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  1. Green Leaf Organics

    Green Leaf Organics

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  2. CreX



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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/09/2021 in all areas

  1. Thank @CreX for this one! A "Wow" reaction has finally been added! ... as well as a "Fire!" reaction Receiving either of these reactions will add 2 points to your rank.
    11 points
  2. I did quite a heavy defoliation on the plants this morning. Just to see if some of the lowers would like to peak through the net. Everything below the net will be cut at 3 weeks if they cannot see the light propperly. The light is still 75 to 80cm's above the canopy. Hoping for some more stretch in the next 10 days. I also removed all the wire bends on the brances as they really started squeezing the stems. Also started making the last tea for the ladies.
    10 points
  3. Yes I also take clones from my plants normally. But I have been very fortunate to have Totemic as a near by neighbour. I want to show case his work and will be growing from seed on my next couple of runs. Currently planted the Double Sunset and Strawberry sugar Cookies. The Strawpicana from oni seeds was amazing. See pic below. I will plant 2 or 3 seeds every month.
    9 points
  4. Good Morning to all the growers. Glad its Friday, Will be needing the morning over the weekend to fanagle this dam blumat again, this specific setup definitely comes with enough head aches, either too much or too little, anyways been able to read the situation and add accordingly. The plants are reacting well to the extra photons. Day 7 of flowering today, the net will be going on tomorrow as well. I have noticed a bit of tipping the edge of calcium/potassium antagonistic signs from all assimilation capabilities of the worm/barley top dress, as well as the molasses (this one quite high in calcium) spray, so I think this week they getting a spray of humic&fulvic only. Nothing else to report, plants are happy, managed to get less yellow/orange images, the lights get a bit intense on full. I am super impressed with this soil (almost 2 years old), exact same soil that I used to grow the WHITE WIDOW and FROSTED APRICOTS - I did reamend if after that run though. *Some lights off for colours.
    9 points
  5. Morning growmies out of a freezing Northern Burbs.. The girls are doing awesomely and they have responded well to LST.. I am amazed at how sturdy their stems have become..
    7 points
  6. Got an update on the Tortoni F1's, this will be the update in anticipation for the harvest at the end of the month, or at least that's what I'm hoping. Frankly I will want a good all-round consensus here before doing any chopping of the Tortoni's. The ZxP's I've got running alongside have consistently been good to go after 8 weeks flower which will be exactly on the 1st August, and they are looking mighty delicious, but they are not the point of the thread. I've moved the plants around a bit to keep the similar sized plants together so they get relatively the same amount of light, so they will seem out of place from the last update but I am going to post the plants in the same order to keep some consistency. T#10 T#5 T#9 T#6 T#8 They all look so damn good I've actually decided to choose two to keep instead of just one, seeing as some variety is popping up. I am loving the colour coming out of T#9 and the bulbs on T#8 are looking real good too. The shortees T#5 and T#10 are looking mighty green still. T#6 is looking to be the most in the middle out of all the others. Unfortunately I can't really comment on the terpenes or smells because I've been in a light battle with the Rona and my sense of taste and smell has been kinda fucky for some time now, but it's slowly coming back so hopefully I can make some comments on that closer to harvest time.
    6 points
  7. Last day of week 9 ^^ They got 1/3/2/4, each a liter ^^ 1 Grow, 3 Bloom, 2 Top Max, 4 Bio Heaven (ml/L)
    6 points
  8. Good day growmies.. So the lockdown blues have been shattered for a brief moment.. Received my beans today.. Planning on starting these babies over the weekend.. Awesome packaging @Bay Seeds.. Well done.. Love it.. Watch this space.. Some more local comming soon..
    5 points
  9. Many moons ago I use to do testing for many international breeders and out of hundreds of seeds this one was one of my top 10 strains . While the thc count isn't huge the total canabanoid count makes an amazing smoke with a huge terpene profile . This strain has amazing calming effects while keeping you alert and focused , great for anxiety and getting through those tough days
    5 points
  10. OMG!!!! the day has finally arrived
    5 points
  11. another pic and some shatter from the same bud processed for the same client
    4 points
  12. *Mini thread hijack Got mine today too. Thank you @Bay Seeds
    4 points
  13. guys guys guys guys guys....... shit just got real...and real fast
    4 points
  14. Nice packaging there @Bay Seeds Sent from my LM-X210(G) using Tapatalk
    4 points
  15. Alright let's see what we can do
    4 points
  16. lucky it was light!! glad to still have you with us
    4 points
  17. 4 points
  18. @Naughty.Psychonaut
    4 points
  19. pssssst!! @420SA i have needed a wow button like, 100 times just this past week, what do we need to do to make it happen
    4 points
  20. I freeze dry it straight off the tree , I don't dry it completely . I have a bud moisture tester so I dry it to 16% moisture content which is perfect for pressing . THC oxidizes over time so by freeze drying and pressing within 24 hours you get live rosin which is some of the nicest tasting terpene rich rosin with amazing colour . Yea i run bubble hash first when pressing trim as just pressing trim alone gives very poor yields so I always advise a bubble wash on trim before pressing This pic is the bud I got the pink rosin from
    4 points
  21. ...probably XP @Ill_Evan
    4 points
  22. Sheet! almost time for another update! just been having some electrical and water issues at home and havent been taking pics. i have taken the decision to terminate the smaller Tortoni as she will just get completely swallowed by the bigger Tortoni and will not yield much, nor do me any justice in this fine competition. cuts have been taken for another go and more veg time for sure! on the plus side, i am already able to determine female sex of my main entry, even though they are all fems, its still good to check! i am now down to one plant for the comp so any fuckups here on out will seriously hamper my chances of a great outcome. i gave the ladies a sulphur spray to make sure the Pm stays at bay. so far it has been quite a smooth ride and i am hoping that my methods and actions keep it that way. this is not my main update, which will include pics
    4 points
  23. Silly thread, who has tagged themselves. @PsyCLown Feel free to tag yourself
    3 points
  24. found a pic of the DoSiDo bud that was pressed in the video
    3 points
  25. Love the pic with the cat man. Smooth move. And the design is really on point! I'm just thinking Laika the dog.. super cool use of the Russian theme. Whoever is doing your design deserves some kudos
    3 points
  26. Want to test these Russian Fuel F2'S?
    3 points
  27. So I put 3 beans in for Germination.. Nice to have ten to play with.. I do not like Autos but would lile to grow a beauty from local stock.. I've had several non satisfying experiences with International beans.. Local is Lekka.. Let's see how lekke..
    3 points
  28. Fantastic colours man [emoji2936]. The "problem" for me with the Blumat before I realised it was that they drip when ever it's needed, I was used to hand watering daily after work so medium was usually the same moisture when I got home . Soo with the Blumat's it was dry or wet when I came home and I kept adjusting till I realised adjust a little and leave for 2 days and check again , then the happy place was found after a week . Must add that I have there digital moisture meter that helps alot with getting it setup and maintaining what you want. Sent from my Hisense Infinity H50 using Tapatalk
    3 points
  29. So what strains are you running at the moment? And fuck yield. You know how much you need and want. It's about enjoying the experience.
    3 points
  30. Dammit Dave@DamDave . Not even sure if I did this correctly Sent from my DRA-LX5 using Tapatalk
    3 points
  31. Tar and feather?
    3 points
  32. I'll have nothing to do with this, @The_StonedTrooper how do you feel about this?
    3 points
  33. Some more rosin pics and distilate carts . The distilate cart tested in at 94% THC
    3 points
  34. Check out this pressing of Black cherry punch from inhouse genetics freeze dried 30min after cut and pressed
    3 points
  35. All strains will have different temps , thats why you should run a small batch to test . As a guide 0sec -60sec low pressure so the bag is flat but not to pressed. This allows the biomass time to reach temperature evenly 60sec-90sec at 60 seconds you will increase the pressure slightly 90sec-120sec you will apply half pressure 120-150sec you will slightly increase pressure 150-180 you will increase again to just under max pressure 180-300 you want to max out the pressure . You will notice the colour start to charge around 250 seconds but could go to 300 seconds , that would be your prime product . For prime product never let it sit for more than 5min in the press above 80 degrees Once you have extracted the prime you can then do a second press repeating the process to get your b grade and anything extra Ps - use a stopwatch if you want to consistently produce quality
    2 points
  36. Bro your goods look Devine, huge respect and that colour too is amazing. I just can't help but think of this song / move, every time I see that name Do Si Do
    2 points
  37. 2 points
  38. now for some fun with tagging @CreX @CreX is a bird The corn crake, corncrake or landrail (Crex crex) is a bird in the rail family. and that is literally where my name comes from. i simped into playing COD modern warfare and bought the game and a nice mouse and a decent headset....all i needed was a name
    2 points
  39. I was laying in bed last night, wondering whether it was possible to tag oneself... It is! @PsyCLownWondered how much traction a thread like this would get
    2 points
  40. 2 points
  41. I just keep finding myself coming back to this thread to look at the beautiful pictures.. exceptional flowers. A certain song comes to mind.. I like big buds and I cannot lie
    2 points
  42. I ll be honest im glad old connor is back, the nice guy thing he was tryna do doesn't work, it's not who he is and it's not what motivates him either and to be completely honest I don't like him much, I think he's too cocky.. we can't deny his skills tho..im just not one for the hype games he does, I feel like thats not what the sports about. You get in there and you get the job done. Khabib Nurmagomedov is a good example of this. He doesn't need to talk his opponents down in the press, he has said it and proven to us that he does all his talking in the ring. Literally.. While beating you up. Poirier on the other hand has grown into a champion, has mad skills and has matured into a smarter fighter. Old Connor VS on form Poirier. I think this one's going to be the real decider
    2 points
  43. very good man!! damn your plants are huge! that leg room is doing them wonders!! i also find that cleaning up everything below the first layer of netting is vital, why waste energy on a stem you are most likely just going to toss at harvest anyways. similar methods at play here, clean up the lowers very early in flower, usually within the first few days of flower so i can use the cleanup as cuttings for another run and also add the 2nd layer of netting for the stretch to climb into, and then at the end of the 21 day stretch, i do another defoliation and take off all the leaves that are bigger than my palm. And thats all i do in flower until i harvest. excuse me while i go put on my big boy pants for the rest of the comp considering all these pro grows owning it!!
    2 points
  44. Connor/Dusin is going to be a war, there is so much pride at stake for both of them. The presser was tense! Aggressive Connor is back, but still favour Dustin. He seems to have grown as an athlete. Cool, calm and calculating. I'm not familiar of hand with Ryan Hall, I'll watch some vids and read up about him a little later. Thanks for the heads up. Why don't you like the Suga show? I love that crazy style with constant feints tricking the opponents to move in a predicted fashion. He's go mad power in those bombs he throws.
    2 points
  45. @CreX that feels.... empowering why are you forcing this apon us!!
    2 points
  46. Poirier Wonderboy Suga Sean Yana Dricus Stillknocks
    2 points
  47. Very cool scale, allready doing duty. (Winter grown Bluecheese) Thanks @PASSTHEDUTCH Awesome to have Sponsors like you guys onboard.
    2 points
  48. Pictures works better for me tbh. This big leaf one I'm actually thinking to clone tonight. She's pretty Sorry about the yellow pic, I know rules say we should avoid but my camera is going bonkers under the cobs, can't figure out what it wants to do.
    2 points
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