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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/18/2018 in all areas

  1. 8 weeks and i built up a greenhouse. Sent from my CLT-L09 using Tapatalk
    2 points
  2. Charlotte 2 is stretching and Charlotte 1 is starting to flower. Sent from my VTR-L09 using Tapatalk
    2 points
  3. I’m doing my first run with all LED, seed to harvest. Day 26 of 12/12.
    2 points
  4. @SkunkPharm So i took off some of the lower growth and topped the 2 on the right. Lefty was topped two weeks ago and will hand water slowly 3 times a day until i get time to set up a drip system. Hope it works.
    1 point
  5. Looks awesome, I'll never switch from LED.
    1 point
  6. Thanks bru, cost about R500 for the materials and about 3 hours to make. Sent from my CLT-L09 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  7. I smaak your greenhouse bru!
    1 point
  8. Just a quick note on the Lactobacillus Serum. This morning the milk is thick and I can see spots where the milk is getting all ready for the next process. It smells like whey in the start process and not a sour smell as much. So I'm pretty sure I can get my stuff ready for a big batch. Have an awesome Tuesday
    1 point
  9. The purpose of the samsung strips is their efficacy, you can build any wattage light fixture you want. My friend has one running at 1000 watts (true rated watts), he runs it off a few meanwell dimmable drivers. Yes the drivers in that guys pic above does look small, because people usually run them lower than the max voltage and still get the results they want. Lower wattage = lower heat. My boards run off of two of these : If you think its still a concept go look at the american forums and the led sections and see what is being produced. Here is an example of one: In any event there is no real answer to your price question, it all depends on your wattage and configuration you want to go with, which strips, frame, drivers, etc.
    1 point
  10. with all due respect, that light is great for lettuce, what you are looking at there is severely old technology with only a single lense on the diode with no secondary. this means your spread is going to terrible. the chips used look to be 3w, probably epileds as i see no mention of better quality being used.(and china would say if they used cree) brand aside rest assured the quality is lower bin, meaning less stringent quality control in general. the addition of uv and ir seems redundant, its not that they aren't useful, i just wouldn't add them to a panel at the expense of photosynthetic light. a full spectrum white would serve a much more worthy purpose instead for example. NO mention of used spectrum is suspect, not all reds are created equal, with 660nm being substantially more expensive than 630 if memory serves. IF you need to do led, look at cobs, that said a cree "100w" 3590 chip alone will set you back 500 plus,with no sync or driver so i do understand the attraction. I speak from experience, experience im now having to fix retrospectively. removing IR and cheap reds and replace with full spectrum on my panel,sourcing better angel lenses etc
    1 point
  11. I agree that COBs Fluence light is the way to go. I don't agree with that other dude about diodes being better. I call chicken poop, diodes won't beat cobs. However quantum boards will beat the cobs. So if you buy quantum boards or cobs you'll be better off. If you going with diode LED and you aren't planning on spending 15k it won't be worth it. Just ask Justin how my 700w Mars ii series performed. Like a wanker... Toss that wankstain in the closet and upgrading to Gavita DE HPS 6/750 Sent from my G3312 using Tapatalk Hey Pat !! I eventually found you bro. I been wandering what u up to? Been looking on other 420 forum for you. Just got a Gavita pro e series 1000w DE. I hear you using Gavita too now. Awesomeness!! Im about to build a 2m x 2m x3m h grow room. And yes. LED not for me. Bought plenty. Got a 600w that gave airy heads. Now use for veg only. See you around. What LED did you use, saying "LED not for me", without actually stating the brand does not really mean much. There are many top performing LED lights on the market. You just need to head over to the international forums to see the grows they're doing with them. If you're talking about those garbage lights from MARS and a few other brands then sure. Burples are crap, state 1000 watts lucky if they push out 200. I am running two of my five quantum boards at the moment, each pushing out a true 300 watts per board (multimeter confirmed), they can be pushed to around 350-400 watts but they get pretty toasty then. Five of these in my tent with a combined output of 1520 watts, however I will dimm them down to 1000 watts to keep them cooler. 900 watts in the image attached, I'm waiting for my quantum sensor to arrive to get the actual readings.
    1 point
  12. Yeah I have a temp probe in my canopy - running my lights at around 70% (3x Vero29 3500K COBs being driven at 2.1a). My canopy temp is around 2 degrees hotter than the probe at the pot level.
    1 point
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