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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/11/2020 in Posts

  1. And this is them up to date, they have stretched a lot and 3/4 are showing signs of flowering. The last one doesnt seem to be doing much and i have no idea why
    2 points
  2. Started them in these little cups, started with 5 and 4 turned out to be female which is pretty dope
    2 points
  3. Transplanted this week into 50 and 70 liter pots. Feeding seed sprout tea's and essential microbes. Top dressed with malted barley. Sapphire OG has been topped twice now. 1st pic. Then the ACDC female. Then the family photo and then the Green Crack topped once so far. Waiting for some more growth before I top again. Would like to get some more clones from her.
    2 points
  4. https://theconversation.com/the-phoenix-factor-what-home-gardeners-can-learn-from-natures-rebirth-after-fire-122620 Sent from my CLT-L29 using Tapatalk
    2 points
  5. Thanks guys, i actually wanted to ask what you suggest i should do. Only saw your replies just now. Will clean her up a bit. Asap. She's been topped twice and stands at 1.8m now.
    2 points
  6. In 2020 I would like to undertake (or at least begin) a writing project about weed, and maybe even about my relationship to weed (one nurtured over more than 2 decades). I have no idea what will come out of it yet, but I thought a good place to start would be with a Glog - a way of learning about the fine art of growing weed and also to collect details, thoughts and bits of research for ‘my writing project’. Skipping introductions (and going strait to what counts), here is a peak at my girls in flower... Strains growing: HSO Chemdawg (organic) HSO OG Kush (organic) Barney’s Blue Cheese (Autopot scrog) More to follow…
    1 point
  7. I have been "window shopping" on this site for a few months now, just trying to get enough info to get my first grow going. I've had a deep passion for plants my whole life, and an even deeper passion for cannabis the last 13 years. I would consider myself kind of an hyper enthusiast, yep that hits the nail on the head. I want to thank 420sa for providing such a great forum for us locals to gather and share our stories and info on!!! I've always had a plant growing, but only harvested about 5 of them. I've had ghetto setups, all that, never anything amazing. Did a 10 plant outdoor grow last year, with a few OK plants only harvested 4 of them, but that's not where my attention is at. Got myself a 1mx1mx1.8m tent, 360Watt (probably 240True Watt) LED light, a fan, inline fan, carbon filter - all that... got a few clones from a buddy and here we go!!!! Actually, the ladies are all at week 14. Flowering for 5 weeks already. So far everything seems to be 100% as I followed all you guys' instructions to the T! I just thought it's a good idea to jump in and become part of such a great community!!! I have tons of questions, but always end up researching for hours trying to find very simple detail, just "window shopping" here has already made it so much easier finding the right information for a grower from the Overberg area. Anyway, blessed all you beautiful people! Hope you all had a wonderful week and are lucky enough to wind down at the end of all the crazyness blowing your favourite smoke!!
    1 point
  8. Hey everyone, GreenBeans here, still new to growing although this is not my first grow. All of my previous grows were autos, some from bulk seed bank and a couple from Dutch Passion. I decided to try out growing photos. But to keep it cheap coz its just an experiment, i used some bag seed from my brothers skunk. So in all honesty i have no idea what these plants are, and just trying to get them to harvest. I started them indoors under some cfls and moved them outside about two weeks before christmas
    1 point
  9. Well done man. They are looking good
    1 point
  10. Some updated pics.. Going strong..
    1 point
  11. Eishhh this tea brewing is a hazardous thing....haha. Had a hell of a time getting my setup 100% First the airpump gave up the ghost and the fountain pump decided to electrocute me. New airpump, new waterpump and the next brew is looking lekker.[emoji16] Used koipond water with Seagrow, molasses and alfalfa as the fungi love it. Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk
    1 point
  12. I guess that's fine. You have already grown a ton of it so a brew process isn't needed... But in saying that, you don't need to be shy. Not sure how much you made... But 50ml a pop should be good maybe an hour or 2 before you use the tea should be great
    1 point
  13. This was their size when they got up potted and moved outdoors
    1 point
  14. She stood still for a little while and then I just covered her more against the hue from the kitchen window and then she just went on flowering. Got a few pics that I reckon shows her size. She is much bigger than what I anticipated and the yield should be decent. I still need to get in there for round 2 of defoliation, but the trichomes is so much that even the fan leafs has crystals on them. So I'm still considering the defoliation cause I want to make HASH!!!!!!!!!!!
    1 point
  15. using pictures of your kids should be considered cheating (unless they are over 30).
    1 point
  16. I tried to get back to work this week, so had less time with the ladies. When I first started growing it was all so exciting and almost everyday of my grow I would find something that needed doing. And it didn't matter what else I had to do - the grow came first. There is nothing so fun as learning to grow weed, and with each experience trying to do a little better (a story I would like to tell). These days, I am a little different though. I am happy to just watch them grow, as long as there is dank at the end (growing spoils you)...And there is something beautiful about an untameable carpet of weed. Speaking if which, here are the latest pics of blue cheese. this is day 18 (I think) since I flipped. Shit is getting interesting. First, both are girls and no sign of hemies (something I was worried about). They are clearly of the same phenotype, but one of the two plants is already more impressive (which is to be expected). but here is still a long way to go. I ran the nute solution a bit hot: 1300 ppm (although I need to calibrate the meter again). PPM in the autopot is 1330 so ill start topping off with water tomorrow. Although I haven't run into major problems I still haven't gotten the management of EC/PPM in an autopot down. I've built all my own hydro systems so I was bit of snob about autopots - but they are really easy, labour lite, and just work. Next time I use them, however, I want to drop an air curtain at the base to see if it does anything. The Chewdawg are putting on a bit of bulk now. The OG Kush less so. Will post pictures of them soon. On another note. Any suggestions for a a good pre-flowering pesticide for my outdoor game?
    1 point
  17. That is only if policy is so that it allows people in such areas to create start-up ventures and small businesses without too heavy handed red tape, registration and expensive licensing. Otherwise it will only be big corp benefiting once again over the local populace. Although nice to see our financial minister recognising the economic opportunity of the plant for the country (we can save the conversation of misappropriation of said potential funds for another day...)
    1 point
  18. Welcome to the forum, sounds like you're well on your way to an awesome garden... Sent from my CLT-L29 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  19. Gotta love those Sativas, the creativity has no end... :) Sent from my CLT-L29 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  20. @Naughty.Psychonaut Welcome bru. I'm pretty new here too and also at one point in my life really burnt the midnight oil researching everything I could about this plant. And now I've found this bunch, a whole lot of people that share my passion for this plant. And the best part is this is fully local. Your garden is looking awesome bru. Keep up the good work. Maybe treat the lower buds to some selective defoliation on top to get lower buds to mature. Not sure how far along you are, looks like around day 35. Stay blessed and have a good weekend. My wind down... How more local does it get...
    1 point
  21. Alright!! 2020 here I come!!! In this picture, you will see everything that my life revolves around Making her daddy proud
    1 point
  22. Decided to tidy up my shit a bit after checking out some of the other Glogs on the forum. I could certainly have been more ruthless in cleaning undergrowth, but I got the canopy on the scrog as even as its going to get - although there are just too many bud sites. I suspect the worst of the post-flip-strech is over, although there might still be need to do a small bit of tucking as the plant goes into week 3 of flower. Lets see. Started from here... Now we're here... And just because she is pretty, below is some chemdawg budporn
    1 point
  23. So I persisted and the transplant was done. Freedom farms, some Bokashi and a small amount of potting soil. I think his girls will now be happy.. No good..
    1 point
  24. I believe I see one of your problems... I got some cuttings in culterra soil and even with my regular feeding they were looking SUPER pale. Transplanted them into some Organics Matter soil and within 2 / 3 days they were already far darker! I purchased a bag of the cultera soil and gave it away, did not like it at all. As long as it is not an autoflower, there is still hope. I would recommend using a different soil, perhaps this little guy is more sensitive than the others.
    1 point
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