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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/23/2021 in Posts

  1. It has been a slow couple of days. It's been really cold. Hopefully this week will be better. Only gave water about every 3rd day.
    9 points
  2. Third wave [emoji112] Sent from my SM-G998B using Tapatalk
    7 points
  3. Week 3 Day 2 Update. Feeding, nothing at all. Pots still OK.. but have to check evening too, might be up.
    7 points
  4. Today was a long plant day for me. Finally sure on sex, and one of the girls is actually a he... Transplanted to 15l. Back on a veg cycle for 2 to 3 weeks for the roots to just fill the pots a bit. I'll then be cloning them all, and flipping then. I've also split the girls into the different pheno groups that are emerging. Group 2 and 3 are the groups I'm mainly interested in. The males are all really interesting, but I've chosen one that has the most uniform node development, representing in group 2 and 3. I'm taking clones of the other males too and will keep them around a while. The chosen male Group 2 and 3 females The 4 males that are not making the cut. They are off to new homes.
    7 points
  5. One of the Pineapple Express i pheno hunt seems to come from the Dark Side ^^ "Darth Pini"
    5 points
  6. Just put the 3 Tortoni seeds into soil, hopefully they pop super quick.
    5 points
  7. A day short of the 2 week mark since the seeds were dropped into water Now that the choc gelato has been moved to the flower tent the seedlings have full rights to the light. I've taken out the 400w MH and swapped it for a 250w MH Did a water with some humic mix added last night. I use the liquid humic mix from Grow Guru
    5 points
  8. Plants look super healthy man [emoji2962] Sent from my Hisense Infinity H50 using Tapatalk
    4 points
  9. Minor update, The One is going strong. Two sets of leaves coming along nicely. I've fed again using the same doses as above. The air is quite dry at the moment so I've felt like I've needed to water slightly more than what I'm used to with seedlings.
    4 points
  10. When you HST like that, your stem get a knuckle at that spot, and makes like a super highway for nutrients, and you'll notice bigger heads on the specific branch.
    3 points
  11. As @Twix Aphen says. I should have clarified and said I was using the same nutes in soil as in coco, so if you are using organic nutes I do not think it would do the business. I believe diatomaceous earth when sprinkled as a fine layer on soil can provide a dose of silicon as well as provide a moment of pest reduction.
    3 points
  12. @Marzcanna hi there, that isn't something that I would try directly into the pots. Nettles contain a bit of sillica, or river sand for some long term benefit. liquid silicon can be used as a foliar spray, but it's made from potassium sillicate, so its very strong alkaline. It will also give a good boost of available potassium that the foliage can absorb. Just go low and slow with the dose, if you are tempted.
    3 points
  13. Adding silica to soil/organics has led me to many a pH mess and lockout
    3 points
  14. I believe only in hydro, not in soil, as the soil has already silica, in different form, and the plant in soil, couldnt or wouldnt benefit from added liquid silica. My understanding.
    3 points
  15. Just switch to a Flowering cycle for 4 days once the preflowers are visible, then back to veg.
    3 points
  16. Yeah gave them a feed too soon at 3 weeks, but they've come through. I've also been running the light closer and a bit more intense than normal to compact the nodes, since I'm not planning on topping them. Normal light height these plants would have been twice the height at 11 nodes.
    3 points
  17. It's not much but it's mine [emoji173] How can I make it better? In peace... be nice [emoji28] Sent from my SM-G998B using Tapatalk
    3 points
  18. Just shy of week 16 I've decided it's time to start chopping. The ladies were not gonna survive the next round Mother Nature was sending our way. Decided to do a wet trim which gave me an opportunity to double check for bud rot as these buds are tight man. This little 3l pot grow produced the perfect plant to trim. Easy to hold between buds, hardly any sticky fingers and one very easy trim. Sorry about the bombardment of pics. So many to choose from. Some with flash on and some no flash.
    3 points
  19. Just a quick peek. Day 7ish and all 3 pretty uniform for now.
    3 points
  20. And we on to week 3. looks like we coming in hot, am thinking the soil is to blame, but not too much stressing from what I see... some yellowing around the edges. They have just been getting water for now. Might feed some fish tomorrow in a sprayer around the base and interior surface. But probably not. Probably wait till week 4. Humidity has been down at 45% because of the heater so I’m spraying them with plain water. Will install the blumat next week too.
    3 points
  21. Two seeds germinated, one Giraffe looking for light, a bit faster than the other one but believe they would be fine. Seeds planted on 18/05/21 and first one germinated 20/05 and second one on 21/05.
    3 points
  22. Here are the pics after transplant. I had to cover the stem a bit as way too stretchy. But they look much better now.
    3 points
  23. Howzit Everyboddyyyy. Its Mr S here. I have done a Grow timeline of my first tree that I have grown. It is was a T1000 Seed Pack From Bay Seeds. Purchased Via Biltong And Buds. I was disappointed when two branches got stolen from my yard as I grow in a duplex. I believe that this tree could've grown much bigger if I planted in a bigger area as where I planted the space was capped. Photos have been put in Pdf format.. Next Grow will also be with Bay Seeds And This Time I may look at Growing in a 240L Bucket or so. I May even Reveg the Plant As I am Starting to like the Strain Mixs from Bay Seeds. I Regret not Revegging The Strawberry Cough X Sour Diesel Hehe. As starting out to grow Cannabis in 2020 I was on a tight budget. I didn't have bucks to buy fancy nutes. My nutes was made in house... Organic stuff. I am looking forward to the future grows with Bay Seeds. 1447822543_PhototoPDF_2021-05-23_10-28-03.pdf
    2 points
  24. I use Lava dust in my soil, but if you going to add after it's okay, and so is Diatomaceous earth. I must add, the Diatomaceous earth is going to take slightly longer to breakdown and be available, hence why I use Lava dust.
    2 points
  25. Thats a good call. Turbo grow has soluble Sillica too https://turbo-grow.co.za/composition-and-application/
    2 points
  26. 4207365's Cloning tutorial Ok so I am not claiming this is the best way to clone. Im not saying I am the clone master. But I want to share with you my method of cloning. Lemme break it down for you . Ok so these are the parameters of my set-up: Light: excess lighting from 450w CFL/Induction Temps: 24-28 constant. RH: Varies in the dome as the days tick by What you need: - Jiffy 41mm cubes/ Rockwool starter cubes - Scalple blade - Gloves - Rooting Hormone #1 powder - Humidome BEFORE WE START I MUST EMPHISIS CLENLINESS WITH THIS OPERATION. THE CLEANER YOUR TOOLS, WORK STATION, POTS, HUMIDOME, SCISSORS ARE THE BETTER SUCCESS RATE YIOU WILL HAVE. THATS JUST MY STYLE. USE H202 TO CLEAN EVERYTHING. Step one: Get yourself some Jiffy 41mm pellets or Rockwool starter cubes. For this tutorial ill be using Jiffy 41's. Put them into a tub of water to soak. They will expand to about 40-50mm. Step 2: After about +-5min the would of swelled to there full size. Give them a gentle squeeze, to get rid of the excess water, you dont want it to be drenched. But remember to keep the uniform shape and not let the cube break up. Step 3: - Make the hole in the centre more uniform with either a skewer or screwdriver (MAKE SURE IT IS CLEAN) - I put them into net pots, but thats just because of my set up. You just put them onto the bottom of the propagator. Step 4 - Now that you have prepared the cubes, time to prep the rooting hormone and mother plant for cuttings. - Pour some rooting hormone onto the table or a piece of paper, so you are able to roll the cuting in it the powder. (probably over kill, but just to make sure). - The mother plant is where you will get your cuttings from. You should take cuttings from just above a node, as to let the auxillary shoot grow out once the clone has been removed. - I put the cuttings into a bottle filled with water to stop an air block/ bubble travelling up the stem, ultimately killing your clone. - Now you can put your mother back into the veg room. Maybe do a little more trimming in order keep her the same level. And by doing this you will also encourage growth lower down on the plant. Which will be your next batch of clones. Step 5 - Now I take the cutting clean up the bottom a bit by removing any fan leaves or auxiliary shoots. - Cut the end at a 45degree angle exposing the xylem more and giving more surface area for the rooting hormone to be absorbed. ( People have cloned with out powder or and hormone, simply on its own) - I then roll and dip the bottom of the cutting in the powder. Making sure to cover the bottom nicely. Step 6 - Gently push the cutting into the cube till you feel a bit of resistance. - Then gently squeeze the coco around the top of the stem, closing it to any light that might get in and making a small humid environment around the area where you want roots to pop out. Step 7 - Now place your cutting into your humidome gently. Space them out so they not crowding the space inside and that there leaves are not on top of each other. - You now need to spray the leaves with the spray gun, make them nice and moist. Remember that the clone can no longer take up water from its root, so you have to foliar feed it for a few days till it shoots some roots. - Every morning and evening (+-12hrs) I open the lid, completely removing it to get new fresh oxygen into the dome. And I give them a nice spray with the water. Don't spray too much, as you will soak the cube and it wont root as quick. The excess water off the leaves will drop and moisten the cubes enough. - After +- 7 days you will see tiny shoots. -And then everyday you will see more. - So now that the roots are showing, it means they can drink from them. - Now you must start conditioning, so that means less and less water on the leaves and more on the roots. - You can also start to open the lid more and more to condition them to the less humidity. Step 8 -Now its time to start to veg them clones. - I put them into small pots with some hydroton and then place them on a tray with a light nutrient solution. They will receive the solution through the bottom of the pot. As the roots will make there way down towards the nutrients. - Once they have vegged some more and are big and healthy and the roots are coming out the bottom of the pot...... its time to transplant into a bigger container. (you can miss this step out and just put them into larger pots once the roots show. I just like to nurture then while they are small.) –-----------------------------------------------THE END---------------------------------------------------------- :-bankie :-rasta :-peace :-peace
    2 points
  27. I remember doing this in my first grow with good results. What do you mean by super highway?
    2 points
  28. #2 Sent from my SM-G998B using Tapatalk
    2 points
  29. Numero uno Sent from my SM-G998B using Tapatalk
    2 points
  30. Silica is incredibly alkaline. Whenever I use it I make sure to pH the solution back to reasonable levels, even before adding any nutrients. I have used silica in both coco and soil without issue, usually just for veg to give the plants a boost in immunity and never the max dose.
    2 points
  31. You'll have better luck rubbing / rolling the stem between your thumb and finger, pressing lightly, and you'll feel it relax, and bend easier. Added, you want to break the stem wall inside, not outside, and it creates a super highway too
    2 points
  32. I like how you Express that StonedTrooper Approved
    2 points
  33. Back to the stars of the show. 23 May Sent from my SM-G998B using Tapatalk
    2 points
  34. Nice one bud... Glad you still here..
    2 points
  35. here's a nice thread on it
    2 points
  36. So with mylar on the back and side, I decided to use panda film (white side inside, 0.7m x 1m) in front because its a bit more practical to roll up when I want to work on the plants or check them up close. I can always just pop around from this angle for a peak [emoji102] Question? Is it worth putting mylar, panda film on the 'ceiling'? Like will it actually make a material difference? Sent from my SM-G998B using Tapatalk
    2 points
  37. On the right, the fan blowing out from my tent is directed towards the seedlings. This is my idea of active air flow [emoji2] and in the centre we have my idea of an electrical nightmare [emoji102] How do you guys keep a cabling setup neat and practical? Sent from my SM-G998B using Tapatalk
    2 points
  38. Glad to see your post, I called it...
    2 points
  39. {Update 4: 22/05/2021} #Notes: i.) Current Setup: Grow Medium (currently) = Garden Soil (general); Light= CFL 6000-6500k (general CFL light bulb); Day Temp': 26' C Night Temp: 20' C. ii.) Current Lights are just for seedling and start of Veg stage. These lights are weak therefore it won't damage the developing seedling, but growth is slowed/hindered. iii.) I am planning on getting new grow lights optimized for the Veg stage (LUMii Envirogrow T5 - 2x LUMii 6400k Lamp, 48W total). And just before the Flowering stage, I will be upgrading to a light optimized for Bloom/Flowering (Green-Houston LED Full Spectrum 3000k, 120W). iv.) In the first week of June I will be transplanting all plants into larger containers and I will start using a Coco-Perlite mixture as my new growing medium. There are just so much benefits that I cannot overlook it. Also, it will be easier maintenance. #The Grow: *[18/05/2021]: Checked development of seedlings. Good development of seedling in shot glass – tap root is about 5mm long. Changing water in shot glass and transplanting germinated seed into soil tomorrow (19/05/2021). Label both containers (“B” and “C”). Additionally, I am adding wire to both plants B and C to provide a support structure to tie the developing seedling to it - additional support. Watered all containers. *[19/05/2021]: Finally removing seedling from shot glass and transplanting into new container/pot (orange round pot), labeled “A”. Watered all containers. *[20/05/2021]: Watered all containers. Checked if there is any development with container “A” , the newly transplanted seed that was germinated, there is no new development. *[21/05/2021]: Plant “A” is finally pushing up towards the surface. Watered all pots. *[22/05/2021]: Water containers and check on development. Plants are growing well but not as fast as I'd like, I need to get better lights soon.
    2 points
  40. Week 15. And Mother Nature put @Totemic's genetics to the test again last night. I've experienced bud rot first hand now and gobsmacked at how fast it happens. Rained all day yesterday and I was on toddler duty and could not get to move plants. Then a burst mains in the sky above our nursery only got fixed this morning. Everything is drenched but a few happy farmers walking about. Lost a few good buds and had to chop 3 plants, stake a few of the heavier ones and moved them to my little work area in the yard. After this mornings clean up and inspection I think we all gonna have to wait another week. Photos are in no particular order. PS. I'm walking around smelling like a orange'y then berry biscuit and everything I touch is sticking to my fingers. That doesn't make sense, my fingers are sticking to everything I touch.
    2 points
  41. I dont often post links, but here you go, good read. https://www.google.com/amp/s/blog.nutri-tech.com.au/silica-the-hidden-cost-of-chemicals/amp/
    1 point
  42. Hi all, better late than never hehe, been a bit crazy with work atm. So I tried out some foliar microbes and one of the plants didn't take too kindly to it. Seems like a burn to me. The 2nd pic is the leader in size and the 3rd just coming along. Sent from my SM-A715F using Tapatalk
    1 point
  43. Nice high percentage girls , you lucky guy [emoji12] Sent from my Hisense Infinity H50 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  44. So the first 5 males have been removed, and the 4 unknowns are girls, so 14 girls.
    1 point
  45. The Grow bed has arrived ahead of schedule. I will do the 3 plants in one bed. 100l
    1 point
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