www.yara.co.uk/crop-nutrition/tools-and-services/conversion-calculator/ General Hydro Mico = N5% K1%(k2o) Ca5% This gives us N 60.5 K 10.41 Ca 60.5 ppm at 1ml/L Nutriplex Micro original = 5.0.1 = N5% K1.2%(k2o) Ca 3.8%. Sounds great for tap water but then now with the new gov regulated packaging = N39.2 K 28.5 Ca 36.1 ppm at 1ml/L Now that is a lot more K than advertised in the micro. Elemental K of 2.85% adjusted back to k2o is 3.42 so an accurate representation with the old packaging would be 4-0-3.4 3.6Ca. Notice the whole less 1% of the nitrogen.... to keep the Ca down. Gen Hydro Bloom 0.5.4 p2o5 + k2o = P 24 K36.5 Mg 16.5 S 11 ppm at 1ml/L Nutriplex Bloom 0.5.4 3Mg + 5S with the old packaging now if redone wold read 0-4.28-4.87. Notice the lower P and marginally lower K = actual ppm at 1ml/L = P 18.7 K 40.6 Mg 29.6 S 46 Gen Hydro Grow 2.1.6 = N 23.4 P 5.15 K 58.27 Mg 5.85 Nutriplex Grow 2.1.6 0.6Mg old packaging. Actual ppm at 1ml/l = N 25.84 P 4.32 K 46.23 Mg5.82. The grow is a decent replacement with a bit less K. Old packaging redone = 2.5-1-5.5 Ok now that the explanation of the basic core differences have been shown the next question is how does this actually effect me. Well lets look at Nutriplex 1.1.1 Veg ratio and at 2.2.2 Veg ratio - rounded the decimals 1.1.1 Npk = N 78 P 26 K 133 Mg 39 Ca 44 S 51 2.2.2 = N 155 P51 K 266 Mg 79 Ca 87 S 101 Gen Hydro with the same ml/L 1.1.1 Npk = N 84 P39 K95 Mg 22 Ca 61 S 11 2.2.2 = N 168 P78 K190 Mg 44 Ca 122 S 22 Now they look quite different! The massive amount more K in the Nutriplex is the most obvious as well as the low levels of Ca but that was advertised. I will post the rest of the Nutriplex feed chart NPK and ppms tomorrow and give you some comparisons to the GHSC Hybrid and EHG series both regular and coco version. Then I will show you how to manipulate your existing Nutriplex schedule with some some Calcium Nitrate and MPK to give you better ratios more suited to veg and coco and who knows perhaps you will be buying the raw salts and mixing your own formulas your self in no time. Show you guys how to mix a diy version of Hybrid + booster and the same for EHG. If you doubt my numbers feel free to download Hydrobuddy and use the Yara conversion tool I posted the link to at the top. https://www.gardengoods.co.za/Inorganic-Fertilizer-Kunsmis/Hydroponics These guys sell raw salts and decant to 5-10 kg apparently. Perhaps I should just start a Diy Nutrients Thread.
    1 point
  12. Let's run one thread and update weekly? Sent from my VTR-L09 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  13. So I'm trying my hand at cloning for now I'm just using a ghetto setup with some 1.5l soda bottles. Took 2 clones from the cheese 3 days ago and they still alive. I made 4 holes on top of each dome today and I used honey as I didn't have rooting hormone.
    1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. If i dont enter il never know if my plant is any good. I decided on planting Lambs Bread strain. Will be my first official grow. And i believe that my strain will become Greatness. As did Bob Marley. May his spirit bless me. Keeping it Green
    1 point
  16. SSH started indoor and trained, then moved to greenhouse and further trained its been fun one so far
    1 point
  17. Theres still a lot of misinformation floating around, and while you’re on the right track Justin, lets get the terminology right, so everyone can get on the same page regarding LEDs. First off, the best LED grow lights will alway use diodes. The reason is simple- diodes have become powerfull enough that they work well, and prices will only come down. COBS work very well, but since they are a point source, they cannot give you optimum coverage. Many diodes spaced intelligently, kept at the correct distance will beat COBS all day long. They run cooler, and are more efficient overall. PAR is Photosynthetically Active Radiation. It is not a measurement of intensity. PAR only defines the spectrum. PPF- Photosynthetic Photon Flux is a measurement and tells us how many PAR photons a light emits per second. PPFD-Photosynthetic Photon Flux Density is a measurement of how many PAR photons are landing on a given area per second. Think of it like a birdshot shotgun shell. The balls are the shells PAR. The shell has only so many little lead balls in it (PPF). If you shoot those balls at an object close to the muzzle, they all hit close to each other, in a concentrated pattern (High PPFD). Fire at an object further away, and the balls will disperse and land over a larger area (Low PPFD).
    1 point
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