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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/14/2019 in Posts

  1. She deserves and expensive Christmas present from you... Btw have you checked on the plants to make sure they haven't started flowering as I mentioned earlier. You know with the load shedding, timers could have went out of whack. 1 timer has failed on me during these power cuts
    2 points
  2. She did very well although she only refilled the reservoirs, she was too nervous to manipulate the plant so everything you see was pretty much hands off for a week and a half
    2 points
  3. So I've been out of the country for a week and a half and left the grow to a trusty novice to just help keep the reservoirs filled for me. This is what I came back to: Got quite the monster bush on my hands. Not too sure how much I'd like to defoliate or if even at all. I feel I've gotten a bit heavy handed with it in the past so I feel apprehensive about it. Plants looking super healthy though.
    2 points
  4. 1 point
  5. My above calculations were based on a 50% discharge to help prolong battery life. I wouldn't want to drain a battery further than that. Generally the inverter will manage it though, the smart ones shouldn't drain past 50% I believe. Draining a battery past a certain point speeds up the deterioration of the battery and will therefore shorter the lifespan - as well as leaving it discharged. I know with the lithium batteries, leaving it fully charged also puts extra strain on it and will reduce the batteries lifespan... This is why electronic devices such as phones are never sold with fully charged batteries. Sent from my Redmi Note 7 Pro using Tapatalk
    1 point
  6. Weird thing happened, even with all the loadshedding my analog timer was still set to the current time my helper didn't correct it, so I'm assuming there must have been exactly 24hrs of loadshedding in the time I was gone. But either way, if they have started flowering already it's no problem. The timer is officially flipped to flowering and I'll be doing some defoliation when it is lights on again.
    1 point
  7. I think your trusty novice has earned a status upgrade. He's done very well weaving and filling up the canopy. I can't see the tops very clearly, it looks like it has the bud crowning pattern that usually shows as it's about to flip into flower and start pushing pistils.
    1 point
  8. Looks brilliant! If you haven't flipped then now is the time. I agree with CreX regarding the defol at week 3. Although if do a defol now too before flower and then once again in 3 weeks. Well , more of a schwartzing actually. Sent from my Redmi Note 7 Pro using Tapatalk
    1 point
  9. Woah!!! You should submit a Pic of them just as you put the net there, to now... What a sight brother!!! I would defol all leaves that cover leaves and future budsites... Flip... And then do a heavy defol at 3 weeks In. Looking fire bro!!
    1 point
  10. Woah!!! Sick!!! Im gonna see if I can complete one soon... I should have enough data from previous grows I like this
    1 point
  11. I've finally decided to open up the Grow Reports area. It's not 100% complete but its ready to start taking reports. A little explanation of what grow reports are: Grow Reports are not the same as grow diaries. It's a record submitted of a grow you have completed with a specific cultivar. Basically a summary of the grow and how that specific strain responded in your growing conditions. As you'll see when you add a new grow report, there's a bunch of criteria for you to submit. It's all self explanatory and it'll all make sense once you see it. You guys will essentially be beta testers so please let me know if you encounter any errors. Also please lemme know if you think there is more we can add to the grow reports. Always open to suggestions Here's the link to the grow reports page https://www.420sa.co.za/grow-reports/ You can also find the link in the main menu under the browse tab. You can also find an option to create a grow report under the "Create" or "+" button NOTE: GROW REPORTS AREN'T AND WON'T BE AVAILABLE ON TAPATALK
    1 point
  12. Battery operated aquarium air pump and candles is what I use to use in dwc. You gonna chance not running air in your buckets, that's like playing Russian roulette with root rot. My cousin is big into Kratky... baby marrows, tomatoes and some general vegetables. He's forever telling me to try it. I don't think it's advisable for cannabis though unless you enjoy a challenge. I've seen he's roots, they nothing compared to cannabis roots. Have a look for yourself and tell me if you will grow cannabis in water without air. Btw he also has black buckets and the insides look the same.
    1 point
  13. I dono about the nothing happened part... I had an outdoor hydro... It was the most amazing growing iv ever seen... But it's pumps were connected to my Bloom room... And I turned off my Bloom room because there were no plants in it at the time... I only realized after a week... But the plants were fucked... Growth halted to a standstill... No further bud development happened... Leaves started dying at a rapid rate... Eventually I just pulled them and dumped them... It was truly one of the saddest things iv ever had to go through... Once or twice for a few hours during a grow won't be the end of the plants... But this loadshedding is not just once or twice... If you do not have a UPS on your oxygenation devices in DWC current, and are getting loadshed, then yeilds are being affected.
    1 point
  14. Yeah, I assume the digital timers have a small battery inside which keeps it on and saves the settings if you unplug it / if its loses power for a bit. Regarding solar and batteries, the batteries are generally the bigger issue I think as they are not cheap and they have a limited lifespan. I always hear people talking about solar and companies too, the ones who sell you the equipment and try ensure you make a saving etc although I never hear them talk about the batteries and their lifespan and the fact that one has to replace them. On average batteries have a lifespan of 3 - 7 years, depending on the use and the type of battery. Let's work on 5 years as an average. A single 100AH 12v battery would allow you to draw upto 600W from it roughly before it wold need to be charged again. So if you are running 200W of lighting (actual draw from the wall) you would get at most 3 hours of use out of a single 600W battery. So to cover 18 hours without any charge / power would require 6x 100AH batteries. 200W for 18 hours is 3.6 KWH per day and 1 314KWH per year which equates to R2 102 per year at a rate of R1.60 per KWH. You'd be hard pressed to find a 100AH 12v battery for under R2500, around this price point they tend to be the flooded batteries which lean more towards the 3 year lifespan. So 6 batteries at R2500 = R15k 200W per day for a year = R2 102, for 5 years its R10k That excludes the solar panels and other equipment, although this does assume you want a system which can power your lights for a full 18 hours without any charge and mains power. I am no solar expert though. You could probably get away with fewer batteries too - although not sure how much charge one would get if you have over a week of rain and clouds like we did in Gauteng recently. Also the above is just a mere 200W being drawn. With the inefficiencies of the LED driver and the inverter you are probably looking at an actual output of 170W.
    1 point
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