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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/11/2019 in all areas

  1. Transplant shock is over. And going strong. Sent from my VTR-L09 using Tapatalk
    3 points
  2. One culture is the guys in Oudtshoorn. Sent from my VTR-L09 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  3. Hi guys Hope everyone is all good im a newbie grower who needs some help with a plant. I also love sunsets and long walks on the beach Should I start another title for help as this is an intro?
    1 point
  4. Will definitely be looking into it this year
    1 point
  5. I also suggest you look at growopz.com which is a local guy in cape town as well as atreumlighting.com I bought myself strips from Atreum and I'm very happy. Atreum has some boards available on amazon too. All these boards are made in the same place in China.
    1 point
  6. Day 28 Grow is going well, I am making mistakes but learning from them and then just learning in general. I finally got some foldback clips so could start more LST. I have had some issues with my feeding / watering, I did not realize how low the PH was and that caused some of my plants to be a bit unhappy. EM Pro Soil lowers PH very quickly! This has been corrected and I will be PH correcting all feedings going forward, will be aiming for a PH of 6.0 I also noticed some pre-flowering sex pistils showing on my bagseed plant. It confused me at first. haha I trans-potted GSC #2 as she has been unhappy as she drinks too quickly and was seems to have outgrown the pot she was in, I made some instant-transplant pots and so far it seems to have worked very nicely. I guess only time will tell for sure. The 20L fabric pot is quite large, I have some of the Grow Guru ones but am expecting delivery of some Plant Matter fabric pots tomorrow and then want to try get some Bidim and make some square fabric pots to help save space. as the square pots are shaped better and with limited space make quite a difference, annoying nobody stocks square fabric pots locally. I am expecting the 480W LED driver to be ready for collection tomorrow, may only be able to collect on Thursday though - currently I am limited to 180W of power and with the more powerful LED driver I will be able to do the full 480W which the QB's are capable of. My tent is setup and ready, I will move the smaller LED driver and 2x QB288's into the tent for now and then later on may swap it around and use the tent for flowering and the room for veg / clones. I had to pop my 3rd Dauqiari Lime auto seed as the one did not germinate, the auto's are doing well although I may remove them from this thread and start a new thread relating to them as I have different plants for them...
    1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. What's your budget ? That's the main factor
    1 point
  9. She is quite sensitive at the moment... I don't see any harm reporting her now... But you can do that later aswell... The longer the lights are on, the faster she will reveg Note- try removing all left over flowers as they contain flower hormones that slow down the reveg process
    1 point
  10. I just want to correct myself on something here. If male flowers were induced on the female plant using certain chemicals (not stress) the offspring will need certain condition to go hermie, ie the chemicals. Using stress (like interrupting the light cycles) to induce male flowers really passes on a high ratio of hermies the kids, I can vouch from experience on this. Big seedcompanies use certain chemical methods to create only female seeds. So theoretically they should not hermie so easily. From my experience DP Blueberry and GirlScoutCookies throw herms if you just look at them wrong, its all up too debate inmo.
    1 point
  11. Thanks for the tip. I'm getting some other soil this at a nursery in Ottery which is already mixed with "everything Cannibus needs" so will transplant this weekend
    1 point
  12. Get rid of those bark chips, they're going to cause you a lot of pain. I really don't want to be the one to tell you this, but planting into that compost is going be extremely hot for the seedling, you may find that it could potentially die.
    1 point
  13. With great sadness, this grow diary is now closed... Both seeds died shortly after becoming apparent.. The cause was unusual seed husk strength that prevented growth, on both seeds though? I dono... I did move some coco fibers around to see what was happening after 5 days, but sheesh that was such light work moving some fibres aside.. Didn't even dig... So I'm sure I never damaged them They were free seeds, so I can imagine they weren't the cream of the crop. Check it out, husks were super stuck to the cotyledons
    0 points
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