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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/27/2021 in all areas

  1. And that's a rap guys. 97g after a wet trim. Dried 7 odd days using the brown paper bag, non waxed, method. Been in the curing jar 6 days now. Just under 30g dry. This one I let grow naturally and am I glad I took a cutting to make a mother plant. I think I'm ready to venture into the land of LST on the next one. Having a few people over tomorrow for a tasting and review. Thanks @Bay Seeds for the opportunity to grow this beaut. Sent from my LM-X210(G) using Tapatalk
    2 points
  2. Howzit Totemic. As requested i germinated 1 of your tester seeds and it turned out male but what a beautiful, vigorous plant from the get go! Attached is the male that had to be culled due other flowering females in my garden. I am busy germinating your other Choc Gelato's which will be documented as soon as sex shows and also purchased the 2020 Summer release pack( What a bargain!). So far very impressed with your genetics brother
    2 points
  3. It's the local guys like @Bay Seeds and @Totemic that are allowing us to give way more than we used to. Only a pleasure!
    2 points
  4. Hahaha thanks bru glad it was a good scroll
    2 points
  5. A little bit of@Totemic Choc Gelato x Slurricane frostiness. Sent from my LM-X210(G) using Tapatalk
    1 point
  6. Last one from my side before the month end Bubblegum pro auto Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  7. This is so fun to watch. Thank you very much. Looks nice. Will send you all the new crosses
    1 point
  8. I've dipped my fingers into the cookie jar and mmm. Sent from my LM-X210(G) using Tapatalk
    1 point
  9. How on earth did I miss this! Enjoyed scrolling through your grow log so far. Beautiful genetics you got there!
    1 point
  10. Hi @420SA Yes this was the first soil I mixed, its about 8 months old. Its remnants of my soil from July 2020. The soil has been reamended over time by feel which is completely the wrong way to go about it, Soil testing is a must in future. I couldn't agree with you more, I thought I'd be getting some of the same effect from the grit but not nearly as available as dolomite/limestone in the medium. Yes I cook the soil for about 1 1/2 months.
    1 point
  11. Dankie my maat! Doesn't seem like many people have the time to understand plant nutrition, but why would you want to if there are so many easier ways around it. Ill be the first to admit there are way too many flaws in this soil, the potential for living soil is so huge! So ill be ever so slightly reamending these pots and growing chillies and tomato's and some other veggies outside. Mixed up a sphagnum peat moss based living soil that I'm dead eager to plant into soon.
    1 point
  12. Mr Cannabist. Thank you for the coolest seed shopping experience I have ever had. I have never received the amount of freebies from any other seedbank and I have used quite a couple of them. Keep up the great work and you will definitely have my support. I only ordered 2 Motherland genetics packs and got a shit load extra seeds and promo items.. What more can a client ask for?? Thanx @Cannabist
    1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. On week 12 today, had much fun with this grow. A few branches are laying on their side but managed to support the majority. Either ill be harvesting over the weekend or next weekend, thinking best to leave them be another week. The soil I'm using is made up of the following - Coco peat / Perlite / Vermiculite / Vermi-compost / Activated Charcoal / Alfalfa meal / Kelp meal / Soft Rock phosphate / Rock dust / Humigro / Bone meal / Seabird guano / Bat guano / Bird grit / Aloe meal / Diatomaceous earth / Mycorrhizal mix / Insect frass / Neem powder - Topped dressed a few other amendments to correct deficiencies along the way. The only issue with having more sources of nutrients in your soil is that it complicates the final balance and potential synergistic relationships you are trying to achieve with the microbes. Needless to say, I'm glad the plants/microbes were able to overcome my imbalances with a little bit TLC, and a few tweaks here and there to achieve a balance. Hope the pics are a little better, been slacking on the photo-graphics Have a champion weekend farmers!
    1 point
  15. Hey brother, wpm is systemic, and that means it will keep living in the plants system even while you killing it on the leaves, so you'll be in a run with it till harvest, and who gets there first situation. You look far enough along on half the plants anyway and now just keep spraying as you have and dont stop and let it form again on the leaves to spread further. That's the best you can do in my opinion and then wash the bud with the wash system and buckets, you'll be okay. The others just flowering, you could use AQSF or Neem, or even pH water, and some use Milk, not the full cream please, for your own benefit haha. Late in flower, never use Neem and most the time, nothing but pH water, milk or h2o2 last 3 to 4 weeks of flowering.
    1 point
  16. Just finished week 4 of Flower! The Grand daddy purple fast is starting to pick up weight nicely and has some purple tones coming along, she should finish. The Buddah Cheese and Twisted Helix are not too far behind on the stacking but look frosty already! The Jilly bean is the futher behind in terms of bud development but she's a 12-13 week strain so she should pick up weight abit later as advised by @Dr. Greenwho I got the clones from. Still got a long road ahead and had slight bug issues but I got some preditor mites from @Dr. Greenwhich seem to sort it out. The rain and low Temps has thrown a curve ball with the humidity but I've managed it fairly well with a sonoff sensor connected to my exhaust fan and turning it on and off when needed.
    1 point
  17. Week 6 ... halfway line, there and there about.
    1 point
  18. Thanks man. Yeah the little one. I have to bury the name tags in the pots as he loves pulling them out and putting them back in different pots. Have an outdoor batch of 4 that I have no idea which is what now. Sent from my DRA-LX5 using Tapatalk
    1 point
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