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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/26/2021 in all areas

  1. We have another development on 420SA - Achievements! Participation on this forum is always valued and deserves better recognition. Here is a short explanation on the Achievements system and what it entails. Forum regulars will notice that you are now listed as a "Newbie". Don't worry, that will be fixed! Points The Achievements Points system keeps a running tally of Points. Members may earn Points in a multitude of ways. Essentially, it’s achieved by participating in the community. Creating a topic gets you points. Posting a reply gets you points. Even following another member will get you points. I will specify what other actions will get you points in the coming days as the rules are set in place. Badges Badges will be awarded to members for reaching specific milestones on the forum e.g. a member reaches 20 visits or more over 20 days.... 100 likes received... 100 followers... and so on... These badges will also be specified in the coming days as well. Ranks The Achievements’ Ranks system will replace the previous Rank system Ranks are based on how many points a member earns. Ranks display a members’ perceived value to the community. The higher a members’ Rank, the greater their influence because the more they’ve participated. Please note the current rank titles may change. MORE INFO TO COME SOON!
    9 points
  2. They getting big, not sure how to photograph em now Ready to flip when we have to!
    8 points
  3. Saturday morning update. Filling out nicely. Mutant still not Growing that great. Will see what happens in flower. Gave them a good IPM treatment. Ludwig's spider mite and Broadband (Beauveria bassiana strain PPRI5339). Will be spraying every 2 days for a week. After that every 3-5 days until they start flowering. The reason for the combination is it targets spidermites in 2 stages of the lifecycle. eggs and adult.
    8 points
  4. Day 1 Week 8 Update They got 1ml Grow, 3ml Bloom, 3ml Bio Heaven per liter
    7 points
  5. Update: they all growing steadily and happily, nothing else to report. Last night, planted the Critical and Herijuana again under the full moon. They are coming
    5 points
  6. I saw this new features, and feel like a newbie again, as that is my new title, haha. Love the improvements and future of this forum.
    3 points
  7. Holy shit bro that is some mad growth right there. With stretch still to come you will definitely sit with a beautiful canopy of bud sites. Very well done
    3 points
  8. Morning. I believe that you will. I've germinated a few of those beans and so far I am happynwith their progress. Below the SxDQ and DQ seedlings. Have a thread going on these currently. I gifted some to a grower in the northern suburbs and will post on his progress as well..
    3 points
  9. Well not much to report today. Just getting ready for flip in a week.
    2 points
  10. June 24th - day 41 - 9 days veg left More of the same with #1 + #3: lightly squeezing the branches before bending them downwards. Removing the odd fan leaf covering growth below it while trying not to remove much at one go. #2 which was the slowest grower of the 3, received an experimentally-more-aggressive haircut with only 9 days veg left. Interested to see how it responds in the remaining veg time in comparison to the other 2. June 25 - day 42 - 8 days veg left 24 hrs after defoilation: #2 underskirt shot Sometimes #1 & #3 swap positions so they take turns to get the first whiff of the fresh air coming in on the right. #2 getting the ginger-step-child treatment but silently I'm cheering for her.
    2 points
  11. Kelpak v Cosmoroot. These 4 clones have got good roots by they look a bit sad now. They got neglected in the tray and haven't been fed enough, but they will do for this comparison. I think the Cosmo root will probably work better because it has more nutes, let's see what happens. When I start flowering then I change the npk ratio from 5-3-5 over to 6-2-8. I give smaller doses and now feed twice a week, so there is a more constant supply of food available. I will continue using gypsum till week 5 and stop all feed 1 week before harvest. The next thing I want to compare is organic v hydro fertiliser. I can feed only 3 plants for 20 weeks with a box of granules, which costs R100 at Stodels. I can probably feed at least 10 plants with 1 KG of these powders, which is R100 from Hortishop. I think the plants will do better with the hydro nutes, but I wouldn't be surprised if I get the predictions wrong. During 12/12 the plan with this hortimix is to use equal parts of A & B, but not go over 10 mls each (1.4 EC). If I use the MKP then I would drop the Part A down to 8 ml and give 2 ml as a supliment. That'll be between weeks 3-5 and then go back onto A & B, but taper it down after week 6. The final week would be just plain water. The next side by side will be fabric pots v plastic containers, for flowering. I know the fabric ones use more water, but I also want to see if I can get a higher yield.
    2 points
  12. So got medicated and when I checked again a fim 2 tops were done and it wasn't planned.. Side view of the little girls..
    2 points
  13. Day 45 The decline continued since my last update. As I'm sure many could see was gonna be the case. This is definitely the last time I grow in plastic pots beyond the seedling stage. That, and I need to sort out my potting regime. I keep underestimating root growth and allowing the plants to get root bound (see below) as a result the plants look like shite now. It's still manageable at this stage though and if this new soil doesn't incinerate these plants I'll see them bounce back nicely. I went ahead and repotted into 40L fabric pots yesterday afternoon. A few days to settle into the new pots and I'll start some training
    2 points
  14. These guys with their monster bushes, pfffft Just finished the training on The One, probably the most effort I've ever spent on training a single plant she's looking nice and level, kinda reminds me of umbrella thorn trees. So now I am thinking of when to flip and the final shape of the plant. Basically a week until the flip deadline so thinking of just going right until the end.
    2 points
  15. Defoliating a bit more along the way.
    1 point
  16. When I tried Hortimix I kinda just did my own thing and used their chart as a rough guide. Used my EC pen to get more accurate dosing as well, it works and it's cheap... But it is a bit of a hassle to be honest. I'm happy to spend a bit more and use different nutes to make life easier. I'm using GHE now and don't see myself moving away anytime soon. It's effortless, just works and oh so easy to dose. Sent from my Redmi Note 7 Pro using Tapatalk
    1 point
  17. Our local landrace populations are hermie riddled, tall sativas, and not worth breeding with indoors. They don't suit my taste and preferences
    1 point
  18. Can you elaborate on what you mean by saying "It starts becoming less successful when you start trying to use our land races". I have been growing for 2 years now and I want to start playing around with breeding.
    1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. Day 7 Week 7 Update Had not much time.. just made the picture ^^ (and notice 2 hours later.. I haven't pressed send either
    1 point
  21. Some test shots with the tripod. Need a higher angle but it’s an improvement Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  22. Thanks bud. I chatted to the host yesterday and I'm in the process of upgrading to a package with unlimited disk space.
    1 point
  23. What has happened to your fan leaves? Is that light intensity?
    1 point
  24. growing up i was never introduced to even the smell of weed... but i started when i was about 19 and loved the shwagg i was smoking... until i moved to JHB and was introduced to the cheapest shit under the sun.... it was way better than the kak i was smoking in Durban... i was just naïve, no shade on Durbs lol... anyways some time passed and i got a better job and found a secret indoor dealer. to date...i have never smoked better weed tan what i got from this oke... a blueberry ....that tasted like you just popped a fat blueberry muffin from mugg&Bean into your mouth... from the taste o the smoke to the aftertaste... hands down the best smoke iv ever had.... but from the same boy... 2 different cheeses... 1st was just called cheese... and my word it was cheesy... the smell was of a strong old cheese, also left a very cheesy taste on my pallet...and then 2nd was one called blue cheese... when i tell you guys that this shit smelled exactly like a stinky ass blue cheese... i mean it with every fiber of my body... so when okes come to me telling me they have some dank and its cheese... i ask to smell the bag and when i do i sadly inform them that this is not cheese at all. since the legalization of weed... i have found an abundance of good weed for sure!!!... but i feel that truly great weed is becoming very rare and sacred
    1 point
  25. Yeah, that taste! You described it perfectly! It definitely had a salty thing going on. I wasn't wild about that taste either, and the high was too much behind the eyes for me. I'm not a fan of that feeling. I have a cut of Blue Cheese that will rock your world though. Not sure which breeder it is from though. It has a creamy berry taste. Almost like ice cream.
    1 point
  26. In particular, me neither, but for some reason, on my journey through cannabis, am now searching for a cheese, or through the cheeses. Room 3 grew out last month, a UK Wotzit cheese, and that stuff... WAS, as you say, the correct pungent stank feet, not sweat. Smelling just like the bloody chip package as you open the cheese curls, but... The smoke was so unpleasant for me, I didnt even know what the high was from it. The smoke was like puffing of MSG genuinely, and had that salty after taste (no, it was organically grown) and that same MSG chip after taste. Very true to the chip, the taste, smell, smoke and aftertaste. But I'm not a smoker for that reason or lean that way in desired outcome of flavor and taste for my meds. The best, and ultimate cheese for me so far, for a high, is the BB CHEESE even though sweet, I like the full high. My most amazing smell so far, oh man, I'm not even playing here, as I dont when describing or giving an opinion, is that blue cheese Auto from Nirvana. Fok me, I can't stop smelling that jar and the taste, omw this stuff is orgasmic, and hope when cured, it's a good high to boot. Having more of those seeds, I cant wait for summer to come to grow them outside
    1 point
  27. Yeah, it's difficult with hortimix, as their chart suits veggies and will wreck your grow the moment you go into flowering following it. So my approach evolved around what my plants were telling me. I found that I've never had deficiency or toxicity issues with micro elements, Its always the macros, so running with and tweaking my input on part B and MKP I have found to work for me.
    1 point
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