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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/05/2021 in Posts

  1. Shew.. Plenty setbacks on this one, other projects distracting me. Got 11 going on these. They've been outdoors but the cape weather has just been terrible for more than a week, so they have been moved indoors since the veg tent is somewhat reset.
    9 points
  2. Super keen to be in flower stage, lets see who swallows up this tent first!
    8 points
  3. LOL imagine the points system did serve as a ranking system.... @Ill_Evan, i demand you desist your foolishness and raise your godamm plant! do you think Neo was afraid of the light? LOL
    5 points
  4. Day 3 Week 9 Update Very heavy.. no feeding. But they got a spray like the rest of the tent. Weather is nice and dry today.. perfect time to clean up after the week of rain we had now. Tarryn Sisa
    5 points
  5. Alright! Good evening ladies and gents! On to the next phase of our journey!!! Where the magic happens!!! Where the glory shall be found and our hopes and dreams dashed or made splendid.... Welcome....to the flowering chambers As you can see... These teeny tots are a bit smaller than my usual bunch hehe but they will do really great because I have given them their own 240w of light, tomorrow night I will be adding the stakes and trellis for the final touches to my growing methods. We have the two Tortoni in there, in the middle and front, and at the back we have two Bananuim plants. I will also be taking cuts of everything tomorrow night... You know... Just in case
    5 points
  6. Hi all just a quick update on my grow for the week: Fed her last time before flip on 2/7/2021, time cycle changed on 3/7 lights on 18h00 Off 06h00 She looks quite healthy to me Enjoy the week and happy growing everyone
    5 points
  7. The two that was LST(topped and Fimmed) stand at 25cm and the one that I left as is at 35cm from soil. They just got plain rainwater and last night with the flip they got some flowering feed and Probiotic. Veg room temps fluctuate fast between 20-26 due to the element heater , so growth stunned a little but , each winters story. But it's ok , it is what it is. Sooo here we go guys
    4 points
  8. Two days into the flip schedule and a little bit more defoliation. Ladies are looking good. I'm doing lights off at night but keeping the heat matt on to keep the temp up in the tent. Also turning the fan off during nights. This pic is with the lights on. Rest are without to show color. All the ladies. T1 T2 T3
    4 points
  9. Package received. Thanks Groen seeds and everyone organizing Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    4 points
  10. And a update on the Bio Heaven and Amino Boost compare They went 12/12 on the 12th May If we take 9 days for flip, they are now in week 6 of flowering, next week they go dark. And stand 5th July (taking them down soon) I can't see a difference till now. The potency tests have to be the judge on this one. So far happy...
    4 points
  11. And then the pics from this morning. Sadly, on opening the tent this morning, I saw my one plant (front left) had fallen over off the wooden stand, and was squished against the side of the tent...so I righted it as much as I could. They are not as far as I wanted them, but work has just been stupidly busy again and my priorities are just not able to cater for the grow right now. But I continue as much as I can Back centre - is the one whose 2 main stems I have removed. Front left - as you can see is the one that fell
    4 points
  12. Quick update: So to test this thing I took a few pop corn buds off a brunch of some of the plants and removed only fan leaves and some suger leaves, I laid them inside a coffee filter and threw them into the "frost-less" freezer. Here we have blue dream, power plant and aurora They went into the freezer for 2 weeks. We are now at week 3 and removing them for an hour each day for a week before putting them in jars What I found so far is that they do seem to keep their mass somewhat. The smell starts to come in hard after 15min out of the freezer. Smells like what they should smell like nothing out of the ordinary. So far so good to be honest. But the true test will be in the smoke and taste. We will continue to take them out of the freezer for an hour each day, by the end of the week they will be in jars for a further 2 weeks before we do a smoke test...
    4 points
  13. Week 9 - Day59 (05/07/2021) Ive decided not to flip to flower. This will rule me out of winning any prizes and i'm chilled with that. I'll also get to see how the other contestants experience the stain in flower and i think thats some valuable info. Im going to grow her out more and i'm aiming for 600g weight when she does finish flower. I've never gotten this yield ever but its also the first chance i really get to test the mars hydro grow bar. The last grow was thrown away due to spider mites HORTIMIX-DWC She's been growing steadily with no issues until this past weekend when i saw her leaves start to yellow at the tips. Checked the reservoir and the following was observed Reservoir dropped in about 5L of water. Current EC is 0.3 and PH is 4.8 Did a full reservoir change (100ml part A+ 100 ml part B +3ml silicon plus + 1tsp crushed CO2 tab ) New EC is 1.0 and new PH is 5.0 Now with CO2 tabs added i expect the PH to rise over the next few days as the CO2 releases. I will measure PH everyday and adjust as required. I also gave her a decent jump in nutes and i hope she doesnt burn. Im hoping the CO2 is going to allow her to take in much more plus she's at the height were i usually keep my EC at 1.4. Lets see how she reacts - if she burns with the first couple days ill just chuck out the reservoir and go back to the safe route Also did some defoliation for better light penetration Pics to follow
    3 points
  14. Shit man, are you stoned.. I could not follow a word...? Oh shit.. I'm stoned....
    3 points
  15. Come on Sissa, bulk up my baby... Got money on you dammit...
    3 points
  16. Questions, and or thoughts... With movie, or even series references, Ill_Evan can be code, for eleven, like in Stranger Things, or not? If he is 11, Eleven, what happened to the first 10 I'm getting FOMO NEO, was chosen, and by my assessment of the situation, 11, Eleven, had no choice, it was made for him (Side note, Sannies has a strain, called "The One" and I have the cross of that, with Killing Fields, which we have aptly called Highlander) I have a strong feeling 11, and his only 1, are going to surprise everyone in this competition
    3 points
  17. So, the time has come for the flip I spent some time over the weekend transplanting the last 2 plants Roots were staring to spin a bit but were looking nice and healthy. I pruned them a bit (by plucking/pulling them outwards so that they are enticed to grow and not continue on their spinning path). I have been feeding with a reduced PH of around 5.7-5.8 now. They are looking a bit healthier. And then of course I went to bend the one main stem (out of the 2 from topping), and it snapped off...eish. So I decided to pluck the other one off, this late in the game, I know. Any who, that one does look better. I will post some pics from this morning in another post. Herewith the pics.
    3 points
  18. Beautiful, luckily these are not autos so can really thicken those roots. She’s obviously getting pot bound and itching to preflower. Need a proper root trim and repot soon I think. I am starting to play with proper bonsais. Got a olive and thorn tree I’m working on getting established in a pot and a lot of spekboom cuttings going into little 3d printer pots like this Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    3 points
  19. Thanks guys. Been loving this root, will update the other girls as well, got a couple of experiments going on It’s incredible what these plants can take, here is another one deep in flower atm, and where she came from, sad I lost the 90 degree angles. A male that got cut Weaving three clones in one pot Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    3 points
  20. The other 7 Watt bulb is keeping the boys happy in the cupboard. @GGG hello buddy, I hope you are well. these 2 are the great white Sharks and they're just about to start shedding pollen.
    3 points
  21. I count from the day I switch the lights. I Normally flower for 70 days.
    2 points
  22. Day 48 Day 2 of 12/12 So I did the flip on time haha literally waited for 24:00 the the 2nd to change my timer Now the fun starts just A quick question, when do you start counting flower day one ? first day of 12/12 or first pistils ? she is definitely ready for flower will need to clean up a bit more of he leafs they are growing fast now i
    2 points
  23. slow and steady growth is better than normal potentially moldy growth.. keeping the fans and circulation off is not a good idea. the transpiring plants and just moist mediums in general will raise the humidity considerably and most likely lead to problems... hell, even eishkkoms 2 hour daily outages in my tents was enough to trigger a PM outbreak despite the very low rH outside the tent. plants prefer a higher temp, but can manage just fine in the cold
    2 points
  24. Hi gents , I will update with a picture when the lights go on tonight. I did not make the soft switch deadline as I would like more vegetative growth and training before I flip. Thanks! Hope this pic of my current Totemics Bubba Kush dwc 400hps flower will show you where I'm heading with the tortoni [emoji16] Sent from my SM-A715F using Tapatalk
    2 points
  25. You're right Will keep it on, just worried it lowers the temp too much. It's mighty cold in jozi these nights.
    2 points
  26. just my 2c, but cannabis enjoys a relatively stable Ph, 5.6-6.8 with a tighter range of 5.8-6.2 the closer you are able to stick in those margins, the better your plants will respond. having a ph fluctuation from 5.0 - 6.5 is wild imo and maybe you should stop using the C02 tabs and move to a myceluim C02 generator perhaps?
    2 points
  27. Hehe thanks bud, I also thought of that...two good samples there. But honestly I don't have the time for anything more right now. There is a lot going on in my mind and with work and life (looking/exploring at a major move) so the focus is just not there for my growing right now. Sadly it is what it is
    2 points
  28. Watch for PM doing this
    2 points
  29. I am The_StonedTrooper I'm also Proficient, so ya
    2 points
  30. quick! make a cutting!!
    2 points
  31. ...or what do I know? @CreX is "experienced" and I am only "proficient" ()
    2 points
  32. Allrighty then.. Girls moved to the flower tent.. Ths 600w globe seemed a bit off the past week so I changed it to a 400w.. Now I just hope the change from the QB is not going to stress them out to much..
    2 points
  33. 4 July 2021 - Flower Week 4 The strong citrus smell in here is so good. More leaves are yellowing but they feel normal.
    2 points
  34. 2 points
  35. Your Charlottes Angel's Autos and mine.. had totally different looks but yielded very nice for the small size they had. You do Bonsai with "not" annual plants too?
    2 points
  36. Changes made - need more waaatttz, but don’t need more bills. So, added 240w qb but no dimmers both (they gave up) so running at full - high up. I run them off a schedule that follows the sun, for 12 hours, only 2 hours (in the middle) full 480watts, trying something new, let’s see how it grafts. In my opinion, each plant doesn't need more than 120w, but that’s for their size now. The girls are going to sleep
    2 points
  37. I finally got my conditions, ventilation and all sorted to where I am completely satisfied, and can close the tent up all day and night. Game changer. Love the BUDBOX for this reason, and for all the reason, everything about this tent, screams out loud, excellent quality
    1 point
  38. Took some clones tonight again @papaj420shop sent me some goodies too For them bugs🕷
    1 point
  39. Aah ok cool thanx for the clarity man. 350g dry trim weight for a plant is right up there if your growing indoor... Good luck and keep us posted
    1 point
  40. if thats the case man! then it is so! sounds pretty good for you man! all the best and good luck!
    1 point
  41. @John Stonedwell I wish 600g dry weight. That would equate to +-1kg wet weight. But nah im not at that level yet. Im aiming for 600g wet weight from one plant which would equate to +-350g dry weight. Which should be very possible
    1 point
  42. Here's another update guys. Pics taken this morning.
    1 point
  43. Hey brother. Kudos for keeping on keeping on Just a quick question. Do you want 600 grams dry trimmed weight from the one plant?
    1 point
  44. 1 point
  45. Morning @ExoticCannabis2021 we gonna need an update here by midnight bud 1st Warning
    1 point
  46. 4/07/2021 Charlotte's Angel - Veg Week 3 Final transplant this week. Plant is looking mighty and growth is really good. Durban Poison - Veg Week 1 I might have left this for too long under the CFL, leaves have gone a bit crinkly but I don't think it should be a big issue. Will also transplant this week. Both plants are going to share a 100 liter fabric pot when they are on the same feed ratio.
    1 point
  47. If you can find a crate or something to raise her up a bit... She will definitely benifit being closer to the canopy of your other plants, even a 20l paint bucket will do the trick Would hate the already established flowering plants to over crowd her or block dem photons
    1 point
  48. Update, as the girls are right now.
    1 point
  49. So today is the first day of flower. Did some defoliation for the first time.
    1 point
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