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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/18/2021 in all areas

  1. Yea, don't pay for any lux app for your phone... Best they can do for you is remove adds haha. And it is highly phone dependant. I have had Nokia phones which read to over 1 million lux!!! I still have it... I must just FIS the screen and then I have lifetime GPS and a sick lux sensor again hahaha... But Samsung phones... Huawei phones.... If I can get a phone that reads 100k I'll be happy. Best I get now is a jumpy reading only up to 65k... Oh the sweeter days of yester year
    4 points
  2. @Marzcanna @highchome I was actually trying to lean him back towards growing in Soil, mmmk thanks Fair enough though, lol You both have the best info there for Coco, and glad you added that for him, as I had mentioned I was more commenting on his soil grow mistake and left the Coco off the table on my reply. Good advice again.
    3 points
  3. If you want to grow rather serious.. you will have to invest into a Quantum Flux Meter.. sooner or later. Is nice to work with numbers you know they are correct.
    3 points
  4. Yes it will be. Totemic is just getting all the seeds together, once I have received the seeds on my end I will email the ticket link to everyone. I will also confirm in this thread once the email has been sent out EDIT: We are looking at an ETA of Monday 26/04 for the link to be sent out.
    3 points
  5. Hey brother, Why the change in grow medium and nutrients? Your last grow I looked over and see you making the same mistake I used to make, watering to much when you do, you had far to much run off, and watering then too often probably as well. When you water till run off, or too much, the soil becomes mud and over saturated.
    3 points
  6. So the one Glamberry x Lemon Jedi OG got the Early Harvest chop. Slightly smaller one left in the shade house. Soo sticky my fingers look like a mafia money counters hand and smell like a fruit orchard. Sent from my LM-X210(G) using Tapatalk
    2 points
  7. Hi @Orcanic, I also grow in coco + perlite and really like it as a grow medium. If you are new to coco+perlite then perhaps these tips that helped me are useful for you As long as you have reasonable drainage then you can not over water your plants. This is a really handy if you tend to over water (like I do :) ). However, as mentioned above, if you put amendments in coco+perlite then all bets are off regarding watering and pretty much everything else I'm saying here. I'd suggest only doing that if you know what you are doing. Personally I find it much easier to keep it simple Treat it as hydro, e.g. when setting your pH use the hydro pH target not the soil one. Its basically water held in suspension by the coco You probably want about 20% run off with each water. You can measure your run-off EC to see how different it is from the inflow. I water once a day in veg and aim for twice a day during flower. However once I have my automation setup I may do more than that. This should not increase the overall water usage, but rather aims to keep the medium moist all the time. Again checking your run-off EC lets you know when its too little. Again its not soil, so don't wait for it to dry before watering. Ideally it will never dry out Some people alternate pure water water and ferts. But I think its mostly considered better to always use ferts. The plants are able to absorb the nutrients better when the ph & salt concentrations etc are consistent. You should buffer your coco with cal-mag before planting, I also use cal-mag in the mix for each water. Also buffer if you reuse the coco for a another grow. You can get away with much smaller pots than you can with soil. Make sure whatever ferts or additives you use are bio available without needing microbes to break them down. As @Marzcannasaid, coco is intert, you don't get soil microbes that help break down ferts for the plants. So getting a hydro fert is the best option. (Some people do use organic etc, but again you need to know what you are doing then and really want the extra work) Hopefully that does not make it sound more complicated that it is... For me it seems like the simplest way to grow and I've had almost no issues with it. I hope that helps a bit.
    2 points
  8. Thanks for all the feedback. Yeah at some point I’ll probably have to invest in one was just hoping that the apps could at least give you a guideline that you could work from haha another piece of equipment has been added to the bottom of my wish list. The list keeps getting longer and longer...
    2 points
  9. You better off investing 1-3k on a par meter or the cheaper alternative, a lux meter for around R400 Your phone will never be able to read accuratly the high levels of par/lux admited by grow lights. Even a lux meter won't work if you using burple lights It maybe an expensive piece of equipment just to do one job but it will take your grow to the next level as you are providing the best lux/par levels of your leds to every stage of your plants cycle
    2 points
  10. Just to add to what my buddy @The_StonedTroopersaid too much watering can and Wil make your medium saturated and muddy, even in coco, especially if you brave like me and use amendments with Coco. However with coco/perlite you need runoff to push out the salt build up in your medium and most "importantly" you want to keep your EC/PPM/PH in check at all times, coco is an insert medium, you can treat as soil or treat it like hydro, so you need to measure those of your input solution and runoff. With good quality coco and perfect ratio of airation, you can actually water/multiple times a day, quality coco fibers doesnt break down as quickly and with the right amount of airation the medium doesn't get as saturated as long as you don't go crazy with the run off 10-20% is enough. Wish you a good grow buddy
    2 points
  11. Is a 5kw hybrid system with lithium ion bank. 5k$ with shipping. Once i get it here, i post customs bill. Enough on the card, no limit breached, should work. They contacted me yesterday to ask for a error screen shot with time stamp. Somebody understood after three days argueing... something not working as it should. Lets see...
    2 points
  12. Hi not sure whether this has been posted or if this is the incorrect subtopic to post this question, but has anyone used any phone app par readers? I’ve tried the free ones and can’t get any consistent readings
    1 point
  13. I'm not sure if that will be a problem for you, but at least you now know to watch for Ca/Mg deficiencies. If it really becomes a problem changing to a buffered mix is pretty easy. But perhaps you'll be lucky and it will work out for you As for the notes above about plain water every other day... That may be because of potential nutrient build up with that particular fert line, in which case it could be best to follow. But it could also just be because many people do it that way, in which case I'd suggest that you should not... Helpful right? As far as I understand it the argument for using the fertiliser every day is that plants absorb water via osmosis and they produce/control the amount of sugars in their roots to keep the correct balance so that water can be absorbed. If you are changing the EC every other day they are spending more time adjusting to that. I'll try find a link with more detail (and a better explanation tomorrow). But some people do alternate and are happy with the results. One of the great things about coco is that you can experiment quite easily, since if mess up you can just flush the coco and move on. E.g. you could use those ferts, and fertigate every day. If they show signs of nutrient burn/lockout then you can flush weekly and then every other day etc until its working for you. Anyway good luck, I'll be interested to see how it goes
    1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. @Stinger96 Yeah I'm thinking the middle top plant (bud pic 3, the flower on the right) and middle bottom plant (bud pic 2) will be 8-9 weeks and the plant on the left (bud pic 1) and right will probably be 9-10 weeks. I'm going to start flushing the two middle ones and checking trichomes next week.
    1 point
  16. Thanks man. I was really slack with EC/PPM in my previous grows so I'm going to try keep it under control this time round.
    1 point
  17. Hey man, it mainly comes down to me wanting to try new things and perfect my growing process by seeing what works best for me. Thanks I didn't know that I was watering too much. I was doing about a liter per watering every 2 days, but in my first grow I was doing 2 liters.
    1 point
  18. Try Tent Buddy.. Gives me a close enough guideline.. Plants below the optimal or avized height does well too so I'm happy.. But I agree with the guys that if you want the correct guide, "pay da money.."
    1 point
  19. Your light sensor APP, will only ever, be... As good as the phones own sensor, which if you think about it, the whole phone cost includes everything, and the other is mostly a screen, battery, case and that expensive sensor. Unfortunately for me too, even with a Samsung Note 8
    1 point
  20. @Bay Seeds maybe it was a mistake and someone hit the button by accident, not sure how it work, if you need to actually hit review, then still submit. If it makes any difference, I've only heard great stuff about your seeds, and seen it myself here. I can purchase and leave a good review for you on there, but wouldnt remove the 1 star unfortunately. I'd also like to purchase some of your seeds anyway, though I will not have time to plant them, till much later, as I have so many seeds at the moment. Keep your head up, dont let this get you down
    1 point
  21. Planted x3 seeds in jiffy pellets, after about 8 days 2 sprouted and the third is still in there. I'm planning on doing a ScrOG with these 2, having doubts about the 3rd seed. Any tips appreciated :) (e.g. when to start, top, etc) Potted the other 2 straight into 10l coco/perlite (70/30) 2 days ago 17 April 2021
    1 point
  22. I've had decent results bud. I may be a newbie grower in the bigger picture but 90% +/- germination and 60% +/- female hit rate. That's pretty good I think. Out of the 4 or 5 of your strains grown the wife really likes the Lemon Jedi OG crosses, particularly the Master Lester. Pic #1 Glamberry x Lemon Jedi OG. Pic#2 Glamberry Keep them coming B. Sent from my LM-X210(G) using Tapatalk
    1 point
  23. Howdy all! new to the platform, this is my 3rd grow, second indoor grow ever and I and optimistic to share my winter grow, I've got a 5x5 which I will be using as veg & flower. Picked up some beans (5 fem Cheese from Greenhouse Seeds Co), from @Cannabist they also blessed me with some free Cherry Gelato CBD Fems and @Bay Seeds reg f1 hybrids. I might plant one of those CBD as I am a medicinal smoker. I am planning on running 2-3 plants. I Listen to a lot of growing podcasts like TheDudegrows and enjoy all kinds of plant growing! I've got 50+ houseplants and also enjoy growing extremely wicked peppers. As for my setup 5x5 (not gonna use the full 5x5 area this winter grow) Living soil (looking to do a buildasoil recipe) Lighting Ive got a blurple, some 36W full spectrum t5 led tubes and some full spectrum smb chips I am hoping they will get me through some time in veg I will be building a qb from digikey or buying one in the next month or so. Hoping to hear from all of you when I start my grow journal and looking forward to share my journey!
    1 point
  24. I've done the same with the lights, Snap on the second, need to stop jumping my arse around and grow a few out and get them locked in, find that sweat spot and favorite strain, and feno.
    1 point
  25. LOL i also find a benifit in angling my lights like that... helped a shit load when my plants were very tall and i ran out of head space for lights... i simply angled the lights and carried on with my grow. i need to stop running so many strains... its really hurting my bottom line... i dont get a chance to learn how the plant likes to be treated before im onto the next strain that i know nothing about....ai ai ai
    1 point
  26. The frost looks good there, how about a smoke report? Also got some cheesyness going- Bluecheese. Very keen, but they still have a while to go.
    1 point
  27. how cheesy is that cheese?
    1 point
  28. Some nug shots of the Cheese
    1 point
  29. 1 point
  30. I was working in the tent with the Gelato selection, removing abandoned fan leaves for ... an hour. When I left the tent, my right arm was rather sticky and the smell made me imagine to wrap a paper around it and set it on fire. Thank god, I still got my right arm without any burn marks .. those plants are part of the Gelato I tackle the potency record at Canabliss.. lets see if I fail 28 March ^^ is fat in my agenda No1 (Sativa Dream, at least to me hehehe) No2, i had em praying from start to finish (fingers crossed, about 10 days to go). But temperatures escaped me a few times over 26 (<10 times), never over 28. Winter harvest might have more punch... so far I am a happy chap Meet E, she is one of my favorites in my Gelato pheno hunt. And just if you ask yourself... if I don't have a goal, i get bored
    1 point
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