I've been away from the forum for a bit, so first post in a while . Hi everyone :)
I just purchased a 240W Quantum Board from @Light It Up and I'm very exited to start using it. (Unfortunately I'm moving soon so I probably will have to wait two weeks before I actually can )
The experience with @Light It Up was excellent. They answered questions before I had purchases and were quick and friendly. The delivery was amazingly fast and everything was packed really nicely. Very impressive.
Once I've moved and setup a grow area I'll start a grow diary. I can't wait to see how much difference using proper lights makes.
I'm not sure how I'll know what to set the dimmer too. I'll take a look around and see if there is any info so long.
Here are some pics
Heat sink:
Driver, dimmer and power meter display
Mounting wire & Rope Ratchets
Power meter with different dimmer settings (kak photos, sorry)