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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/12/2021 in all areas

  1. Got the first peeker. Looking forward to the other two catching up.
    11 points
  2. Better late than never.
    10 points
  3. i hoped and i was correct in my thinking!! third seed was cracked and planted this morning, all 3 are now preparing for glory just beneath the surface. i have 1 qb288 in the 1.2x1.2 area - i think its at max... i need to measure again and check at some point... i need to actually check all my lights watts using Haifa Spliff S1 in veg with added Ca EDTA ... sprinkle of black magic, and a PH range of 5.7-6.0 below is the range i am using in my custom specialized storage compartments (milo tins) h
    9 points
  4. Update: Day 4 of germination Its alllliive! All three seeds have just broken the surface. They should all be up by the morning.
    8 points
  5. Okie dokes... Ill try give as much information as possible about this grow i've planned. First off, ill be planting straight into my final pot, all three seeds will be planted into a mix of mediums. Plant training will be required throughout the grow, but carefully enough not to hurt any of the babies and also give them enough space as they grow, it would be easier to scrog this event but I do not suspect there will be available time for such. My plan is to secure 4 main branches off each plant, and grow them UP and away from the center of the pot. I've seen tortoni's to branch out like crazy, so we will see how effective my plan is, regardless 4 branches just of center, cleaned up from the bottom to the top. The soil - 30 Gal pot (sitting on a diy plastic pallet) This soil has been through quite the amendment process, it should lack nitrogen as I have not added a single dry/shredded source of heavy nitrogen input since wayyyyyy back when I first put the soil together. So I will be adding fish hydrolysate at 0.5ml per/l and working up to 1ml per/L if possible. The center fills are a dilution 1:4 ratio of the soil itself; perlite; coco; ewc The Light & Standard Ventilation - The trusty Liontree LED supernova 320, this LED has done me very well since I've had it. So I thought it would get the job done. The Watering - Using the Blumat automated watering system with 1m of blu-soak hose. They work incredibly well and If anybody is looking into automation, I would definitely suggest this solution, if the number of plants you are growing allows for it, Marijuana SA are the only guys I've seen that will sell you individual components, so you done have to fork out excessively and get the job done. The Feeding - I will strictly be using the following products below. (full organic) Microbes - (biodyne) (mycorrhizal inoculants) Blackstrap molasses (2 different types, one is high in potassium/other high in calcium) (will feed on observation) Fish hydrolysate (bi - weekly 0.5ml p/l for veg) EPIC 5:2 (Ill be doing a bi - weekly foliar until week 2 of flower) (weekly drench until week 7 of flower) Mulching - Alfalfa mulch Fulvic extract - 5ml per 5l (weekly from week 8 flower till end) Kelpak - Quarter dose during hormonal shifts. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Its waiting time I guess.
    8 points
  6. One up. No special heating. Second one is moving the soil should be up in the morning. 3rd one no sign yet.
    7 points
  7. Decided to try this medium during the seedling stage in a 1L yoghurt tub and DIY domes. Sprinkled a little fungi powder , 1 cm hole and covered again. Sent from my Hisense Infinity H50 using Tapatalk
    7 points
  8. All 3 successfully germed and now in pots. They're in a 1.5m x 1.5 veg tent - under a 400w MH. I'm old school but envy those lovely LED's you all have going As mentioned the soil for the seedlings is a very simple straight forward mix of equal parts EWC, Coco and perlite (being mixed in the pic below). I added about half a teaspoon of myco to that. I'm sourcing my EWC (earth worm castings) from a local supplier called Davley Organics. Organics Matter used to be my go to supplier for EWC but he moved to PTA sometime in 2019. Wasn't happy about that. I managed to find a supplier in my area today selling 125L bags of perlite for 250 bucks. KAK CHEAP! The beans are joining 2 other @Totemic strains in my veg tent at the moment. A Cherry Gelato CBD Fem and Choc Gelato Fem which will go into flower soon and free up some more space. I intend to start a separate thread on these 2 strains to update on their progress. They're in good shape. Will update again once the seedlings break ground
    6 points
  9. Im a proud Dad [emoji41][emoji41]. No1s out. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    5 points
  10. Hehe its not just you I have been looking around also But work has been rather manic again as usual. Need to do some more snooping Best of luck to you too though bud!! Been meaning to do a write up and was waiting for the lovely ladies to show their face But lets add some info so long as that should be soon anyway So for this grow off I will be making use of my veg and flower area. I currently have plants in both as I only just got the second light. I will be flipping the flower tent in the next 1-2 weeks. I will have to kind of see how it goes, as both are in my garage and I only have one tent. i.e. I have built a DIY area for the veg area (pics to come later). I am a bit concerned over temps, as the nights have already been cold. But if the ladies can hold it out, I may keep them where they are and then move them to the flower area when I flip. If not I will swop plants around. In my flower tent I currently have 2 x RQS Sherbet Queens and a lucky packet seed. Gear: Lights - Making use of Phoenix Sky SA's Sunplus 200 which pumps out 240w. I have one for each area, but the newer version with 3000k and 5000k ( I think) and the lenses is in the flowering tent. Soil - I am using a custom blend of coco and other items. Screenshot attached should clarify that goodness Its my first (/2nd) time running this soil (besides the grow currently on the go, but that is not done yet, so who knows). Nutes - Biobizz Grow and Bloom nutes. I will most likely be making use of some teas and other items, but I will mention as I go. PH and water - I usually ph between 5.8 - 6.2 or there about. Water wise I am using RO water from the store. Other - Running a variety of fans, extractor as well as a VARIETY of sonoff switches which basically allows me to control everything on the light, extraction, fans, humidifier etc side. as well as checking temps and humidity. Heat wise, last winter it got really cold, but I had an average light and no tent. My hope this year is that it is enough with the new items. I will be moving the driver into the tent (currently outside to help with summer temps). Won't make a massive difference, but it is 'free' heat. If it is not enough, I will hang the bar heater again like I did last year and run it on a cycle. Pots - I will be using some smaller plastic pots to start and then into 10 freedom farm fabric pots. Most likely going to flower them in there. But if they grow like crazy, then into the 20l freedom farm fabric pots before the flip to flower. I am sure I have missed some critical details, so I will fill in as I go. For now, I popped the seeds in water on Sunday afternoon, and planted them in rockwool cubes on Monday afternoon. Put those in a dome under the veg light with a heat mat under. The bottom of the rockwool is sitting at 20-25 depending on the time of day, so should be good there. Once they pop I will be giving them a day or less and then going straight into their first pots. I will add some pics tonight after lights on
    5 points
  11. Gelato doing as usual, 5 days flushing left The Pineapple is growing also nice. Sorted the 16 endings to the area and put it into flower mode
    5 points
  12. Little late but here we go , put seeds in water in clone area 23 hr's ago Temps roughly at 24 degrees 24/7, might dip to 21 degrees for 2hr's when lights go of . I see a taproot root popping, can you spot it ? Will update later how and in what medium il start it of with. I do have extra Tortoni seeds that's why there are 4 . Sent from my Hisense Infinity H50 using Tapatalk
    4 points
  13. Easy answer. Some you leave, some you move, some you take away As soon as you reach flowering stage where you get substance on the bud, binding down is no longer needed. You might still prefer to move em to a side... but once they are tied for some time, they stick to that shape rather well. Training you get better with experience.
    4 points
  14. And as I work a lot more anyhow in the grow area, decided to start the compare project of Bio Heaven from BioBizz Vs Amino Booster from Canna Pro I take 4 clones from the same plant... Gelato. Selected 2 pairs of the same grow structure and repotted them in 10 liter pots. Plants were on 1ml Fish/Grow before. Go 12/12 today and got the same feeding except one is on Bio Heaven (2 to 6ml per liter dosage) other on Amino Boost (2-4ml per 10 liter). Using their numbers. I started with 1ml Grow, 2ml Bloom / liter as base and added 2ml per liter Bio Heaven or 2ml per 10 liter Animo Boost. (I thought you start with 1ml/l.. BioBizz suggest to start it with Root Juice first week.. 2ml/l.. greed without a limit, I hope Amino Boost gets close.. close would be fine to already swap)
    4 points
  15. Great opportunity to grow same strain alongside other passionate growers [emoji91][emoji2936][emoji91] Sent from my Hisense Infinity H50 using Tapatalk
    4 points
  16. Good luck to all. Im gonna try a full organic, hps grow. Only grew under LEDs up to now but decided to do the an old school grow. [emoji106][emoji106] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    3 points
  17. 3 girls one ..... pot? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    3 points
  18. I think it will only be compatible with the newer fans which have EB motors and not the older ones which had DC motors. The EB motors have their own separate plug and this powers the controller. The older DC motors had a SMPS which powered the controller, which in turn powered the fan.
    3 points
  19. Good to know. Managed to get the soil. Phew. Sent from my LM-X210(G) using Tapatalk
    3 points
  20. is it just me? i have a desire to check my competition out and see whats cracking!! what tech are you running indoor man? best of luck in the grow off!!
    3 points
  21. Sounds like gone in 60 seconds... hopefully someone can pull out an ''Eleanor''
    3 points
  22. Anna... was arguing with myself.. Thembi or Anna.. didn't took my Ex hehehe and go with one of my preferred models.. lets see if the name does the trick ^^ Hope Anna turns out like Anna
    3 points
  23. Cool can we stop here and I win? The hard parts are still to come... long way till the 7th Sept rather sure there are a few very close on my heels party starts when we snip bits off hehehe
    3 points
  24. Put everything in writing, I love it. Rule #1 to success. [emoji109] Sent from my LM-X210(G) using Tapatalk
    3 points
  25. So I got two of these seeds from a friend about two months ago. Thought I’d run a experiment with my diy indoor setup vs autumn Mother Nature. Started both on the same day. The indoor o e got some lst and the outdoor one left to itself. These grew like mofos. The indoor one flipped after almost 4 weeks and the outdoor one a week later. 51 days from seed and there is milky all over the indoor with the sister not far behind. Seems an incredible quick grow of you ask me, with the fumes mesmerizing going downstairs. Can’t wait. Photos in order Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  26. Major info is here, unpollinated plants form bigger buds kill those males!
    2 points
  27. Indoor trichs And outdoor today Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  28. Looking good. Really good price on the perlite too. If only you could enter the comp, you'd have the chance of wining an awesome LED light! At least your light will keep the ladies warm this winter
    2 points
  29. I think he is about spot on 450 watts on a 1.2x1.2, sweet.. no sure about the 30cm at 75%.. those TS3 pack a punch, got 2 myself. Wanted to read how much distance is 500 micromol on full power.. but they just went dark.. tomorrow. and the bar light for the 1.5x1.5 is also in the right area.. all done correct and a good yielding strain, should easy reach 2g/watt. Lower is not really recommendable and higher ruins your gram per watt calculation. I reached 2.34g/watt with TS3s as flower lights. Nice setup! Man put some brains in his shopping list me likey likey
    2 points
  30. LOL i know the struggle... save your sanity, let your baby sleep...oh and ya, also dont wake your kid man
    2 points
  31. Humidity readings I have right now. Room Humidity And the tent Ventilation and temperature can reduce humidity rather harsh. No dehumidifier running right now.. No need ^^
    2 points
  32. I fucken hate it.... It's the worst ever... I ran out of pucks from a recent cutting spree I thought I had a few left but I couldn't find them... So I paper toweled it and it's been so troublesome... So far 2 of the 3 have popped, and are in the main tote, while the 3rd one will soak again until tomorrow morning where I will plant it... Hopefully it's cracked By then
    2 points
  33. After a good 24h soak in ExploGrow, the seeds will be ontkiemed in TerraAqua soil from those other guys. DIY LED light to sprout and veg first few weeks, it's a old MarsHydro300 that I slapped 2x Vero29 cobs on. Total draw is 95watt. My grow will be organic, I've moved off the chems directly after our last grow off. Never felt the need for them again. Can't wait to drop a light FRB feed in a day or two. And then will spray some daggaleaf ferment on the second set of leaves. *no water added to soil as yet, feels moist enough.
    2 points
  34. Nice, although I must admit... felt a bit dirt reading the title of this thread. lol Was wondering what it has to do with cannabis while reading it It makes sense to help keep the species alive, find ways to maximize fertilization to increase survival.
    2 points
  35. Thanks bud, same to you!
    2 points
  36. Alright boys and girls!! I have had a busy birthday weekend for my Daughter, and missed the kickoff by a bit! But, seeds are soaking now in a paper towel and drip of water and will be planted directly into the medium and final pot Hoping that by having no transplant down time I may be able to claw back the almost 48 hour handicap!! High hopes... Or maybe it's just me that's high
    2 points
  37. Start Germination (09/05/2021) -Seeds taken out of package and inspected. -Got utensils/tools/equipment for Germination process: shot glass, small yoghurt container/tub, non-pH'd water, soil (garden soil - no added nutrients). -Put water in shot glass. Put TWO seeds in the shot glass with water to soak - "Soaking Method". [Should soak for 3-7 days, depending on how long it takes for seed to split and tap root to start developing, at that point transplant into soil/other medium.] -Put ONE seed into yoghurt tub with soil. Place seed fingernail depth so that seedling/sprout doesn't struggle and take long to push towards the light - therefore germination process will not be comprimised. Water frequently to keep soil moist, but not over-watered. -#NB: ONE of the seeds in the " shot glass" will be taken out after 3 days - regardless of tap root development - and transplanted into soil. This is to serve as a Hybrid Germination Method of the two aforementioned methods. -Place shot glass in darkness. Place yoghurt tub in room under desk lamp (CFL). -Observe frequently for any results/signs of development. Two to three times a day minimum.
    2 points
  38. Equipment Ph Meter - Essentials PH Meter EC Meter - Bluelab-truncheon VEG TENT 1.2m x 1.2m Tent (No name brand) Mars Hydro TS-3000 kept at 30cm above tallest plant and 75% strength Oscillating Fan SunBeam humidifier to keep humidity between 50% and 75% FLOWER TENT Mars-grow-tent-1-5m-x-1-5m-x-2m Mars-FC-6500 kept at 30cm above tallest plant and 75% strength IMF 150 Extractor Fan Oscillating Fan
    2 points
  39. Gotta try hey. I've had a years practice on how to do everything incorrect since I started my indoor venture. It's exam time for me.[emoji16] Sent from my LM-X210(G) using Tapatalk
    2 points
  40. Uniformity is out the window but you'll definitely have a Frankenstein sort of plant structure. Top that shit ekse!
    1 point
  41. The older T6 does not, I have had 3 generations of fans / controllers from AC Infinity. All of which were T6 fans. The first one only had 5 fan speeds and did not have a RH sensor, only temp... Quite an old model which no longer exists and since this model they split it to the T6 and S6. The next had the newer controller with 10 fan speeds but was DC and then the latest was the same controller with 10 speeds but EC motor. How to tell which one you have? Well, the EC motor has a cable coming from the fan to power everything. The older models have a SMPS brick (looks like a laptop charger) which connects to the controller. So basically wall plug connect to the controller on the older models. The newer EC motor has the wall plug connect straight to the fan itself.
    1 point
  42. Sisa and tarryn.... they sound cute haha who is the shy lady? Fiona? i rate you should get everyone to suggest a name for shy little miss muppet
    1 point
  43. Great thanks for the tips. My clones still have a few weeks to go before I can flip. I'll also log what I do somewhere here.
    1 point
  44. Cold Highveld nights. Only X2 is showing this insane deep purple. As dark as that first proper shiner you got behind the primary school bike shed.
    1 point
  45. Week 14. Yep, missed a week battening down the hatches at the nursery before that little storm last week. Made a quick makeshift cover and that helped keeping the ladies dry. There was one casualty considering the thin stems and height they standing at. 650mm on average from soil. I'm gonna have to stake them I thinks. Nice sweet aromas and sticky as hell.
    1 point
  46. Dont stress to much I planted some seeds a couple of weeks ago and had the same thing. They all popped up in the end. It can take 5 to 7 days.
    1 point
  47. And I'm off. Germination plan: little pots, bottom 1/2 Organisoilux, top half 50/50 peat/vermiculite. Beans planted +- 1cm deep. Watered in with mycos and some microbes. Some diy humidity domes and found a spot for them next to a lemon haze auto finishing up in the next couple of weeks. Also moved some to my makeshift flower fridge box while Im sourcing a better plan. Let's see
    1 point
  48. I will run a full video diary with all the values.. even do the Ph/ppm with a pen for each feeding solution.. as I know Gelatos like my pocket.. I might have a slight advantage. So I post every detail.. and do that every day. As I never did that.. I might learn some myself for this strain. Just, please, i fuckup like all the rest, never grew Tortoni before, just Gelatos from 42FastBuds in Auto and Photo (100+ total) version.. if you run into troubles, use my pictures.. if they are healthy plants.. check the numbers i post, should bring you back on track if needed. The Gelato doesn't like over feeding, will show you this one , very quick. Watch your tips, react with pure water when you see them discolor. Once they flower, you can actually go a bit over the average.. they form very nice and dense flowers (they want light go preferred 1200 micromol).. that needs feeding, increase your flower fertilizer depending on thickness of the buds. Watch those leaves. Is about all input I can give... and yes.. EASY with the youngsters.. they grow fast.. no need to push em. addon don't go over the edge during veg with light or they don't stretch enough. 500 micromol really fits. as soon as you swap light cycle, bring it up in steps! No need to blast 1200 on right away...
    1 point
  49. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
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