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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/16/2019 in Posts

  1. 1 point
  2. My above calculations were based on a 50% discharge to help prolong battery life. I wouldn't want to drain a battery further than that. Generally the inverter will manage it though, the smart ones shouldn't drain past 50% I believe. Draining a battery past a certain point speeds up the deterioration of the battery and will therefore shorter the lifespan - as well as leaving it discharged. I know with the lithium batteries, leaving it fully charged also puts extra strain on it and will reduce the batteries lifespan... This is why electronic devices such as phones are never sold with fully charged batteries. Sent from my Redmi Note 7 Pro using Tapatalk
    1 point
  3. I'm late to the conversation here. But you also need to check the type of battery (probably lead-acid deep-cycle), how many cycles you will get and how to avoid running it flat (deep discharge). Some people don't let their batteries go below 40% to prolong their lifespan (no idea if that is a valid plan) and that would mean even more capacity required if you do the same. I've seen a few people talking about setting up systems for their houses and it does seems like you need to be careful you are not misled as @PsyCLown was saying.
    1 point
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