You don't taste it though, or at least not the taste one would expect unless u like the taste of wax cause thats how i describe the smell, the taste is worse - put it this way, sorry if i come across like a doos cause its not my intention but i cant think of a way to say this less bluntly - but my argument is going to be if we want our joint to be citrusy and taste like lemon we don't squeeze lemon juice on the kak let it dry and say ahhh lekka I got a lemon haze, the same with pineapple, same with cheese and especially the same with diesel!! You dont add these things to the weed because you woukd like to taste them?!?!?!
Next time I go to a coffee shop I'll ask for a dash of parmesan on my blue cheese joint - will be sure to smell and taste like toejam.....mission accomplished!
If you want a different taste profile, do what all of us do and just select a specific strain with those qualities, much simpler much healthier!
Remember reading a post on a forum about coca cola being useful as a source or phosphoric acid for plants and one person replied that motor oil contains boron, calcium and many other compounds that a plant uses.....doesn't mean we feed the plant oil ---- kinda similar argument here