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  3. GreenGrow Garden Route

    GreenGrow Garden Route

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/22/2021 in Posts

  1. Pyrol should do the trick, then do a bud wash after harvest. I would suggest more than one spray, but space the sprays out. How far into flower are you? I used hydrogen peroxide towards the end of flower once with good success on spider mites. So that is an option too.
    1 point
  2. I have gotten to this stage now. A grow can easily take over ones commitments and become the commitment. The amount of time a grow can take away from you adds up very quickly. However, would I change that currently? Hell no! Still an amazing feeling once harvest comes (after trim jail though) and you get to reap the benefits of all the love, time and effort you have put into the grow and fire up some of your own home grown dank!
    1 point
  3. you can also bud wash, peroxid and lemon juice, to get them off the final product. If it is really bad.. i take my failure and put them on the compost heap. In risk areas prevention is key.
    1 point
  4. brother check this out I don't have any experience with it so can't say what kinda effect it will have during flower, but maybe some of the forum members will be able to shed some more light on the product. what I do have experience with is struggling to find anything that is at all OK to spray during flower. even plain water on your flowers can cause things to go south if you don't know what you're doing. hands down, best of the best results, would be a preventative mesure. I know it's too late now, but for future just keep this in mind. You buy a bottle of BioNeem, once a week you make 1 to 2L of it and spray all your plants. (IN VEG ONLY!!!) and I mean ALL your plants. the way this porduct works is gold, it strengthens the immune system of your plants giving it the strength to fight against diseases by itself aswell as making the plant unfavourable for insects. this porduct will not harm beneficial bugs, because beneficial bugs don't eat your plants. the Neem also provides a number of trace elements and even some secondry nutrients with each application acting as a growth stimulant aswell. I haven't seen pests ot any kinda mold in my garden for ages don't know why people would go any other route.
    1 point
  5. I find growing to be more of a commitment than an addiction. I grow enough to last me until next season with a bit extra to share with friends so 4 months get dedicated to doing this and it is rewarding on so many levels.
    1 point
  6. 77 days of flowering. Someone please tell me i can harvest soon.
    1 point
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