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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/17/2021 in all areas

  1. I've had decent results bud. I may be a newbie grower in the bigger picture but 90% +/- germination and 60% +/- female hit rate. That's pretty good I think. Out of the 4 or 5 of your strains grown the wife really likes the Lemon Jedi OG crosses, particularly the Master Lester. Pic #1 Glamberry x Lemon Jedi OG. Pic#2 Glamberry Keep them coming B. Sent from my LM-X210(G) using Tapatalk
    3 points
  2. Grand Daddy Purple Fast getting the chop this week(week 9 of Flower) her colours turned out very nice and has sweet grape scents. I must say I was very impressed with this strain so far grown from seed and was a few weeks behind the clones but still ended up solid.
    3 points
  3. So I usually check biltongnbudz once or twice a week to see how the stock is selling. Today I saw this review on the Falcon Heavy F1. The strange thing is I only sent biltong 29 falcon heavy seed packs. So someone who didn't even buy the seeds wrote this fake review. I am not worried about getting the review removed. The staff at biltongnbudz are awesome. But it's the weekend and it will have to stay up until Monday. I showed my sister and she said we probably have an enemy. The sad thing is this kind of bullshit hurts us and people who see that one star just scroll on by. We already price our seeds lower than anybody else exactly because we wanted to offer good solid genetics at a price that any first-time grower would feel comfortable with. Here's a fun fact. We have only ever had 2 customer complaints on biltongnbudz. Both customers got brand new seeds no questions asked. If you buy our seeds and they don't sprout you get new seeds period. I'm not going to interrogate a customer's germination method trying to point the blame. Here's another fun fact. We barely break even at the prices we sell our seeds at. We get to keep growing cool strains for free and have more weed than we can smoke alone. We tag every plant and only the nicest pheno mother's seeds get sold. Only the nicest best-looking seeds go to retail packs. We save enough to keep copies of every strain. The rest we give away as free seeds and germinate all the rest and give away to people free. I'm not a hoarder. When you buy our seeds you score. I got this video from my buddy on WhatsApp today. That's a real review. Sorry, the video quality is not great. Sorry, seeing that fake review really pissed me off.
    2 points
  4. Promote local as much as I can and Praise service delivery is what I believe in. @Bay Seeds ticks both boxes. [emoji109] Thank you. Sent from my LM-X210(G) using Tapatalk
    2 points
  5. Is a 5kw hybrid system with lithium ion bank. 5k$ with shipping. Once i get it here, i post customs bill. Enough on the card, no limit breached, should work. They contacted me yesterday to ask for a error screen shot with time stamp. Somebody understood after three days argueing... something not working as it should. Lets see...
    2 points
  6. Just finished week 4 of Flower! The Grand daddy purple fast is starting to pick up weight nicely and has some purple tones coming along, she should finish. The Buddah Cheese and Twisted Helix are not too far behind on the stacking but look frosty already! The Jilly bean is the futher behind in terms of bud development but she's a 12-13 week strain so she should pick up weight abit later as advised by @Dr. Greenwho I got the clones from. Still got a long road ahead and had slight bug issues but I got some preditor mites from @Dr. Greenwhich seem to sort it out. The rain and low Temps has thrown a curve ball with the humidity but I've managed it fairly well with a sonoff sensor connected to my exhaust fan and turning it on and off when needed.
    2 points
  7. Got me thinking yes, wtf Nah brother, you edited it and added more to that, touche and good knowledge, not many have the gift and understand it. Hence my setup as it is
    1 point
  8. Hehe, I gotcha dude. Sorry about blabbing. I'm sure it's probably super annoying. Gotta control that.
    1 point
  9. The first part of that reply is what I was looking for You most certainly hit me with the full textbook there didn't you My comment was more light hearted and meant as a joke, since you kept changing it But too true, Dr Bugbee, has done ample research and I'm sure not the guy to improve on his work
    1 point
  10. Curse you!! Don't get my OCD started again! Hehe. To go nerd mode for a sec, more than 4-5% can start to cause unwanted stem elongation, which can then be controlled by adding more blue, but since increasing blue (going only by the study I've seen, Dr Bruce) showed no measurable increase in THC/CBD, combined with the fact that Far Red diodes are far less efficient. Oh and also they artificially raise leaf temperature, which, I feel, is not ideal in warmer climates and especially warmer climates without AC. Oh, and the gap in the middle makes use of the properties of an aray, light spill from either side combining to increase the overall par intensity inbetween. The gap also divides the hot spot in the cooling system and moves the heat to where it is best maintained. At the same time, that spreads the light to the edges, where it's needed the most. PPE may slightly decrease, but Usable PPFD increases slightly, and that means the light is provided in a controlled, even way to where you want it, the canopy.
    1 point
  11. You missing 2x Far Red, in the centre to make it completely even
    1 point
  12. @Bay Seeds maybe it was a mistake and someone hit the button by accident, not sure how it work, if you need to actually hit review, then still submit. If it makes any difference, I've only heard great stuff about your seeds, and seen it myself here. I can purchase and leave a good review for you on there, but wouldnt remove the 1 star unfortunately. I'd also like to purchase some of your seeds anyway, though I will not have time to plant them, till much later, as I have so many seeds at the moment. Keep your head up, dont let this get you down
    1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. We ended up with 1 survivor (White Widow didn't flower even after 10 weeks, Northern Lights was knocked over :( ) Harvested OG Kush on 25 March 2021 Not the cleanest grow but only my second time. Going to try make the next grow one to remember ;) - Dry Weight - 33 g
    1 point
  15. Welcome to the club. Stand corrected but you gonna have to spend a penny and invest in the proper equipment. I'm using 2 app's, yep up and down readings. More confusing than helpful. Sent from my LM-X210(G) using Tapatalk
    1 point
  16. wow. also started on dynavap in the lockdown. also have multiple of their devices, including the apollo 2 & universal bong attachment. have not smoked since. WAY better bang for buck with a vape. a pleasant ritual to replace smoking with. hits hard and for long.
    1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. They selling out fast too, USA sold out and wont make more, so vapestore.co.za is your last option while stock is available. The Azurium is the one that as you use it, it will change color to your style and heating use, very cool and next on my list.
    1 point
  19. It's not actually just, or a heat treatment, it's a gas vapor that they use to do that, and each one is, one of a kind and unique to that unit. Brother, if you enjoy a clean high without burnt carbon, then this is it, without chargers and with the optional Induction heater, no lighters or gas.
    1 point
  20. Haha, ahh shit man. I have had similar issues with the post office before, parcels being delivered to a post office quite a drive from me - but I have always gone to collect my parcel in fear that if I ask for it to be moved to a post office closer to me, I may never receive the parcel. As for the issue with making payment, I do not use Mastercard very often. Mostly Visa and have never had issues. I assume your international payment limit is sufficient? Alternatively, try a different card if possible or message them and arrange to make payment via Paypal or similar as a last resort. For interest sake, what solar equipment are you getting? I assume its quite a bit cheaper than getting locally? Even after shipping and customs and decent brands and quality too?
    1 point
  21. duuuuuuuude my spirit animal!!!! are you it's guardian? or is it a wild boi? haven't seen wil ones around here in ages
    1 point
  22. The 2 new sexy addons to the mother tent also happy in their new home Life is good
    1 point
  23. If I may just leave this here... Bear, gives zero f#@ks and asks, what catnip bitches, I only do cannabis leaves
    1 point
  24. Meet Roger, the fungus gnat slayer and yes, he's my pet coz he's been in my tent for 3 weeks, we're homies now.
    1 point
  25. In the process ordering a system. 12 x 410 watt pv panels (25 years warranty) 1 x hybrid inverter (15 years warranty) 1x 10kw 48v lithium ion bank (10 years warranty) 1x cable set 100m plus plugs and DC breaker 1x set roof mounts for 12 pv panels 5k$, shipping 180$... about R75k plus customs. I give noise once here and installed. Is a lot cheaper on direct order from China. Should be paid back in 5 years.. so would have 5 years warranty extra on the battery bank... just that little advantage made me order. So soon no more atomic weed... grown by the sun green weed
    1 point
  26. So the latest thing I was advised, at the local nursery, was Vegol. Its the brother to Pyrol, same company and apparently their slogan is something like spray today, eat tomorrow. I just finished a run and noticed the thrips too late. Its obviously a less potent version of an insecticide, but it did help I found, at least for late in flower. I then also did a simple water bud wash to be on the safe side. Then as most have said, preventative (as I have now learnt) is better. So I also got Neem to spray at regular intervals. I must say, this is an interesting take for me, thanks for the solid advice. I was going to spray mine every 2 weeks, but maybe I should bump that up. Will see once the seedlings are older.
    1 point
  27. Brought to us by the legendary Guy Richie. I just finished this movie and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Since being introduced to Guy Richie once I'd figured out the meaning of 'cunt' via Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, as well as the follow-up Snatch, I have always been a fan of his work and was caught by surprise that I hadn't picked up on this new addition up until recently. The marijuana theme was also a massive surprise. I hadn't watched a trailer or really knew who was in it, and I think I accidentally may have had the best experience out of anyone having been in this position The movie is full of fantastic one-liners and witty remarks, a zero bullshit attitude but a good chuckle was had a few times during the course of the film. If this sounds like something you'd enjoy, definitely check it out. If you've seen it, what did you think of it? I was going to link a trailer here, but after watching the trailer I've decided it would be an absolute disservice to anyone who hasn't picked up on the film yet. Do the right thing.
    1 point
  28. BROOOOOO I love this movie to shreds man, watched over 30 times easy. There's so much I can say about it, but in one word... Wow I'm really hoping for a sequel
    1 point
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