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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/14/2021 in Posts

  1. 2weeks now into flower. Its starting.
    8 points
  2. Our mods and I decided to judge this month's winner as our entries were pretty low this month and we're only offering the single prize. Fortunately the decision was unanimous! OUR WINNER IS @Orcanic I'll be messaging your coupon code to you shortly. Congrats!
    5 points
  3. Not much to report, day 11 of flower. Maintaining good moisture and we not leaving any plants behind. I've probably got the most stretchy pheno (must be the slurri shinning through) and also the most compact one (which I really want to nurture and make sure she still get adequate light - never know what she might look like). Onto the next couple.
    5 points
  4. Just a few more random extraction pics
    4 points
  5. Monster cropped with no training
    4 points
  6. Special order done for a client 400mg each lindt chocolate and cashew with grape diamond terpenes added for flavor NB , all cannabis used is the client's cannabis and I only process it as a service and no THC is paid for or sold .
    3 points
  7. Double Sunset Chockolate Gelato Dream Queen Grape Gorilla Dream Queen x Slurri
    3 points
  8. Group, and close ups, from 30min ago. Dont ask about the Critical, she is out of here...getting replaced for doing a kak job. Her replacement will be, none other than... The infamous and hard to get your hands on, or keep in prison... El Chapo
    2 points
  9. Welcome dude. You'll get plenty of advice on this forum. I totally love growing my outdoors and am also excited for the new season around the corner. On the other hand I absolutely can't stand autos. But that's just me. Enjoy your time around here
    2 points
  10. Thanks for the positive comments everyone I would love another go at GZ, with only LST applied and no supercropping, and vegging to a good size before switching to flower. I'm beginning to rethink my 2-strain scrog strategy, I want variety in my harvest but getting an even canopy with two very different plants is a challenge. Maybe after a few grows when I'm more familiar with different strains. My plan for the next grow is to scrog out a single plant, which will be Tutankhamen by Pyramid Seeds... Regarding flush, I use the term a bit loosely I guess. I don't run massive amounts of water through the pot, just enough for a small amount of runoff (enough to soak up with a towel afterwards), works out to about 3 litres every few days.
    2 points
  11. Looking nice and healthy bud!
    2 points
  12. Hi Gents. Still chugging along in veg, I removed alot of growth tips in an an effort to try get the stems longer. This has worked to an extent as I have 8 main colas now, with 2 two in front being the ones that need to catchup to the rest. She gets fed twice a week, 0.7ec 6.4 Ph. Very green, the leaves are like leather, There are roots shooting out the bottom of the pot and I wasn't planning to repot, but think I should because my flower tent is only going to be available in a months time? I have a 40l fabric pot ready to go, she is in a 15 atm. Sent from my SM-A715F using Tapatalk
    2 points
  13. Finally signed up after a good ole' lurk. Love gardening but a total noob at cannabis. Giving two autos a go. They got klapped by a freak berg wind after I transplanted, so they are back inside getting 6-7hrs of direct sunlight. I knew autos can be small, but damn. flowering already. I have no idea how far along they are... Anyway, cant want to learn more from the pro's. I will be doing my first proper outdoor grow come Sept/Oct.
    1 point
  14. So the first little one is about to show face.. Germination is slow but temperatures plummeted the past few days and I am not surprized at their shyness.. I have no way of giving them more heat at the moment but I think it's a good test.. Only the strong survive.. I potted the youngan as not to disturb the tap root. Not going straight to the final pot yet.. From here it will go to the final pot once sexed.. I expect to see the little one tomorrow morning.. These beans are way bigger than what I am used to..
    1 point
  15. Congrats @Orcanic , nice image @The_StonedTrooper 's entries were also bloody tight in the running i'd say
    1 point
  16. It was aesthetically pleasing to the eye Congrats @Orcanic
    1 point
  17. Congrats. Sent from my LM-X210(G) using Tapatalk
    1 point
  18. sorry to let you down there @PsyCLown
    1 point
  19. I would like to encourage everyone to test these claims made by the manufacturers and sales teams. Don't take my results as proof of anything and to conduct your own experiments, at home. How else can we be certain that these products are up to standard? Every claim made is anecdotal, until it can be proven. I don't want to shit on mycoroot, but is it compatible with cannabis? I've run this trial several times over the years and can never see any benefit from using it. Dr Jo Dames is highly respected and she is like our version of Elaine Ingham, but I've never seen a positive response from mycoroot, on my weed. Either, the spores aren't active or these microbes don't have a relationship with cannabis. They get a lot more expensive in their liquid form. biodyne 401 did nothing positive either, so a higher price tag doesn't mean it's a better product. Neither of these labels, or websites mention the type of fungus, or the number of CFU that is supposed to be in their bottles. I think it's a combination of slick marketing and placebo effect that gets people using these products in the first place. It casts some shade over the biodynamic and organic marketing methods, if they resort to selling snake oil to make their profits. A home made worm bin, or compost pile works, it costs nothing and gives brilliant results because the microbes are fresh and still alive.
    1 point
  20. This is some insane training and for the time allocated. Madness
    1 point
  21. I am not very good at getting my head explained in text and I appreciate and welcome the conversation and corrections where I think I am saying one thing but people read it as something else . I love stimulating conversations I can see how how the library comment could be taken badly , in my head I was just trying to put across the importance of keeping records
    1 point
  22. They're looking frosty and delicious. Franco's Lemon Cheese is a nice smoke, I took them down at 12 weeks when I grew it.
    1 point
  23. I'm feeding these young ones from the bottom now. It's just easier for me to put the water straight into the trays and let the plants suck it up slowly. The normal tap water rows were the two on the left. The centre row got tap water + kelp and aminomix. The 2 rows on the right were treated with de-chlorinated water.The centre row grew bigger with the additional ferts but the 2 sides are almost identical. The same root development and number of side branches. The chlorine fed plants are just as green as the others. They all stayed in the small pots for the trial, maybe a week longer than was needed but I wanted to keep everything equal. All the rows got a little bit of tip burn and I gave one spray of Epsom salts before I transplanted them.
    1 point
  24. Cosmoroot fell behind and the clear winner was kelpak and aminomix, in this round. I will also try to conduct a better trial with my next round of clones. On the back of this experiment, I've bought some Cosmocell H-85 humates, which is part of the ingredients in the Cosmoroot. I'm now using 0.1 g in 2 litres of water Tap water v chlorine, I still can't tell any difference between the two. I'm satisfied that there's no problem with using water straight from the tap. 1.5 ppm of Chlorine is nothing to be worried about and the pH from the municipal supply is spot on at 7.1
    1 point
  25. Feels like we had this conversation not too long ago @PsyCLown
    1 point
  26. This is interesting, how did you find that out?
    1 point
  27. Now that is pretty [emoji7] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  28. Hmm, yes and no. I really feel it depends on what you are using, if one is using plain coco (with or without perlite) and using some good nutes such as GHE, simply PHing your feed correctly and following the feeding chart on the bottle gets you pretty much where you need to be without issues and consistency will be phenomenal. Very simple and easy. Although if you try do your own thing and are not 100% sure about what you are doing, it can be dangerous and you can quickly run into issues - but the issues can generally be fixed quickly too. When using soil, there are soo many variables. Whatever the compost is being made of will change the composition of the nutes in the soil and slight tweaks to the quality of the amendments and other ingredients being added to the soil mix will change it. Consistency is not always there, the bigger soil brands are typically a bit better with their consistency ("cannabis soil"). Then the differences between soil brands is huuuuge and will cause all sorts of issues if one purchases an inferior soil. However with a good soil, there is often more room for error as underfeeding can be supplemented by the nutes in the soil and they often add amendments to help buffer the soil (not perfect) and so forth. I think for me, the inconsistency and never quite knowing with soil is what leads me to go for coco, along with the quicker growth and coco being a cheaper medium (store bought soil vs store bought coco). If something is consistent, even if it is not perfect (not saying this is the case), you at least know and can work around it and plan for it. Inconsistencies introduce a whole new ball game into play and the it becomes are bigger challenge and are often a lot more difficult to pin point and remedy. So I guess to sum it up. There are pros and cons to both. Coco can offer better consistency than soil, can be super easy to grow in although when experimenting or not following what works you can run into issues quickly. I like to think of Coco as a blank canvas. Soil on the other hand, consistency can be pretty good too and offers a buffer of sorts but if shit hits the fan, it can often be more difficult to pin point the cause of the issue and remedy it. Perhaps more of a bicycle with training wheels, when the wheels fall off it can be a bit chaotic. Ultimately, you need to know what you are doing and what you are working with. Experience will ensure one can pick up on issues quickly as well as pin point them and remedy them.
    1 point
  29. I just use 2 drops of sunlight dishsoap per litre.....
    1 point
  30. I found this little one among the plants.. Shame.. I think he is going to starve as I have not seen anny insects.. But it is nice to know he is arround..
    1 point
  31. HIGH EVERY ONE Day 55 12/12 DAY 7
    1 point
  32. Good evening!! Cutting it close with my pictures here!! As you can see I have staked and trellises the plants, I may just need to tighten the trellis up alil... But that's for tomorrow... Or later lol... This plant definitely outgrew her companion Bananuims but let's see the pudding
    1 point
  33. Beautiful, luckily these are not autos so can really thicken those roots. She’s obviously getting pot bound and itching to preflower. Need a proper root trim and repot soon I think. I am starting to play with proper bonsais. Got a olive and thorn tree I’m working on getting established in a pot and a lot of spekboom cuttings going into little 3d printer pots like this Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  34. Our local landrace populations are hermie riddled, tall sativas, and not worth breeding with indoors. They don't suit my taste and preferences
    1 point
  35. I see you boys came to play!! I had to actually sit down and think about this for a second, how bad could one sip really be?? for a 120w qb..... hmmm yeah I have to say in all seriousness thank Big G for the difference in "could" and "should" a food grade product is safe to take a sip from in a unfortunate event, so you "could" sip from it, but also shouldn't be doing it for fun, my health comes first so this offer does not apeal to me it is a clear liquid and looks alot like water untill you mix it with water and it turns milky. the way we used it on the farm you would have guys pour out small quantities in water bottles to transport, because we would mix this into everything that we spray, so you would find the bottles all over, atleast once a week someone will sip from it, never had trouble
    0 points
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