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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/06/2021 in all areas

  1. Ok, stock has just arrived! I just need to work out cost/retail pricing and then add it to the site. Keep checking our site over the next 24 hours!
    4 points
  2. Kill your plants.. not sure.. piss off.. yes. Over 1100ppm CO2 they do not like that anymore. Question is.. how long you need to kill the pest i like radical solutions.. so a clear from my side. Just try to avoid killing yourself in the process. If you should get the idea to use a fire extinguisher.. please.. make a video
    3 points
  3. 12000ppm lol... That's stupidly high.... As much as you are in the shit now... Your plants are 4 weeks away... Not all of flower at least!! What's the option to do like.... Nothing? Also... How much co2 do you have? Those little ones you screw into a paintball gun aren't nearly enough to get your ppm above 500... You gonna need like a hundred of them hahaha. Also, from my prior research... Co2 doesn't like.... Kill bugs... They just suffocate... That, or they just mission away from your grow while the co2 is high, and then come back when you're done. It is a very cool experiment... But I don't think your goal will be reached as easily as you hope.
    2 points
  4. This is an awesome shot, I mean I want to smoke that. Desperately. . But where is the pet? Don't tell me its a thrip or spider mite I mean, I am baked. So maybe I miss read the description or I am not seeing this right. Forgive me if I am being a twat I am keen for the comp. Will need to check my pics. Always have my stoner kitty helping me when I water and stuff
    2 points
  5. And some indoor pictures.. happy plants. I start to worry about a plant the moment she stops "praying". Then I run my mental checklist and start to figure out what is making her a "tummy ache". And I go back to normal mode, when the patient is back to praying. Pineapple just got repotted into 10L, next is 22, then 40 final. 22L (Velcro) and 40L (no Velcro) are fabric pots. Gelato clones in different stages Enough air moving over the plant, LED doesn't burn, even very close. Not sure I make 20cm here, never had bleaching
    2 points
  6. Week 9. Outdoor going strong. Bug free and mould free for now.
    2 points
  7. What is up good people, here is a little something I have been busy with the last few months that I think some of you might like... a Mushroom Farm, well getting there hahah This is as primitive as things get, I plan to make a few bucks out the place to cover the expenses and invest to get something proper going. Building the same setup with Isoboards is what I am going for, already got quotes to get some frames welded for hanging and making use of vertical space as I have plenty. Just waiting for a cash flow. I teamed up with a guy who's doing the marketing, I am doing all of the growing. Any questions welcome. Incubation "room". Dimentions: W2mxL3mxH3m. Wood frame to hold thick black plastic to create complete dark room. 1/3rd of the wall on the left is covered with 90% black shade net folded double so the the room can breathe, but let minimal light in. inside incubation, with few colonising Hard to get a good pic, but here is the grow room. W3mxL5mxH3m. wood frame to hold a UV protected opaque plastic. door open. RH on 98% The Reservoir. I got a 70L thick black tote bin with a constant water level, pumping ultrasonic fog into my grow room. you can see the whaft it pumps out Inside the Res, I got a M6 fogger, they sent me the wrong floater and I had to improvise with a pool noodle, works 100%. I got a water line pumping water into the res (visible in photo above) with a floater valve to shut it off and keep it from running over. got a 20cm inline fan system running, if I put the fogger off it sucks the 98%RH down to 40% in 10min. got a piece of the black shade net over the mouth of the fan to keep spores from building up inside the fan, gets cleaned weekly. most importan, Sonoff TH16 booooiiiii once I get the grow room going, I have to leave the fan off. put the fogger on, let it build to about 95%Rh, then I switch the fan on and leave it on. I got the fogger running on the Sonoff, when the RH drops below 90% it kicks the fogger on, once it reaches 98% it switches back off. Room never really gets wet, except for minimal droplets that form on the floor over a period of day, walls are never wet, but air stays very moist. very important. Now, some shroomies
    1 point
  8. Howzit ladies and gents? As the title suggests, I'm planning to nuke my grow tent. I have 4 girls in week 5 of 9. On Saturday I noticed that I have these fuckers chowing my babies. I don't see any webs just yet, but the spotting on my leaves makes me nervous. Ideally I'd like to use ladybugs to get them, but it's not available to buy in SA at the moment. I have a bottle of pyrol, isopropyl alchohol and neem, but I want to avoid spraying any sort of pesticide. I did some research and it seems CO2 is an inexpensive solution. I do however have concerns regarding the amount of CO2 and the amount of time that I should bomb the tent for. Also, is there a chance that I could kill my plants using this method? Any input would be greatly appreciated.
    1 point
  9. If you have a co2 tank and a good idea of how to get the co2 into your tent then go for it. When you first start pumping co2 into the tent I would suggest leaving the exhaust vent open for a little while to help purge the o2. Perhaps a burning candle can help you determine when there's a good co2 concentration. You could set up an old phone on an IP webcam to monitor. I'm sure 30 mins at a high concentration should do the job, and keep the plants safe. Lol as for the fire extinguisher, you can hook regulators up to them. Wasn't suggesting you shred your plants would be a bit counter productive.
    1 point
  10. I have a C02 tank that I used to used for paintball may moons ago. The ASA screws onto the bottle so I can vent it in there that way. I'll tape the zips with duct tape to prevent any leakage and my exhaust fan vents straight out the window. @PromMy tent is automated, I can turn the fans on remotely. I won't be going into that room while the C02 is present. I don't mind pissing the girls off, I'm just worried that I could suffocate and kill them. As for the spider mites, I would've loved to kill them with a blowtorch, but plants burn
    1 point
  11. Yes, FF green bag and BioBizz... I have some Plagron shipping ^^ and want to test that.. just for fun. No supplier local.. I wouldn't wanna depend on Post Office. That is rather simple.. as I like to feed rather more then less. I watch the tips of the leaves. They tell me when to go water but at the end is learning a strain.. not learning to grow. You can do a dialed in grow on your first run of a new strain you test.. but that is rather unlikely. In general you need a few to get all the "special" parts of the strain. But my general routine is daily. I lift each pot to know who needs water. If I have the same strains in a tray, I usually just lift the most thirsty and not so thirsty. That tells me to mix a bucket or no. Tray feeding makes the feeding simple.. not helping to really get a perfect result. If you aim for the best, you have to give each plant a few seconds of your time a day. The Gelato I played with now, has its own tricky part.. can't over feed them or they revolt. So cut down 25% nutes on those an had a very smooth sail. never gave 4ml of anything.. beside the flowering stimulators As I feed each time i water, I expect more to run into over feeding issues, then under feeding. So the first change is always pure water. That deals with the over feeding symptoms for your feeding solution. Next 2 you can run into is Mg and Ca deficiency... you find pictures on the web.. Ca can also relate to white dots forming on the leaves.. not as easy to find, so I add it. Internet pictures should be your first go to. Or make some close ups and post here.. if in doubt. Not often you run into Fe issues.. fresh soil, you never ever should. Mg comes up most, if not one of your NPK culprits. Ca behind.. Fe.. you really have to use strange stuff Once you grew a strain for a few times, you will actually learn yourself what to do and what they dislike. Is the reason I run grow sheets.. to know where to look, if I run into troubles. Once I am happy with my result.. I also don't run a grow sheet anymore on that strain and just use the information i learned before.. I am just a amateur at the end and have fun with what I am doing. When you start racing a car.. you don't hop in and after 2 laps you challenge a F1 Pro. You do laps and improve, the more you do on the same track, the better you become. The more tracks you drive, the better you get on those tracks. And dude.. you will crash some cars, if you want to become a professional racing driver Experience helps... after a few hundred plants.. thank god, some mistakes I learned to avoid My first go to is always the internet picture section.. you know how your issue looks like.. search and trust your eyes. On the way you learn a lot more as just how to solve your issue. You read and judge if it just makes sense.. common sense is all you need growing weed. Indoor you can mess up a lot more as outdoor.. strange but true Crap light.. crap results. Crap ventilation.. crap results. Crap climate.. crap results. Indoor you have to check a lot more factors then outdoor... so you just add those to the indoor checklist for the strain
    1 point
  12. Back from testing.. finally have the answers to clean up the tent.. still have to go there for 2 more tests. Had three concentrates with me and after the second I skipped the third.. 35% THC and 15% CBD, about the same in the first two.. not what I look for. So... beware the CBD Depo.. they sell what fits. Charlottes Web should hover around 1% THC.. wasted time.. haaaaaaate that. The outdoor Gelato was measured at 17%.. happy with that result. The indoor caused problems.. machine gave a error code for to wet.. what is strange.. but I go back there tomorrow or Thursday with some 'dry' buds very curious what the indoor samples will say.. used a different biobizz setup on 2 trays. The new setup already yields 15-20% better.. if more potent too, I have to redo my feeding tables Also.. new top spot is a wedding cake with 20.7%.. not mine.. hehehe just as info.
    1 point
  13. Looking good. I've harvested tons of leaves from mine. I have them hanging in my shed with the door open a bit. Theres a hole in one side & vents on top for airflow. The ones that have turned brown, I've de-veined & put in a sealed bucket with some 62% boveda packs for aging/further curing. I tried a bit when I ran out of vape juice & it was pretty good. Better than a cigarette. Definitely needs to age more, but smokable. I'm tempted to get myself a pipe at some point. Sent from my SM-N950F using Tapatalk
    1 point
  14. Amazing, as always!!! this bit got me curious as we would all love to have plants constantly praying, this is what I would like to get at. correct me if I am wrong, but you're growing in FF premium classic and using biobizz? if you see your girls aren't praying away in their religious ways, before noticing any other problems such as discoloration or burnt tips, what's usually the first thing you think of? and what do you do in those cases?
    1 point
  15. I grew psy active shrooms in a cupboard with a friend once. As long as you work sterile, isn't that difficult... counts for a cupboard hehehe your project looks a bit more complex. The result was just way to strong to my liking. Last time we had our shrooms was on a outdoor techno party. 2 had to vomit like on mescaline and Lorena, friend, more or less passed out. She said was awesome.. but I trashed those shrooms after the party right away Dosing those bastards was way to hard.. and I wasn't in the mood to play genie pig Very curious to see how your project will go
    1 point
  16. Nice oysters there... still wanting to get into shrooms but on a smaller scale. Good luck with the new venture.
    1 point
  17. Good day Guys and Gals.. So I harvested some leaves and hung them out to cure.. Came across this article when I thought it time for the next step.. seems they have to hang for at least three mnths.. https://dengarden.com/gardening/Tobacco-Growing-and-Curing-at-Home So back they went.. I was about to cut em.. There's different types of curing for different types. I found the article quite informative.. Hope it helps..
    1 point
  18. Flower week 4. Nothing to say really, just keeping the weekly updates going. I have 2 seeds soaking for the next grow, Franco's Lemon Cheese and Gorilla Zkittlez :)
    1 point
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