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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/20/2021 in Posts

  1. I've noticed a lot of guys topping out their QBs height in the tent with the light still at the half way mark. My solution is to hang my QB differently, and gain 50cm in height. Hope this helps
    5 points
  2. Nothing to report other than the plants are happy. Left is x Ghost Train Haze and the right is the x Slurricane. Front 2 are from indoors. Then a couple more from indoors out of shot. Sent from my DRA-LX5 using Tapatalk
    3 points
  3. Hey Honey man! Well, you're in luck as there are many knowledgable members on this very forum! Start a grow diary or a thread asking for advice and I am sure many members will help guide you through the process
    3 points
  4. At the moment it's 100w per 240w QB, so a total of 300w in the veg tent. I can likely bump it up a bit, but growth is good. Sent from my Redmi Note 7 Pro using Tapatalk
    3 points
  5. I'd personally prefer to wire it up in the below picture with the Meanwell drivers and waco connectors. However if the LED strips allow you to "daisy chain" them, then I'd say do that if you want it to be neat. EDIT: In the first picture you're going to have to fit 2x wires inside the connector which will be a bit challenging if you are using 1mm or 1.5mm cable. EDIT 2: This is the daisy chain type of wiring I am talking about. I am not a fan of it, but if the strips allow it, then it will be the neater way to wire them. I have wired up multiple Quantum Boards like this before when I needed to get them installed and working quickly and by using as little cable as possible.
    2 points
  6. I just pull out the power plug and lift em out. I couldnt figure out a faster and more simple way... went with it. If i would run the drivers outside, i would select the floor... like my battery charger is flat on the tiles, coldest spot in the room. If you run your driver at the hottest area, you will always run warmer and with more resistance. Take the drivers down to the ground, coolest spot keeps them coolest possible, what means most effìcient at least that would be my logic. At one spot, people do it as they prefer and like. As long as the result is to your liking... many ways lead to Rome And i would say to @OrganicGrower_ZA, go with Totemics version... very sexy i fiddle with 7 different lamps for 3 different tent sizes, mobility helps me most.
    2 points
  7. So why not get those waco quick disconnect connectors - the ones @Totemic has with his QB. That way you can quickly, easily and safely disconnect your lights from your power supply and move them around or swap them out. They are not that expensive either. The above is a 5 way connector, but just to give you an idea of what I am talking about. Although if it works for you, that is all that matters, these quick disconnects might make it easier though. @ORGANinc. Not sure about the pot being set to around 2 o' clock, the best would be to get a power meter or kill a watt type of device, alternatively you could use a multimeter or 2 to confirm the watts and power going to your Quantum Boards. I personally have 1x power meter per LED driver, so I can accurately monitor the power coming out from each power supply. My power supplies are on top of my tent, on top of a cardboard box (for weight distribution and heat). The power meter connects to the LED driver, then you take the output from the power meter to the quantum boards, no external power is required. The power meter is right there by the LED driver so quick and easy to see the watts as I adjust my LED drivers. I see you have CPU heatsinks with fans, those works soo well in terms of cooling down Quantum Boards. Very nice DIY setup you have there.
    2 points
  8. Hahaha, why not just put the power supply outside the tent? Looks like a bit of a mission to tie everything and get it hung like that, but it works! I feel the way @Totemic has done it is one of the better ways and very similar to the way I hang mine. It also allows you to "tilt" the light if you want it at a slight angle for whatever reason - maybe you want to run some side lighting or want less reflection off the wall of the tent.
    2 points
  9. Hey! So firstly remove the power supply from on top of the heatsink - it is not a good idea. The heatsink is hot and the power supply is hot, the power supply will be restricting airflow around the heatsink and this will lead to your diodes degrading quicker than they should - try keep the quantum board heatsink as cool as possible. If you can have a fan blow over it a bit, that would be great. I prefer having the LED driver outside of the tent, otherwise if you want it inside then I use cable ties to attach it to one of the corner poles so it is out of the way. I am going to assume you do not have anything which will actually tell you the watts which you are dimming your Quantum Board to? So it will be a bit of guess work as to where 50% actually is, or any other percentage. If it were me, I'd have sold the Mars light and purchased a 240W Quantum Board which would have been a perfect fit for your tent! Anyways, what you have is still good and will work well. I would start the grow with the Quantum Board only and have it dimmed down to around 40W (use a multimeter to work it out, otherwise consider purchasing a power meter or kill a watt, the power meters are cheaper but the kill a watt can be used for various devices), I would then have the Quantum Board around 50cm above the seedlings and as they grow move the light up and start to increase the power going to the quantum board. When you flip to flower then you can consider turning the Mars light on - you could actually turn the Mars light on after the stretch I reckon.
    2 points
  10. Didn't know about these competitions. I will try take some nice pics in future
    2 points
  11. I am happy with the growth on most of the plants. They seem to be recovering well and new growth is explosive! This weekend I want to try and move some over to flower, not all are quite ready for flower so not all of them will go into flower. A quick picture I snapped last night, starting to look more like plants I typically have in my tent
    2 points
  12. First 2 pics @Bay Seeds Glamberry. 2nd pic on invert setting. Bad critters and good critters and another reservation sunrise. Sent from my DRA-LX5 using Tapatalk
    2 points
  13. Great to know the author of a newly published book has finally completed her works. Sista Vee Nohombile as a herbalist has worked with the medical aspects of cannabis sativa for several decades. The book is for sale in good stores or can be directly ordered from her FB page, THC Plant. "Cannabis is the Human Companion Plant was born out of the urgent need to publish an introductory guide-line as to how the recently discovered human Endocannabinoid System (EC system, ECS) works, and the truth about the importance of the Cannabis plant to our health. As the writer it is important for me to present this vital information in such a way that even ordinary, non-medical people will be able to read with relative ease, even if they have never heard about Cannabis before. There is no doubt that people need scientific proof, and everyone should absolutely always insist on scientific evidence. The challenge has always been to search for literature and scientific proof about the healing properties of the Cannabis plant, and then to correlate authentic scientific evidence with ancient knowledge carried down by generations of herbalists and traditional healers."
    1 point
  14. Hello there grow bro’s and ladies (could’ve used the word rhyming with bros but a bit rude) I sat here typing out a massive questionnaire on how I would go about wiring a setup etc etc. Basically I’m in need of a better wiring setup than the one that is currently being recommended. Long story short, I’ve decided to build my own 480 watt led light with bridgelux EB gen 2 strips. The driver that is recommended in the build is one of those that splits its power into 2. So.....basically the build is of 12 strips. I’m wondering if anyone knows of any better wiring options than this. It seems as if there would be way too many wires involved. I’ve decided to take the 12 strips and mount them in pairs of 2 next to one another giving me 6 bars in total. (This is a build I found on LED gardener). So if I have 6 sets of strips am I able to join the pairs together via a series network or does each one have to be done individually as shown in the picture I will attach? So I am not the best artist or electrician, as you can see. I’ve made a drawing of what I have in mind. Since the strips will be in sets of 2, am I able to join those sets together instead of having its own line from the driver but rather from the buddy just next to him on the same bar? Literally a small wire connecting each pair ( in my exceptional sketch it’s the little red and black wires connecting the pairs of strips). Hope I’ve made some sense. Any other recommendations will be appreciated. I’m basically looking for the most economic wiring (not financially but space wise) Dankie
    1 point
  15. @Chris Jay great post man. Will definitely want to read a local, traditional interpretation and presentation of the historical and cultural significance of the plant!!!
    1 point
  16. Ahh gosh, that is quite peculiar. Is it one of those Quantum Boards like what Spiderfarmer and Geeklight have? Just a silver aluminium plate without any fins? Yes, that should work well too - then the airflow from the Mars light can help cool the power supply.
    1 point
  17. Time for an update. Lesson #1 for 2021 is stick to one strain in the cabinet. I did a Damnit Dave and planted what I came to realize are very different growing strain's. Everything has been moved to the shade house and I'll be running individual strain's one at a time. Everything almost set, just waiting on soil then I'll start off with a@Totemic grow. Pic #1 the African Buddha from @Daggafontein Genetics. Pic #2 Choc Gelato x Slurricane on the right and Choc Gelato x Ghost Train Haze from@Totemic on the left. Front one's came from indoors. Pic #3 Master Lester from @Bay Seeds. Pic #4 Glamberry x Lemon Jedi OG from @Bay Seeds. Two on the right started outdoors. Sent from my DRA-LX5 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  18. Hey all, The ladies are in flower. I flipped them 2 weeks ago. The tart pops showed pre flower signs within the first few days. The slurricane was a bit slower though. And there is some discoloring with the older leaves. From the leaf diagnosis charts available online, I reckon perhaps a nitrogen or zinc or Sulphur deficiency. Not entirely sure. I noticed the leaves late last week. This was before I top dressed with enormous bud soil. Their last feed was 2 days ago. 2ml bloom per litre RO water. pH 6.4. Four days before that, I watered them with RO water at pH 6.3. I'm thinking perhaps a flush and just light bloom nutes and a drop of molasses with their next feed.
    1 point
  19. That does not look like PM to me, it looks like damage from pests. Looks as if the damage from the top of the leaf correlates with the damage on the bottom of the leaf? If you have done a spay for pests, I'd say monitor for now and see if it continues. However outdoors, not sure how you are going to stop all pests from getting to your plants. The outdoor guys might have better ideas and advice.
    1 point
  20. Certainly seems like a mutation, the more direct sun the better! I'd say monitor it for now and see how it goes, no reason not to grow it out and harvest IMO. Some mutations can actually be beneficial. Larger bud, bigger yields etc.
    1 point
  21. They're on a windowsill which gets a full days indirect light with about 4 hours direct sunlight. If the wind is ok then they get even more sun outside. More weirdness, looks like a tiny new growth is emerging from the cotyledons...
    1 point
  22. @PsyCLown Thanks i'll do so and drop the power a little
    1 point
  23. @AquaS I would turn the extraction fan on and have fan for air circulation on as well - but not blowing directly on the seedlings. 100W is fine, you could get away with less power, around 50c to 60c above should be good. Seedlings really do not need much light.
    1 point
  24. You are correct, it would make the most sense to have it on the floor which is cooler, especially if there are tiles. Unfortunately floor space is an issue for me, so on top of the tent they go. I do have measures in place to assist with air circulation in the room and to control the temperature, so the temperature in the room is pretty consistent throughout the entire room and at all heights. As you said, many roads lead to Rome. If it works for you, then great!
    1 point
  25. Couple of days more and reaching over the pot Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  26. Cash crusaders 3L aircon R700 and theyve got a 7L for R1000 Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk
    1 point
  27. What wattage you running your QBs at?
    1 point
  28. very good!! plants are looking really happy yo!
    1 point
  29. 1 point
  30. I would say yes, a 1x1 isn't small. You should exchange the air about 6 times a minute.. and with proper ventilation, your chance to run into PM is way lower. Just check your dark times when the air cools down and releases the stored moisture. When the lamps are on, you fight usually more with temperature. You might want fans you can change the speed and just let em run on half. Uses about same energy with two, but you have a decent flow in and out. My IN side, i use both air streams to vent the plants, one high, directable, one low entry. Both have HEPA filters on the intake. 2 OUT. One with carbon filter goes outside the flat, the other goes to the climat room to get cooked again.
    1 point
  31. One week update. Still going strong Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  32. And bang, the final product, was hoping for better pictures and colors, but this was the result. Delicious. Also made a logo today for my bottles of liquor.
    1 point
  33. A remarkable recovery. Holly comes from a Transkei origin seed. At a month old she was fimmed by a red locust so I surrounded all of my seedlings in tulle and dowel tents until they were big enough to withstand pests. Today, Holly is chest high and showing sex. I have pruned and trained and she is nice and bushy. I am hoping for some good bud from her.
    1 point
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