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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/29/2019 in Posts

  1. Right...Thanks for that @PsyCLown. I will be getting me some pots today, then. With regards to re-potting, I had thought of the careful use of a box-cutter/Stanley knife. The cotyledons have done their job and there is now revealed the very first signs of serrated leaves.
    3 points
  2. Afternoon greenfingers, The 5 remaining Vanilla Kush babies are doing well. No 6 was unfortunately beheaded by some vegetarian critter. They enjoying their AACT and rainwater and have started showing sex, the boys seem to show before the girls. 2x males 3x unknown as yet. Have a good one. Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk
    2 points
  3. Howzit guys Some bad news regarding one the prizes for this comp. A little administrative balls up from my side again. I must apologise! Sacred Seeds had only offered up their 2nd prize for last month's comp and not this month's. No mistake on his end, was a misread of mine. He unfortunately only noticed this yesterday and promptly notified me. That means the Freedom Farms prize will shift up to 2nd and this month's 3rd place winner will be sent a Black 420SA T-Shirt.
    2 points
  4. Thanks @PsyCLown That was very interesting and I learned a lot. Well done !
    2 points
  5. Week 7 update : Finally feeling like I’m getting close to the end with these girls! CP#3 has really started showing off compared to the other two girls. I’m seeing a fair amount of cloudy trichomes on her and the under side of her leaves have started to fade out. She’s the frostiest of them all so far ! CP#2 on the other hand is struggling due to Wpm. It’s clear that the plant took a bit of a toll bc of this. CP#1 is the bud beast, her buds have not stopped swelling and are looking very inviting All plants are fading leaves from the bottom, wondering how does one "flush" and achieve fade when not using bottled nutrients? All plants getting weekly doses of humic acids & LAB aswell as topdressings of bokashi and malted barley. Chempie #1 Chempie #2 Chempie #3 #3 closeup
    2 points
  6. I'll still make a few posts during this time, experiences etc. Off the bat I can say insomnia. This has been a problem in the past, but I normally sort it out with a bowl or three of OG. Day 1 wasn't too bad, I was quite mind blown when I discovered that the amount of bad drivers on the road have increased threefold since yesterday :( Sent from my CLT-L29 using Tapatalk
    2 points
  7. I have heard roots do not like light, so having a clear pot may not be ideal. Another issue I see is that when you need to repot the plant, it may be difficult to remove the soil from there due to the shape.
    2 points
  8. Yo Guys. does anyone know where i can buy mesh to DIY a Dry sift screen? looking to build my own. holla back
    1 point
  9. Been keeping an eye this thread It's nice to see other people have the same ideas. Cardboard is only processed wood fibre or lignin/cellulose and can be composted or recycled easily. (Just keep the cellulose fibres away from ethylene glycol and brake fluid you may end up with nitro cellulose and glisyrine which is the unstable compound in dynamite) All our kitchen scraps/trimmings and garden refuse go to the compost pile and our garden produce attests to the benefits. We recycle/repurpose as much as possible, but peoples mindset is way behind unfortunately and it needs to change. So much more is possible, I believe we can achieve almost zero waste with a bit of effort. Was involved in a local recycling project focused on domestic municipal waste streams, had a 95% recycling rate(the numbers would shock you) It can be done and we did it. The more you take out of your personal waste stream the less ends up in landfill. That is the long and short of it.... they bury the shit like a time bomb, in a hole in the ground, then cap it with clay and rezone it for residential development on ''reclaimed land''.[emoji23] We need more creative ideas in these lines to reduce our ''footprint''. I'm on board with@Dank, if you can compost it and make awesome food for your plants- why not. We should all try and do it. Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk
    1 point
  10. If you find the various sized mesh screens at a reasonable price, please let me know! I'd love to make my own too, they're really expensive to purchase.
    1 point
  11. Good afternoon growbies, The Giant Cookie Birds are growing well and are still the most vigorous growers of my bunch. Suspect the tallest one to be a boy although none of the 5 are clearly showing gender yet. Been keeping them hydrated with AACT and rainwater. No nutes yet. Keep it growing. Cheers Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk
    1 point
  12. Hmm, some hectic mold there. I guess it breaks it all down? Would not have thought of using cardboard... How long does the whole process take?
    1 point
  13. Wow, withdrawals from stopping with the weed. I clearly don't smoke enough to get such withdrawals... at least none which I have noticed. @Ill_Evan How is the Arizer ArGo? Any idea how it compares to the Arizer 2 Solo or perhaps a PAX 3?
    1 point
  14. I have one of these in my garden at the moment too... A Chocolope saimese twin mutation that looks exactly like your whorled phyllotaxy. I just hope mine is one sex because it has 2 taproots
    1 point
  15. Will transplant them to permanent homes this weekend
    1 point
  16. Building soil from scratch for a personal grow is not too difficult, it requires time and patience. Been taking so pics of a soilbin I started from scratch a while ago. The basics for my method is very similiar to a worm bin, except i dont add much fruit and foodscraps, mostly weed stalks and leaves with cardboard, with the odd worm finding its way in. Throwing some leftover smoothies in once in a while seems to supercharge things.
    1 point
  17. I've managed to wean myself down over the last month or so to maybe like 1 or 2 grams a day. All it really took was a change in consumption method. I used to be heavy into joints and bongs but around the same time I stopped smoking ciggies I also moved over to vaping my cannabis. Started with Da Buddha Vape, now using the Arizer ArGo. Nifty little gadget, with good homegrown bud you can get away with a few bowls a day, and when I mean bowl, that thing can get you high off 0.5g Just from doing that I think I've gotten my tolerance down enough to enjoy the few grams a day. Really also helps to stretch the homegrown supply. If I hadn't done this I'd probably be struggling tits up this week I'm not sure if I was experiencing withdrawals as heavy as you describe, although during that time I was getting mega headaches but it was also change of season and my sinuses were absolutely wrecked.. could maybe have been a combination of things if I consider the cannabis withdrawal but I can't be certain
    1 point
  18. finally feel like i have some plants worthy to enter Ethos - Zsweet inzanity - Day 44
    1 point
  19. I have in the past taken a single puff or a small bowl once every 2 or 3 days just to keep the headaches at bay. The REAL symptoms are max 2 days away. I expect I'll start munching painkillers by Wednesday. Sent from my CLT-L29 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  20. Damn, i need to do this. The closest i get to a tolerance break is going out for some beers after work and being too fucked to smoke by the time im home Good luck! I am a few weeks away from harvest and always think about taking a week/few days off before enjoying the new bud
    1 point
  21. 1 point
  22. Woah, that is a long video. Will have to watch it when I have some time. I am not sure what Regenerative Farming Practices are exactly... Although I a going to guess it is a more natural way of doing things? Letting the microbes and soil and plants live in harmony together and provide for one another?
    1 point
  23. Transferred the one sprout to a re-purposed spring water bottle yesterday.
    1 point
  24. Some pics of the GSC before harvest. Sent from my Redmi Note 7 Pro using Tapatalk
    1 point
  25. So some dry weights in some plants harvested. The 90g dry from the Bruce Banner was really quite a surprise considering the size of the plant. The cbd critical mass needs to be weighed again as when removing the bud the scale reflected a -6g so it wasn't zero'd properly I suspect. On Friday I also decided to cut down the GSC, so she is busy drying. I suspect she will be of a low yield as she wasn't a very big plant. I'm now just waiting for the Chocolope to finish up and then I'll have harvested all 6 plants from my tent and can get true, final figures in terms of yield. Sent from my Redmi Note 7 Pro using Tapatalk
    1 point
  26. No issues so far, ladies are looking good.
    1 point
  27. Some pitter-patter rain in the area has raised the general humidity quite nicely, sitting above 40% when it's usually at this time below 20%. Ladies look super good. Decided to top the little sister and begin LST on the big sister. An interesting difference between the two plants apart from their size are their own root developments. The little sister sprouted multiple root sites under the net pot where the bigger sister grew a stem from the one small root to the surface of the water and is the site for it's main root development.
    1 point
  28. Pretty much... If it's a small pot, a put a bit extra good soil in the hole too... Packed with goodness for a baby Marijuana plant... Then that red sand takes over... I have needed to start feeding the big plants so that yellowing leaves doesn't happen. But yea... They just get dumped into the ground and love it
    1 point
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