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  1. The_StonedTrooper


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  4. West Coast Vaper

    West Coast Vaper

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/25/2021 in Posts

  1. All running rather smooth at the moment.. dropping temps have advantages.. and disadvantages should have space in the 18/6 for the competition seeds. Will take a good chunk out next week to go 12/12. Gelato Pineapple Express Delux Sugarcane 18/6 tent And making more clones ^^
    5 points
  2. Wups.. forgot.. the "Ruderalis" I call it "what ever". Bought some fake seeds for sure. The other plant is already compost heap ^^ didn't found a single seed inside.. was outside since beginning Jan.. weird plants
    4 points
  3. Took this one a bit more early.. I need a morning smoke not making me go back to bed isn't helping with getting things done.
    3 points
  4. 3 points
  5. Blunicorn nearing the end at 8 weeks tomorrow, nice outdoor expression.
    3 points
  6. So here we go.. not sure if I'm early to the party but what the hel.. Will have some space in the tent soon and by the time these girls get flipped they should have the tent to themselves... Grow nitty gritties: 1x1 Mammoth Pro 100 Tent 600w HID Extractor fan and two fans for air flow.. The plan: Will be starting the seeds in a tin with paper towel on top of the decoder. From there straight into Freedom Farms Seed Starter. I Have not used it before and is quite excited to try it out.. After the girls have been Veged to reach the required size, they'll be potted up into 5L pots. Here is where I wil be testing a different soil mix for each.. #1 Will be grown in Freedom Farm Premium Classic & Diotomatious Earth.. #2 Will be grown in FF PC, DE and Super Frass 3# Will be grown in FF PC & DE Mixed with worm castings, Organic Mulch potting soil and extra Perlite.. None of the plants will get anything else. Normal declorinated tap water only. This grow off will determine my soil mix for further grows. It also serves as a bit of a test on the Super Frass and FF Seed Starter.. With these mixes I am sure to have 3 way different results.. To all the contestants, good luck stay safe and above all enjoy.. This is going to be epic..
    2 points
  7. @Stinger96 Happy you got rid of your PM issue I gave a spray last Wednesday... just to be sure weather bad right now. aren't we here to help each other? Love those mold eating killer bacteria
    2 points
  8. @Promhas a good heart, always going out his way to help others if he can. Solid soul
    2 points
  9. Well well, who knew... copper soap is a big no no during flower.. Luckily some advise from @Prom saved the day.. He also gifted me some Serenade and man, I'm sorted.. WPM seems to be able to make u it's bitch.. My first experience with it and I hope my last.. I started having nightmares about the shit... @Prom your a Legend dude.. Thnx.. So the Chockolate Gelato and the Chockolope x NL got the chop today, oh yes and the remaining DP.. Freed up some space for the LGO's.. The Banana Monkeys from @Bay Seedsare packing on some weight and is surprising me a bit.. Below some pics of the girls in the Tent at the moment.. Banana Monkey.. Unknown Grape Pheno.. Swazi Combo.. Lanky Sativa Pheno LGO.. The two LGO pregnant fairies.. The LGO Test girl.. ( Checking Plant Structure, growth, bud development, Terpene Profile and vigour).. The LGO Mutant..
    2 points
  10. Very true, well said, its about the plant and experience and just love for the grow.
    2 points
  11. As much as I'd love to join, I am nowhere near ready for that, and or have the space for the plants. I will promise now though, next round, you will have to hold me back from entering, as I'll be the first to sign up with such eagerness.
    2 points
  12. Yeah please come on play with. It's the reason I'm putting my pride out there. As a newbie'ish I'm hoping to learn from so many different diaries running at the same time. I'm hoping the light is the wooden spoon prize as I'm going into this with 2 x QB75's.[emoji12] Sent from my LM-X210(G) using Tapatalk
    2 points
  13. Those look so good my man, I can almost smell them through the phone I take it, you are accepting the gift of the pH Pen? Will you please forward me on private message, your details of the nearest Postnet and I will make that happen asap. You can thank my sister company LeapH on Instagram, and it's a blessing to share with you brother and dont expect a thing in return.
    2 points
  14. Started with RDWC , then Coco/perlite a few grows and then soil . Hydro had a faster veg , flower is more or less the same for me.But all soil now , my plants look better in soil for me , I think there is a place for both . Sent from my Hisense Infinity H50 using Tapatalk
    2 points
  15. So the girl became a mother of two cuts and she was moved outside with the LGO outdoor girls.. Joining them is a Gorilla Glue x Bubblegum that also gave birth to a cut.. I received her from @SkunkPharm Thanx again man.. These will now be left to flower outside..
    2 points
  16. Wow! What an awesome surprise, I just logged on to post some pics and see this! Thank you @The_StonedTrooper and anyone else that contributed. This will definitely come in handy for the next grow. My phone managed to take half decent pics of trichomes. I don't know if these are clear to enough to give any useful information though?
    2 points
  17. I used pure chemical fertilizers in my first indoor setup, hydro... and today i am growing in soil with organics. Use what you enjoy using, I dont think there is a right or wrong. Both bring results, if used correctly. And not that i went organic out of experience, asked a guy, who knows how to grow, what to use. Use A if you find, otherwise look for B couldnt find A, went for B. Results to my liking, sticked with it. And B was the BioBizz range... A was Plagron. He suggested soil as more tasty... and that is a bit opinion based.. but i enjoy not to Ph at all.
    2 points
  18. @StonerZN This is your nomination, good luck!
    2 points
  19. I noticed one member jokingly asking for a sponsor to join a comp, not sure if it was equipment or finance related, but hey isn't everything finance related I would like to nominate @StonerZN
    2 points
  20. @Nibiru This is your nomination, good luck!
    2 points
  21. I think we all agree on coco & synthetic for growth and dense, but I find its missing that flavour. So I agree with you
    1 point
  22. Will not say that I am completely rid of it.. but that shit's definitely legit.. Thnx again brother man..
    1 point
  23. Omw, tell me about getting locked Added, that plant, is stunning brother, can you do a close up, must look so good, as it does from here.
    1 point
  24. So the remaining leaves got devained today and cut up.. rolled a siggie and puffed away.. I must say it stays lit longer the better they cured.. Good taste and very smooth. I was expecting it to be way more harsh.. Mixed it into my Colt's vanilla for further curing.. Next season I'll definately grow a few plants again.. The Nevil's Haze is bulking up nicely.. she seems pollinated but it's a bit early to tell for sure.. Just can not get the droopyness out of her.. Dried her out completely.. still no change..
    1 point
  25. @The_StonedTrooper Haha yeah some interesting smells. One smells super earthy and kinda like poo, another smells exactly like a freshly opened packet of orange sherbert.
    1 point
  26. I'll PM you shortly. Cape Town'ish myself. Sent from my LM-X210(G) using Tapatalk
    1 point
  27. Ah come on man, play with.. Out of this I am sure @Totemic Will select a foto for his Website for the Tortoni.. I'm not a growers arse but I enjoy it.. that all that counts..
    1 point
  28. Are you playing with?
    1 point
  29. The early bird catches the worm, well in this case, let's say, the prize Good luck my brother and go for it
    1 point
  30. @Pants if you Cape Town side I have 2 seeds left. I've just completed a trial run on a clone library and kept a few local seeds just in case my 1l mothers did not survive. They survived[emoji2]. All my trial plants have been put out to flower. Lockdown has officially killed our business so my wife and myself have decided to convert our nursery into a cannabis sort of vibe. On the legal side I must add. Gonna be trying a grow shop slash clone library up the west coast. Shit, sorry, anyway, give me a shout if you want the seeds.[emoji12] Sent from my LM-X210(G) using Tapatalk
    1 point
  31. Hey, I think mine is the T6 and not the S6 (has temp and rh probe and control). I love it though, the older ones were DC motors and had the smps, the newer ones use EB motors and ac straight from the wall. The EB motor seems to be more powerful and at full speed is louder and seems to move more air compared to the older DC version, so I run my EB fan lower than my DC one. The price will put most off though, understandably so. If the price was lower it would be far more appealing and I feel a very popular fan choice as its very quiet too. Sent from my Redmi Note 7 Pro using Tapatalk
    1 point
  32. Ja I also started in coco with salts. Now I mix my own soil. Feed 3 malted barley and microbe teas during the whole life time of the plants.
    1 point
  33. The chocolate thing is true. My friend and I did our grade 10 science project on the effects of chocolate and one of the things we found out is if you eat about 1.5kg(not exact) you can get similar effects to smoking a joint, obviously you would get sick of eating that much before you feeling much.
    1 point
  34. Very true man. And especially with all the crazy stuff that happened tonight the crowd was epic. Best fight card for a very long while.
    1 point
  35. I just saw this now. I’m a bit speechless. All I can say is... thank you. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  36. Wow! Have totally forgotten what it's like with a crowd! UFC leading the way for the return of crowds to all sporting codes.
    1 point
  37. I've also heard of the mango connection with cannabis. But only ever read about it never tried for myself... yet. Consuming chocolate, especially dark chocolate also seems to improve/boost the effects of cannabis. This effect was personally observed so I believe there is truth in it.
    1 point
  38. @H2Ou This is your nomination, good luck!
    1 point
  39. @Green This is your nomination, good luck!
    1 point
  40. @Pants This is your nomination, good luck!
    1 point
  41. @Green as you sorted with seeds, and a pretty decent setup to boot... I know you said you didnt need one or had pH issues, although it never hurts to have a good one on hand. If I May, in the spirit of giving back around 420, offer you a small token of a new pH meter? (As pictured) Does it all, EC, pH and temp, with backlight
    1 point
  42. Thank you for the kind words @Naughty.Psychonaut I believe as long as you doing something good for others without wanting or expecting anything in return, and doing it for a genuine cause, God will bless you tenfold
    1 point
  43. Thank you @420SA we now need someone to bless with this, what is turning out to be one amazing hamper. @Naughty.Psychonaut brother, you basically said how I feel too, and totally agree with the way you see things, and yes, if I'm godly for blessing someone, then I'll proudly be godly, but I can never judge anyone myself, that is human and ego. A lot of gospel, or word, has actually been modified, removed or changed to be a tool to control the masses, and instill fear or command on others. To a way that a group of people once upon a time decided was best for humanity. Now I'd love to give back and ask for the members to please start tagging others they have seen on here, who could benefit from these gifts.
    1 point
  44. All good dude. Go ahead. Good on you
    1 point
  45. Well done @Dookie69 and @CreX Both very impressive photos and followed the theme so well, absolutely top choices.
    1 point
  46. Here are our SOTM March winners! Sorry for the delay guys, it's all Growoff at the moment! 2nd place @CreX 1st place & Our Winner @Dookie69 Congrats guys! You will be contacted shortly
    1 point
  47. @Stefan if you do go for a walk tomorrow, leave the ash and just grab a little soil from the berg. You can topdress with that or even brew a tea with it.
    1 point
  48. When I'm smoking joints, I'm a silver Rizla kind of guy. I find that RAW and similar types add too much flavour and I prefer a more muted rolling paper.
    1 point
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