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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/23/2021 in all areas

  1. Be careful with Pyrol though. Too much and your plant will go from looking great to looking shite in a matter of days. What I would suggest is: Use half the minimum dosage they suggest Spray as soon as you hit lights off Perhaps unnecessary but something I do myself is just before lights off I spray with Pyrol and then just before lights on I'll spray with water to remove the excess oils from the pyrol. Pyrol can leave oil spots on your leaves which in turn generate heat spots. These heats spots then burn/scorch your leaves. I repeat this process until I'm happy that all the mites are gone.
    3 points
  2. So for the first question, I wouldn't cross pollinate if you do get a fem and male, well, maybe I would to see what the hell happens but I think along the lines of maybe inbred genetics... So I wouldn't make it my goal to hope to have a male and female. And as for hampering each others progress, you might find one to be dominant and over grow the other, or with a bit of training you could be able to grow both as is without trouble. See what happens man!
    2 points
  3. I planted one seed, two seedlings appeared. Weird.
    2 points
  4. Pyrol should do the trick, then do a bud wash after harvest. I would suggest more than one spray, but space the sprays out. How far into flower are you? I used hydrogen peroxide towards the end of flower once with good success on spider mites. So that is an option too.
    2 points
  5. It is an commitment. But you can easily automate things if your growing in living soil. Basically just watering. Blumat or simple pump and timer. I regaulary go away from home and dont have any issues.
    1 point
  6. What is the likely hood of both making it to the stage where they are viable for cross pollination? I'm sure they will hamper each others progress?
    1 point
  7. This is where reputation comes in and the relationship between the seedbank and their clients. Be honest, transparent and inform the client and all should be good. Seedbanks selling seeds and not giving the required freebies, poor customer service and changes without explanations make people suspect - especially when it comes to pricier seeds or limited runs etc.
    1 point
  8. Dylan got a repot today, with the rock intact Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  9. One in, one out... simple rule for ventilation. Keeps the pressure the same inside the tent. Tent gets the climate from the room it stands. You have that in the right RH range, only to little ventilation can give your plants a issue. Beware the dark times... run a log for RH, so you know you stay below 68% all the times. I would go 2 x 150mm inliners... one in, one out. And count 4 oscillating fans to vent plants and lights. If you use your intake clever, 3 will do. Hang em, no loss in ground space Light wise you should be fine. I work with 410 to 480 watt per 1.2x1.2 section. No complains harvest wise
    1 point
  10. if you're composting an infested plant best to make sure the bugs are all dead before composting. a bit like growing fruits, if you see insects in the fruits no point in composting it, because you basically farming those insects and helping them to thrive.
    1 point
  11. you can also bud wash, peroxid and lemon juice, to get them off the final product. If it is really bad.. i take my failure and put them on the compost heap. In risk areas prevention is key.
    1 point
  12. You got a Proverbial Forest going there....
    1 point
  13. I'm kind of struggling indoors, the Frisian duck and one strawberry cough really didn't like being transplanted into bigger pots with new soil. The 3 gray pots are all strawberry coughs I'm trying to reveg. 2 have started new growth. I flushed the Frisian duck adjusted the nutes and ph so let's hope she makes it. The others are omg and braincake. Just keeping them in veg for as long as possible. Outside everything is ok and going to plan.
    1 point
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