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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/27/2018 in all areas

  1. It's quite easy. Just the hygiene part that needs to be sorted
    1 point
  2. Week 4. I think. Sent from my VTR-L09 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  3. Took 8 cuttings then went to vortex for 6 days when I came back they were yellow af but today after 15 days 6 rooted so I now have backups of all my flowering plants incase I find something good. You can then also see 2 big budha cheese clones that I'm going to run in the next round. Then some budshots of each plant day 24 I also took some time to setup a drip system to make watering easier and if I have to go away again. Need some tweaking but working well can feed my plants 25l in 2min.
    1 point
  4. And here is my attempt at making some Lactobacillus Serum. I am only making a small amount to see if it works. If this is a success then I will make it in bigger batches and use it on my small garden to get it thriving. The instructions calls for using a one way valve but I've see people using milk jugs with loosened lids and they pull it off successfully. So I'm using a 1L glass jar with a lid that I use for growing those yummy mushrooms. It should work well. The hole is covered with micropore tape and the other is covered with silicone for the self healing injection port ( mushroom purpose) If all is good then by next week Sunday it should be ready....
    1 point
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