Next step is to have an idea what's going on with the Temps and humidity... Decided ti place the LCD inside the tent for the interim, so I'm not connecting the back light. Once my new arduino boards arrive, I'll work on automated watering. Sent from my EVA-L09 using Tapatalk
Auto Amnesia (1) harvested yesterday with about 2% amber, one day short of 12 weeks. She got pollinated, havent inspected all the buds, but so far removed 1 seed and there are few pods with underdeveloped seeds. I removed the branches, did a rough trim, a 3 bucket wash, hung to drip dry in the garage for 24h and placed them in a drying box today. Wet weight = 142g.
They are only just past the half way mark. Still plenty of stacking and then still bud swell. The haze pheno finishes quicker than the kush pheno. But its still a solid 5-6 weeks left.
My daily is a bong. Will spark up a joint if company is around and that's the preference for them but yeah nothing hits the spot like a nice ice cooled bong rip.
This is her when she was new. Not as clean now lol I change water daily but deep clean on the weekend usually.