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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/04/2021 in all areas

  1. To the keen observer, we spotted the rot and cleaned up.
    1 point
  2. The out door girls where potted up and it seems assif my luck has changed.. Most in the seedling tray turned out to be female.. The last mutant put indoors also turned out to be female... So now I am a bit over stocked... The stretchy pheno just keeps on stretching.. she's way different in all aspects.. The two that were Polonated are now fully loaded.. The other girl indoors was grown under 12/12 from seedling and she developed into a decent little plant considering...
    1 point
  3. White Afghan Skunk has been put in a new home and the Congo, Ortega, and headbanger seem to be doing fine, final headbanger popped and is in the small pot in the back. I also popped an Uber by Cannarado Genetics just in case. Ortega definitely showing its Indica heritage. I love looking at the Orient Express, very nice growth with little issues. It started out with thick leaves but the latest leaves are really thin. Hope some of the Sakura pollen got to it. The clones seem to be doing alright, while the Alien OG is having issues. It seem really susceptible to WPM and seems to have fox-tailed. Going to be applying some double nickel to hopefully solve some issues. The Sakura is looking really good, seems like a perfect strain for small spaces. Definitely seems to have been seeded by the Sakura male, so hope all goes well with that. Had an order placed for some AK Bean Brains seeds from America, I will be really happy if those seeds get shipped here with no issue.
    1 point
  4. A little bit of@Totemic Choc Gelato x Slurricane frostiness. Sent from my LM-X210(G) using Tapatalk
    1 point
  5. Last one from my side before the month end Bubblegum pro auto Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  6. Took B this morning... A only left, taking A Saturday morning. Then we can start testing once dry. Looking forward to power the 1.2x1.2 down just keeping the possible mothers happy.
    1 point
  7. Enough light ^^ If you have somebody close with a quantum flux meter, let him tell you quick the distances for germ, veg and flower. Also.. what is the "Ruderalis" doing? ^^ Or what ever it may be... is slow... very very very slow.. never saw anything as slow as those plants There is also zero sticky on them.. just bushy, leafy bitches I let them finish just out of curiosity.. and they will go compost heap once done. Still flowering.. lets see how long.. Have a second batch Gelato in flower now.. they will be done before those 2 ^^ what also means.. I made 2 generations photos in the same time those "not sure what seeds I bought" ruderalis needed for a cycle and as said.. zeeeeeero sticky hehehe nada, zilch... week 24 now.. also would have done 2 batches of autos.. no problemo
    0 points
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