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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/13/2020 in Posts

  1. I see just to many posting single Bio Bizz components they use.. is a fertilizer system and should be used like that. So here is my guide to Bio Bizz to use in soil (recommended soil: Freedom Farms Green Bag, Premium Classic). For Autoflower, follow the light-mix / coco mix table as good as you can, with 2 changes to be more on the save side, if you start with the fertilizer. You need 4 products for soil: Fish-Mix, Grow, Bloom and Top-Max First change to the table: Start giving Fish-Mix when you got your first 5 finger leaf growing, not before! Second change: Only start with Top-Max, when your flowers are finger thick. And no guessing how much you put into your water, be as accurate as you can be! 1ml is 1ml.. not 1.5 or 0.7.. is 1! Lets make a theory run: You start the germination process with sterile water and let them pop and grow to about 2cm root. Plant in your grow medium. As soon as the plants show their 5 finger leaf (end week 2, if slow week three), you add 2ml Fish-Mix to each liter of water you feed. (I syringe feed till they have occupied the 11 liter pot, is my max pot size for Autos) If you run feminized seeds, the time table is not for you. But till now, you did the same.. go on feeding 2ml till they reach about 100cm, go up to 3ml per liter Fish-Mix. When your plants show the first signs, that they go into flowering, swap from Fish-Mix to Grow and bloom. Autos follow the table, feminized go 2ml/2ml of each. When the flowers are easy to see by eye, I have the next shift and go 3/3 of Grow and Bloom. As soon as the flowers reach finger thickness, time to add Top-Max to the party (1ml). This is not nutrition, is a enzyme forcing flower production.. and rather expensive ^^ So easy with it. You stay on 3/3 grow and bloom per liter from now on till end, you just add 2 more stages of Top-Max depending how your flowers grow. So the final weeks you run 3 Grow, 3 Bloom, 3 Top-Max per liter of water. Every 2 weeks, put a flush day. Water the pots with pure water till you have a very good run off! Is to eliminate concentrated fertilizer pockets in the soil. If you use saucers, never ever let the plants stand in water for longer as 5 hours. Empty by hand if needed. 2 weeks before harvest you drop the Grow and Bloom.. if you feel freaky and your wallet is filled, stay on adding 2ml Top-Max only for the next 4-5 days, then pure water till the end. (I recommend a 2 day total darkness stress and no water before you cut and hang to dry.. if you haven't tried, try, curing time drops quite a bit with that method, smoke is way smoother from the start) Autoflower, you can follow that table really 1:1.. but plants not following their grow schedule you will kill. So always use your brain.. giving a not yet flowering plant bloom.. will hurt her over time. She just doesn't need the P yet in those amounts. The sole difference between Fish-Mix and Grow is that Grow is 75% Fish-Mix and 25% molasses. So when you swap from Fish to Grow, you reduce N and add sugar.. just that you understand. The additional sugar is also a way to push the plants into flowering.. what means.. do not use Grow on early Autos!!!!!! You can use Grow from time to time on your feminized in Veg state.. but I personal stick to Fish-Mix only during the growing phase. And a last little add on.. for Autoflowers I recommend to use Root Juice from Bio Bizz.. you can already dump the seeds in a glass with Root Juice mix (4ml) and also wet the paper towels with it. It improves the grow of your roots a lot.. and bigger roots mean faster grow.. Autoflower depend on being fast in the first 3 weeks or your plant will stay rather small. Is additional cost.. and not needed for Fems.. they have enough time ^^ Hope that helped.. any questions.. just ask.. and I wouldn't use Bio Bizz for Hydro... Fish-Mix has about the same smell as fresh diarrhea after a day when you let the water stand.. soil you smell nothing at all from the plants.. never used it on Coco.. so can't say. Hope that helped a little NPK ratios: Fish-Mix: 5-1-4 Grow: 4-3-6 Bloom: 2-7-4 Always give it a good shake before you use it!!!!!!!
    2 points
  2. I have purchased an 8 inline fan and also have have a small intake fan , plus my area is under shade. So tons of cool air and running my lights at night. Struggled with heat, in October, November and December. But stopped then ,pull the setup down. Didn't have the cash to get the fans. Some of the girls at day 25, from first white hairs.
    2 points
  3. Doesn't quite seem right. I also wonder how accurate these portable devices which check potency are - I believe majority are not very accurate.
    2 points
  4. Good day, so I lost my all my other seedlings,to heat,month or 2 ago. But trying again, not giving up. So this run we doing GG#4 (4) X GSC (Cannabist) ,GSC (4) (cannabist ) and Washing Machine (ripper seeds) (1) . Plus have Cape cheese mother from GSR,which I will be cloning. And white Skunk #1 mother from GSR . I will be doing a sea of green method this time. Once I find the right mothers from the seeds above, will be using those for all my grows. Using 2 x 400w HPS Will be grown in super soil, I mixed myself. Plus I have gone in KNF and incoperated imo3 into my soil mix. Nutrients, I will be using my own, homemade. As per Korean natural farming. For the would run. Temperatures have been consistently at 22 to 28, for the last few week. Busy flowering out,cheese, skunk and kush. Will do a weekly post.
    1 point
  5. Aweh and greetings Buzz here. Professional stoner and cannabis enthusiast. Haven't been on a forum in ages and looking forward to getting back in the swing. Some of you may have met me already at various expos, events and on The Hotbox Show. Also the owner of The High Co and ex Fields of Green for All director. www.thehighco.co.za Looking forward to making some new 420 friends and talking lank dank on this forum.
    1 point
  6. One thing I learnt the hard way... Make sure you have good air movement inside the box, not just air going in and out. Ended up with mold inside all my biggest colas.
    1 point
  7. Wish some told me this... buy a fan, investment in your grow. Invest, if this Is serious to you, invest.
    1 point
  8. Also collected indigenous microorganism, (imo) Which is basically, you take everything (bacteria, fungi, nematodes) which you collect from miselium rich spot. Under a tree, under growth. Away from sun, you use par cooked rice as a food source for the miselium to collect on and inhabit. Once that is done, you mix in equal parts brown sugar and ferment for 10 days ( I did). That's your imo2. You have basically collected the environment around you. You have it in a bottle. Then you want to move to imo3, which is basically when you introduce a carbohydrate source , to feed your "environment " . I got bran from a horse feed place. Which you "cook" for 7 days, will reach temperatures of 40 to 50 degrees. Has to be turned everyday. So the recipe is basically, fpj, and 1 :500 of imo2 to water that been out in the sun. You want to mix your imo2 into the water, you really just need a tiny bit to inoculate a 30kg. Dont make 30kg, can make 1 kg, tiny bit goes a long way. That's what I need for what I am doing. After 7 days, that's your imo3, now you want to move one to imo4, that's where you introduce your soil, better from your garden because that soil is best for the environment you growing in. That's you marrying you micro climate, your food web. Your #imo1, is what's in your environment, it wouldn't work if you moved somewhere else or shared it with a friend, that lives miles away. It works best for where you are. If you move to a different environment, you would have to collect imo again . I like to stop at imo3 because, I keep imo3 in the cupboard and you can add it to your teas, for boosting your soil medium. If you dont till, this would work perfectly, because that's how you would refresh.
    1 point
  9. Also struggling with heat, getting around 32 degrees constant in my grow box, nothing more I can do now but hope for the best for my 2 ladies and if they die on me, I will get some of those high heat resistant strains for my next run.
    1 point
  10. Hi Update on the babies. Day 14 from seed. Currently feeding, fermented plant juice ( made from, weeds that grow, in and around your yard and show vigorous growth) through fermentation your able to capture those elements, and make available for your plants. And water Soluble calcium (wsc) which I made from egg shells. Ratio is 1 :1000 . But at this moment , I have it 1:2000. Will share as much as I understand, some of it,still experimenting with it but go on YouTube and search Chris Trump. That's where I got introduced to knf. Some of the girls are still under CFL, just dont feel they ready. I will be vegging outdoor, while my indoor plants finish flowering .
    1 point
  11. Think the best to do here is to kind of ,incorporate as best as I can into,the whole grow.
    1 point
  12. Sad reality is seeds are not legal to sell or buy as the drugs and trafficking act includes seeds, eventhough they dont contain THC, the killer, addictive cannabinoid. It specifies dagga seeds as illegal to trade. I say some laws need to be broken, and support local seedabanks. Just got some amazing first gen seeds today from a neighbour. Did you know even bartering seeds is technically illegal, even if they are tomato seeds.
    1 point
  13. We meet online again, on a forum! Welcome Buzz, trust you are getting some rest and fixing yourself. Hope you sorted out your extraction fan, it smells, Goooood.
    1 point
  14. Aweh Buzz!!! How is the Achilles? Sent from my VTR-L09 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  15. @Stinger96 interesting thanks. Fortunately I was able to harvest before there was any damage. I did a quick wash of the buds and will now burn the remaining mites If it happens again I'll consider that though, thanks
    1 point
  16. I feel some legal terms are being used incorrectly here. I don't believe any decriminalization has happened with regards to the use of cannabis; a legal precedent was set in Sept 2018 in accordance with already entrenched legal provisions, the most prominent being the Constitution of our country, which provides many rights one of which being our right to privacy. An argument was made that the use of cannabis as well as the cultivation for personal use of cannabis falls under this right to privacy and the court judges that the people should not be persecuted for doing so. The legality of the sale of cannabis seeds is the same now as it was before Sept 2018. It is illegal to sell any part of a cannabis plant. Does that mean it is illegal to sell seeds? It isn't defined. This is what we call a 'grey' market. As yet, to my knowledge, the authorities are not targeting the seed banks. If they felt that they wanted to target seedbanks and the import of cannabis seeds, I feel imo the circumstance can be argued in court with enough current legislation that a precedent would be set and vualá, we have a legal definition to follow. Unfortunately democracy means laws take forever to be written, so enjoy the limbo while it lasts
    1 point
  17. @Dank was meant to include the vid It's in my post now
    1 point
  18. Welcome... eagerly awaiting your input on this forum.
    1 point
  19. Welcome.@THCSA Are you growing as well? Enjoy the forum. Cheers Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk
    1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. So whats your plan to control temperatures?
    1 point
  22. Sweet... Lots of cool shit happening here... I'll stick around for this one. Tell us more about your homemade stuff
    1 point
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