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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/10/2021 in all areas

  1. The 2nd 1.2mx 1.2m tent has 2 clones of Headbanger #5 on the left and 2 Headbanger #7 on the right under 315w cmh 4.2k will add 240w worth of Samsung strips when they get bigger. Need a few more days before transplant into final 20liter fabric pots
    4 points
  2. I like that CMH and LED setup in the last pic. Very creative. I run my one room with a mix of CMH and Gavita. It works really well. Those 630w CMH's put out a lot of light. Now I want to test flowering under 630's with one bulb at 3000K and one bulb at 4200K in the same fixture. Your plants are looking good bro. Can't wait to see them take off.
    2 points
  3. Diotomacious earth also sort them out quick.. It's now standard practice for me to mix it in my soil before pot up or potting.. No more issues..
    2 points
  4. The first 1.2m x 1.2m tent has 4 clones of Headbanger #2 under 480w quantum boards. They were just transplanted and moved into this tent today
    2 points
  5. Hi 420SA members. There was interest in the work that I've been getting at for the last few weeks, so I agreed to do a diary. Any guidance, advise or opinions welcome. Grow Specs Mamoth Classic 100 tent (1m² total floor space, 2m³ total). 1 x 240w quantum board. I don't think this is enough light, I'm considering adding another once I beat SARS in an ongoing cluster fuck from 2018. 2 x Ram Oscillating fans. 2 x HIT150 inline fans. One drawing filtered air from outside, the second exhausts outside to. Substrate - 40% Coir, 40%Perlite, 20% Washed silica(I like the additional weight the silica adds to the bags/pots). 5ltr Letaba plastic grow bags because the dimensions of the bag was quite appealing due to space issues. This will be my last grow using Nutriplex fertiliser program. I have a pest management program in place which consists of yellow sticky traps and a neem application every 10-14 days(not during flower). Beans were germinated at the end of Jan 2021. I selected only 2 mothers roughly 18 days later. Moms at 18 days Moms were topped and grown on for a further 20 days, then cuttings were taken. There is only one really sleg image I'm to embarrassed to share of the moms before they were mutilated. Brand new cuts Total of 12 cuts per plant were taken from each mother. l Rooted cuts 100% strike rate. The cuttings had a 50% dilution of the Nutriplex veg formulation from day 1 and received a fluvic foliar every other day. Looks like it worked. Bagged/potted cuts 4 days after the above image the plants were bagged and put into the tent. They received full strength Nutriplex veg formulation for 1 week, no issues. Which brings us round to 6 April when the below image was snapped. Plants are looking good and new growth can be seen. Thanks for looking, I really hope this grow ends well. CRIT, ADVISE and OPINION is always encouraged. Negative or positive, your feedback is valued... Particularly light and nutrition department.
    1 point
  6. You got no hanging instructions from light it up? Contact them and ask... they should add that to the package, very essential information and belongs to each light sold. If they dont tell you, let me know and i build quick a setup and measure it for you. Dont buy lamps without the distances provided to hang them... is like buying a car without odometer.. turns the object into junk, if you cant use it how you should. Driving without knowing how fast you are... will get expensive over time. Hanging distances for germination, vegetative and flower are part of a good light.. a light without those information is a bit useless....
    1 point
  7. marijuanaseeds.co.za is easy to order from, good selection and when they say on stock, the seeds are on stock
    1 point
  8. www.biltongandbudz.co.za www.groenseeds.com www.golden-goose.co.za www.sacredseeds.co.za https://marijuanasa.co.za www.cannabist.co.za
    1 point
  9. @silverdelange what's up man, yeah you got a typical fungus gnat there. eggs that was in the top 5cm of soil hatched. go check your pots for larvae in the top soil. First off, is the plant healthy? A fully healthy plant should be "unfavourable" to insects, molds and diseases. as for the spots on the leaves, I think you might be dealing with another kinda insect. mites or thrips. 2 ways to mend your soft bodied insect infestation that will benefit the plant also. Get 2 or 3 heaped table spoons of Diatomaceous Earth, sprinkle it on the top soil after watering as to not get it soaked, but have a dry layer of it on the top soil, can be mixed in lightly. The plant will benefit from the calcium, silica and other forms of nutrients the DE will add to the soil. This will kill the larvae and other insects that move around on the soil surface. Other way is to get some BioNeem and Pyrol, spray the Pyrol to help kill off the infestation, use the BioNeem on a weekly schedule to keep it under control. the plant benefits from the Neem oil ⁶helping it build a strong imune system so it can fight back against pests and diseases by itself. NB - this can NOT be done during flower. hope you still vegging?
    1 point
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