RS are notorious for over charging, just get your components that you can from digikey. , ,
I prefer to run sterile if growing in hydro/autopots. Hth works wonders at keeping your roots nice and white and pathogen free. 2-4 ppm chlorine works like a charm and does not harm roots at all.
Good luck on that fault finding.... been there.
Cobs running at 50w adequately spaced will still require less head room than large sodium's. I have a mate uk side who uses those vero29 chips to great success in 1.2m tents. Once we have access here in Sa to more of the global market offerings without needing to spend 30-40% markup over int prices, ill prob do the switch as Ill need less airflow and therefore less fan power which would make my tent quieter. I don't mind spending the extra on eskom due to the fact we still pay very a very low price internationally for our electricity and I do about 2 grows a year which keeps me plenty stocked up.
My Chemdawg x Candyland cutting also went into flower and started to reveg. She is bushy like a 60's chick but I'm sure she'll provide many buds and many cuttings