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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/04/2019 in Posts

  1. Day 83 - Harvested the main cola of both today, leaving the rest of the plant to mature further. The container is 28 x 18cm.
    2 points
  2. Compliments of the season. Getting ready for flowering. Well almost. The other two LSTs are doing great.
    2 points
  3. Noticed some slight deficiencies so started feeding biobizz fish mix with some calmag, will need to move them to the bigger tent sooner than expected:
    2 points
  4. 1 point
  5. Seagrow can be bought from any hardware / garden store. 50w should do the trick, maybe post a picture, I'm interested to see what it looks like. I don't generally like growing with anything less than 200w but if you're only running it for submimental lighting, still giving it direct su light in the daytime, that should be fine. Looking at the stretch, it need a lot of light. Sent from my EVA-L09 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  6. Hey man happy 2019... I would not bother with her start over. She is already flowering and judging by the stretch she needs way more light, as in 16hrs min direct light... keep on growing
    1 point
  7. How old is she? How often do you water? How big is the pot? Are you using nutrients? Sent from my EVA-L09 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  8. Whats good everyone! Its a new year so time for an update! After vegging for 6 weeks i flipped to flower. Plants are currently 27 days in flower. The Amablue cheese is STILL stretching, it has easily tripled in height since the flip whereas the Bushfire OG has barely stretched halve its height. I stopped tucking shoots under the scrog on day 17 of flower, expecting only a few more days of stretch left. Really frustrating not having an even canopy after all the training and topping ive done! But oh well definitely NOT running two different strains at the same time again. Heres a pic of the canopy on the last day of me tucking under the scrog. Amablue cheese on the left and Bushfire OG on the right 10 days later, amablue cheese on the left, Bushfire OG on the right, disappointing how little the Bushire stretched and abit overwhelmed by how much the amablue cheese is stretching, lets hope it comes to an end soon! Bushfire OG getting really frosty early on! Smells of Granadilla on this girl is amazing!! Feeding Schedule: Biobizz grow: 0,5ml/l Biobizz bloom: 2.5ml/l
    1 point
  9. looks a bit early for me, probably a couple more weeks, the pistils havent retracted yet and there are still plenty white pistils. i'd recommend getting a loupe or scope to check out the trichome color, also the leaves still looks very lush and green
    1 point
  10. Hey everyone. Just a little update. She has become a block. Started cleaning up the bottom and will continue as we get closer to flower. Pulled this girl down with another LST. She will develop this already 2m canopy and hopefully really fill up and gain a ruler or more before flower. Before: After: Catch you all in the New Year.
    1 point
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