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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/11/2021 in all areas

  1. Can’t believe she’s 8 months in already Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    3 points
  2. hang some sticky fly traps around the plants to reduce the reproduction too... not to difficult to get rid of those. Check with some proper magnifiers, what is going on with those spots. Can be pests to calcium issues.
    3 points
  3. @silverdelange what's up man, yeah you got a typical fungus gnat there. eggs that was in the top 5cm of soil hatched. go check your pots for larvae in the top soil. First off, is the plant healthy? A fully healthy plant should be "unfavourable" to insects, molds and diseases. as for the spots on the leaves, I think you might be dealing with another kinda insect. mites or thrips. 2 ways to mend your soft bodied insect infestation that will benefit the plant also. Get 2 or 3 heaped table spoons of Diatomaceous Earth, sprinkle it on the top soil after watering as to not get it soaked, but have a dry layer of it on the top soil, can be mixed in lightly. The plant will benefit from the calcium, silica and other forms of nutrients the DE will add to the soil. This will kill the larvae and other insects that move around on the soil surface. Other way is to get some BioNeem and Pyrol, spray the Pyrol to help kill off the infestation, use the BioNeem on a weekly schedule to keep it under control. the plant benefits from the Neem oil ⁶helping it build a strong imune system so it can fight back against pests and diseases by itself. NB - this can NOT be done during flower. hope you still vegging?
    3 points
  4. Hi. Can anybody identify these little guys and how to get rid of them? There are thousands flying around my grow room. Can they be the cause of the spots on my leaves?
    1 point
  5. I double the DE. Was struggling with gnats for weeks until I found that. For the thrips I ended up with Ludwig’s spray that got them sorted Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  6. Looks like you have thrips and fungus gnats both not too difficult to get rid of. The damage on the leaves look like thrips to me I had my first unfortunate encounter with them in my last grow. For the thrips get some swirsky predatory mites biobee and livingseeds is where I got mine. For the gnats I spray some Margaret Roberts Biological Mosquito insecticide on the topsoil then ad a layer of Diatomaceous Earth when top soil is dry and hang some sticky yellow traps. Make sure you don't overwater gnats love moist soil This way you don't have to spray anything on your plants and can treat like this even in flower
    1 point
  7. Diotomacious earth also sort them out quick.. It's now standard practice for me to mix it in my soil before pot up or potting.. No more issues..
    1 point
  8. Hi. You can also try: www.trophy seeds.com www.africansmoke.co.za
    1 point
  9. marijuanaseeds.co.za is easy to order from, good selection and when they say on stock, the seeds are on stock
    1 point
  10. www.biltongandbudz.co.za www.groenseeds.com www.golden-goose.co.za www.sacredseeds.co.za https://marijuanasa.co.za www.cannabist.co.za
    1 point
  11. another thing to concider is the grow space itself. is it a tent? was it owned by someone else? do you have good FAE and circulation? hows conditions?
    1 point
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