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  1. SkunkPharm


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  2. iGrowDagga


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  4. Stinger96


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/11/2021 in all areas

  1. Here is some of the plants I still have going. First one is White Wedding from Ethos. Then there is 2 pics of the Strawpicana from Oni Seeds and the last pic is of the Deluxe Sugarcane pheno I found and liked. First day of flower today. I like her flowering time and minty terps. She was severely topped and got a bit to big.
    9 points
  2. Kicking out the runt can't deal looking at it anymore, I've thrown her into my mothering tent so she can continue growing, just out of sight. *This grow off is v well structured and fair compared to other jut ones I've seen being launched around. 420SA shall stay the only cannabis cup worth competing in in my books! @TotemicThere's a lekker difference in the plants now vs round 1, really keen to flip these lady's!
    8 points
  3. 7 points
  4. Evening growmies. Hope you staying safe and coping with eishkom.. Nr 1 got topped and 2 fimmed today and they received their first feed. From now on only a weekly update will be given. I think most of the seedling worries is behind us and vege stage is well under way.. I just hope I get the growth I want before the flip.. Have a blazed weekend and stay safe..
    5 points
  5. I must say, I also fail to see your point. You take issue with him omitting the .'s from SCROG? Then a separate issue, you think he should have more plants in his S.O.G. ( I mean if we're going to be pedantic, the G should also have a . ) So it seems you were actually just trying to express that, in your opinion, he doesn't have the minimum number of plants required per sq m in order to qualify as a S.O.G.? I'm not taking sides, but Psycho, you came in..at least a little hot.. to be fair.. and didn't communicate very clearly. Let's keep the positive vibes up y'all!
    4 points
  6. The swirskii is preventative. I am actively treating a spidermite infestation with Persimilis mites. But I only got those yesterday. The vacume cleaner works wonders For spidermites in late flower.
    4 points
  7. LOL ya you just watch yourself you!! no just kidding man, this is exactly the kinda notification that would help your case if you were to be late with an update. you have let your parole officers know that you are gonna be outa town so all is good man hahaha
    3 points
  8. Been a while. She got the chop and dry. About to bottle up. These are Some of the best nugs I’ve grown. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    3 points
  9. Day 27 since seeds got wet Ladies look okay I reckon. Before moving them into new pots and into a tent a week ago, the leaves on #1 & #2 started drooping and warping a bit - I think down to watering and possibly even too much wind. While their 1st sets of leaves still look a lil droopy, their other sets have perked up nicely since moving into their new homes. I've been watering every 2 days and with a light dose of Acti-vera because a lil Aloe never hurts and I get to feel like I'm giving them something Despite getting the same treatment #3 didn't show the same damage as #1 and #2 - and seems to be the most vibrant of the lot now. Looks to me like #3/3rd wave isn't here to stuff around and has stepped up as the front runner while the other 2 likely stunted a bit but it is maybe still too soon to call that. I'm going to clean up the bottom bits and maybe top the ladies this weekend. Might be a bit risky with only 23 days of veg left - I don't know but meh... something about a biscuit and risk Made some more GIFs of the ladies dancing - roughly 2hrs 15mins condensed into about 5 seconds. Might need to create an account on OnlyFanLeaves.com or something like that #2 showing she can move too #3
    3 points
  10. Week 3 Update / Veg Week 2 Going to be out of town for the weekend so I'll update now or else risk the wrath of the 420SA police Well not much has changed environment-wise. The hydro ladies are still using the same res solution as before but it's still looking good, PH and EC have been stable so I've left it to be. I have been waiting for the true leaves to do a change. I am noticing some lighter-than-normal green on the new growth now so I'll do a res change on Sunday and take the feed up a notch. PH 5.8, EC 0.5. Ms Organic seems happy as well albeit a little slower than her compadres but she is hanging in there. Been giving her a light feed of TA pro organic with environoc401. Did try @iGrowDagga's Epsom salt foliar on all the ladies, will check if anything changes Today I swapped my kak blurple light for a 120W LED light I got with Samsung diodes so I'll check what that does to the girls. I also acquired a 240W QB from Light It Up that I'm currently using to flower my other tent. Fortunately, the timing will be perfect to flower these girls with that light when I'm done there. So enough rant...
    3 points
  11. ''3'' weeks, ''2'' main colas and the chosen ''1" Big balls man.
    2 points
  12. Looks like the 3rd seed never popped. So only 2 beautiful ones are growing.
    2 points
  13. I am nearly done with another project where I am isolating a mother from a pack of 10 Regular Tortoni F1's. I got six females and I am eyeing between two really good looking ladies. They are about halfway now through flower. This fem Tortoni for the comp is really just for fun fun. I'm already so up to my tits in mothers and clones from building up my stable over the last while.
    2 points
  14. I have repotted into a 17L fabric pot and also topped and trimmed The One so I may begin the training. Plant looks a bit droopy due to drying out the pot in preparation for the transplant. I watered with 0.8ml Grow/Micro/Bloom + 0.8ml Silicon per litre. All the branches were looking a bit min and I would usually expect them to be a bit longer by this time but I decided the top needed to happen soon if I were going to commit to it. I'm hoping the fat fan leaves will help in pushing power to the growth node and push those branches a bit faster. I have a feeling now that it only has the single set of branches it will push faster at those points.
    2 points
  15. They put some thought into their lights.. and the controls are best I saw so far. If you look for a new light, might want to chat up Flame.. hope she is as hot has her name hehehehe Contact: flamepeng@ledlightinside.com Site: https://www.ledlightinside.com I like those bar lamps Datasheet-Sundro Series led grow bar-RYGH.pdf Price List 1000 Watt, 700 Watt, 510 Watt and 250 Watt option S1000 1-50 Units 681.64$ S700 1-50 Units 486.33$ S510 1-50 Units 369.14$ S250 1-50 Units 232.42$ 2 Dimmer options Knobs or Touch Screen, the Touch Screen looks very sexy ^^ but is 100$ Thinking to get a 510 or even a 700 to try.
    1 point
  16. A few members have hosted a 2 Litre Grow Challenge. I have decided to part take in the challenge. I opted to use a bag seed. Soil - Organics for Africa Grow Type - Outdoor Planted When - 1 May Germination Method- Paper towel and water. Tkz Mr S God Bless Growmiez
    1 point
  17. To give someone advice is one thing.. Raining on their parade, a whole diferent story.. Give advice in a manner that's not offending.. If you want to be a ass about it go do it on face book.. Maybe get a club for wize asses and know it alls and keep the snotty and degrading remarks for your club.. If you have issues with frustration or you are just unable to mind your manners, maybe smoke more of the dank ass shit you grow and chill the fuck out...
    1 point
  18. OK, so a SOG is your whole grow area filled to the sides with plants. A SCROG is your whole grow area filled to the sides with plants but held up by a net. I've recently done a 33 plant grow spaced close to each other in my shade house. Is that considered a SOG? Sent from my LM-X210(G) using Tapatalk
    1 point
  19. An email was sent to you on on Tuesday.... however it's not up to us to chase up on you to update your diaries bud. You enter this competition acknowledging the rules and what is expected of you in terms of diary updates. We'll only reach out to you by email if we receive no communication from you before disqualification. Warnings are only provided here in your diaries. Did you read the rules before entering or at any point? You may, big emphasis on "may", be allowed back into this competion based on lack of awareness of rules but we'd need to get a consensus from the other contestants. Your diary leaves a lot of questions to be answered at the moment and I'm sorry but a dodgy internet connection really isn't a decent enough excuse when you're talking about updating us once a week, as is required. You have to let us know in some way. You're coming back to us 2 weeks after your previous update. Not trying to be harsh on you for the sake of it, these are the rules that everyone else has accepted.
    1 point
  20. Yo. I had the same "issue" a while back. It was diagnosed as burn from nutes wetting the leaves and then came in contact with the sun. Could also be hot soil. Mine recovered quite quickly. You should be fine
    1 point
  21. Yar can I pullin!
    1 point
  22. Nice nice nice, propper update thanks! Lol @ the warth of 420 Popo
    1 point
  23. Closeup on the male
    1 point
  24. Awe people , been a few days. Moved lights up about 10cm and another 15 waiting for them . They week 2 day 2 now and got there weekly Fire Juice and Probiotics . Cleaned there legs up and busy defoling bit by bit in the next few days .
    1 point
  25. Howzit Gents. Been out of Action due To some Internet Problems...LTE Sucks where I stay. Those damaged leaves aren't any nute burn dont worry lol. It got grazed ...
    1 point
  26. Shake it girl
    1 point
  27. Its going well. Almost ready to transplant again. Just waiting for my wine cap mushroom grain from Mushroom guru. Gonna try grow some edible mushrooms in this grow bed. Just for fun.
    1 point
  28. The second RAM fan burned out during the course of today. Fuck that company. Skelms praying on home growers.
    1 point
  29. June 4th - almost 24 hours after their move
    1 point
  30. June 3rd - ladies got moved into 10l pots and into a tent. Was a bit optimistic to think they would have enough height between them and the light where they were. Light is hanging about 45cm above the plants and is going at 100% now.
    1 point
  31. I have since fed once with 1ml per litre of Grow, Micro (soft) and Bloom respectively. This is now the full dose as recommended on the bottle. I have also continued to add some extra silicon at a strength of 6% SiO2 at a dose of 0.5ml per litre. I have not taken any leaves or even the cotyledons off yet. I am now eyeing when to repot to the final 17L container and also when to do the first topping to begin the mainline. Might actually top as soon as tomorrow or the next day.
    1 point
  32. awe mr S just a heads up here, roots do not wana see the sun so a transparent container will cause stress and stunt root growth have seen some guys flower in their solo cups, so they make a cutting and once rooted straight into flower lol. get maybe 5 to 10g off a plant but takes about a month to 2 months max what is the challenge you guys going for? if you growing out a bag seed it might be male, or you popped a few?
    1 point
  33. Week 5 flower. I still haven't moved the short plant up front, this is due purely to my laziness. I need to focus on the tent a little more. I can feel my attention drifting. things like, Whats the next run? What can be done better? Fabric pots? Was this SOG worth it...? The short attention span struggle is real. Tent is looking healthy. Changes have been made to the Nutriplex(now Nutrigold???) recommended feeding program. It's their second week getting the amended program, so far so good. Canopy starting to show the purple. The tent is a week or 2 behind the moms outside. Hopefully more colour is on the way. Buds getting frosty. Thanks for looking. Negative or positive, your input is valued.
    1 point
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