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  1. One day and they’re all back up. Runt on the left and #1 on the right Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    7 points
  2. Day 3 Week 11 Update I just had a good laugh about myself.. age is kicking in hehehe I made the Tent post but forgot to do the update for yesterday.. just deleted the pictures from the camera. They got 1 liter of 1/3/3 (Fish-Mix,Bloom, Top Max) and 3ml per 10 liter Amino Boost.. ergo 0.3ml in that liter per plant Tarryn Sisa
    7 points
  3. Good day growmies. Thought I'd end this diary with a few compiled pics of this grow from the time I neglected the seedlings until harvest. I'm also well into my next grow already and will be doing the diary for that one in the coming weeks, I ll be doing video documentary on it, aswel as the traditional diary so editing videos got me busy for now. Anyway here are the pics. Stay blessed and keep growing Veg: Flower: Nugs:
    7 points
  4. Good evening fellow growers ! Girls behaved good this week and only received water with a little Probiotics. Temps and humidity stays in the prevererd brackets . Before and after trim pics , tried to stage them with the black fabric [emoji38][emoji1787] Sent from my Hisense Infinity H50 using Tapatalk
    6 points
  5. Pics Today Sent from my SM-N975F using Tapatalk
    5 points
  6. Some progress as the next node grows out and the supercrop heals Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    5 points
  7. 24 hours later. This morning I re-tied down the previously trained branches on #2 & #3. I shit you not!! These plants are improving in front of my eyes. Pics from yesterday and today together to show improvement. Man. I'm happy.
    4 points
  8. 4 points
  9. Good evening growmies! My lady is now starting to make budsites and stretch quite nicely. I cleaned up a bit more underneath and am eager to see how the flowers develop. I have a beautiful sluricane in late flower and if any of these genes come through, it is going to be a sweet flower and very frosty! I can't wait!
    4 points
  10. Looking a little shocked. Transplanted them this morning. Silica folia and a humic drench. Nice to look at, these pots are rad. Shock, maybe planted a little deep as well.
    4 points
  11. Hey all, So I recently noticed I have a bit of a problem... Yipp, found some root aphids on my cutting. A bit of research and it seems I am in for a bit of hell trying to get rid of them. Starting this post to see if there is perhaps something I have missed or to possibly help someone else in future who ends up with these pests. Firstly, root aphids are not easy to notice as they attach to the roots and generally we do not see the roots of our plants very often as they're covered by the medium we grow in. So noticing you have a problem can often be the first problem - the quicker you can start taking action the better. Root aphids seem to take multiple shape, one of their forms include wings and inside your tent they can appear to look like fungus gnats flying around. So if you think you have fungus gnats but they just aren't dieing like you're used to, it may be root aphids! Common symptoms show as deficiencies in your plants, yellowing leaves and purple stems. By the time you notice this, you already have an infestation. So now on to how to get rid of them - well, I am busy trying to figure this out for myself. Also part of the reason I created this thread, perhaps I can get some advice from you fellow growers. Natural remedies such as removing by hand, spraying with water are pretty much out of the question. Since they live in the medium (coco / soil), foliar sprays are rather useless unless they are systemic sprays and most of the time those can be problematic. Not all are safe to spray on cannabis. So a bit of research points to the following: Soil drench of Pyrethrum / pyrethrins / pyrethroids (Like Pyrol, Xterminator and many other products) - this can be hard on the plants and burn them. This is a contact killer generally and will not wipe out the entire lot of root aphids but should reduce the population heavily... if you are willing to risk your plants. Soil drench of Azadirachtin (Bio-Neem) - A good weapon to have and use it seems, will help stop them from growing and shedding and some may not eat either. So can help reduce the colony and kill off majority of them over a few days and help stop them from shedding and growing and from eating. Will not kill all of them. Beauveria bassiana (Bio-Insek) - Seems to be a very good option. This is a fungus, you receive this product as spores (either in powder form or in a pre-mixed liquid). Typically it is used as a foliar spray but will need to be used as a soil drench in this application to try get it into the medium and onto the root aphids where they will hopefully get infected and infect the others and possibly kill the entire colony over a period of time. Works well when used in combination with Bio-Neem. Metarhizium (Bio-Insek) - This is also a fungus, one which lives in soil and targets certain types of insects (this specific one targets aphids). It will kill the insects on contact, however trying to source some locally is a bit of an issue - I have reached out to Real IPM to see if they can assist. Used in combination with Beauveria bassiana, will hopefully kill all of them within a few weeks. Both Beauveria Bassiana and Metarhizium need to be able to target the root aphids, you get different strains of each. Acephate (Orthene) - Systemic and debatable as to how safe it is to use on cannabis. Often used on edible crops and tobacco though. When used on tobacco, does not appear to be as effective against the darker root aphids. Not sure it is worth using if you want to go systemic. Imidacloprid - Systemic and has a very very long half life in water without light (1 to 3 years). General consensus is that it is not safe to use on cannabis crops, although once again a bit of debate around this. Some seem to suggest it would be safe to use on mother plants and consume (eat & smoke) the bud from cuttings taken from the mother plant, after Imidacloprid has been given to the mother. Really not something I am comfortable risking. Seems to be a sure way of getting rid of the root aphids one time and majority of other pests you may have. Update 18 August 2021: Some more info I found on Imidacloprid seem to suggest that it will be out of cannabis within 60 days, however this is not based on any specific research which I could find. From the info I can find, the dose also has an effect on how long it will remain active in the plants for and the duration will vary depending on your crop. No specific information on cannabis though, it is used on tobacco which is also smoked but once again it is a different crop. It is also used on animals - cats, dogs, livestock however as a spot on / pour on / shampoo. Ingestion is only toxic at very high doses for humans and most animals. So going to be trying some Beauveria bassiana, Metarhizium and neem as my initial attempt at getting rid of these root aphids failed unfortunately. It makes life a bit easier that I have a rooted cutting with the aphids on, so I can try on there and monitor and see if it works and how well it works. A control of sorts. I am not sure where I got it from, everyone I received cuttings from has checked and does not have root aphids. The plugs were new and from GTH but the packaging was damaged so it is a possibility but cannot confirm it. Could have just been from the garden and they walked in, who knows... If anyone has tried and tested methods or something I have missed, I am all ears!
    3 points
  12. I spray the flower tent all 2 weeks with Serenade at the moment, just to clean up the mess from the Banana Hammocks and Exodus Cheese. PM magnets.. but both turned out rather nice as a smoke. The Banana Hammock was a real surprise, the Exodus Cheese you can't open the jar and not have a stinky room after I like cheese.. so I keep that one for sure. Is all the pest prevention I do right now. And I am off the Bio Heaven for now.. only the potency tests can make me go back to that expensive product. I have my fingers crossed I never have to buy a bottle again. What means I changed the fertilizer on the competition plants a little bit..
    3 points
  13. Who you running from dude?
    3 points
  14. So not much going on this week, still waiting to see if they recover from my stuff up but I they do not look good. Lesson learned. Moving on. I did however transplant into final pots now and will water later today with ph water and explogro solution. Have a great day Peeps.
    3 points
  15. I run about 200km a month. The shoes take a pounding and need to be replaced every 600-700km depending on brand. So with frequent new shoes the colours range quite wildly.
    3 points
  16. Hi everyone seems I’ve got a overwatering problem hope she’s going to be ok Hope for the best Good luck for the week
    3 points
  17. So these girls are just looking happier every day. Opened them up a touch today. Must say #2 I held back is looking like nothing was ever wrong #1 and the runt now almost have the flower box to themselves. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    3 points
  18. July 3 - July 11: The first week after flip. July 12: Day 9 of 12/12 Very carefully up-potted #1 and #2 into the darker grey 10L->15L darker #3 repotted 10L->20L lighter I usually finish in +20L but initially thought that with them being relatively small I could get away with 10L... I noticed 1# and #2 (closest to the heater) drying faster than usual and I think I over corrected by giving those 2 a bit more water. Sad (wilting/drooping) looking leaves... wary that it could be the heater, it could be me overwatering, but if its root-space related then it's #3 will soon follow them. So repotted to be safe and also lowered the temp of the heater from 26C to 22C - hoping that's less of a shock to the plants right next to the heater when it comes on but will also still prevent the tent from getting too cold. Growing in peak winter is new to me [emoji23] tweak the system and learn as we go... They pretty much pulled out the 10L pots like plugs July 14 - day 11 of 12/12 Still looking a lil sad at this point. July 17 - 2 weeks of 12/12 #2 and #1 looking happier and #3 looking happiest Removed some excess fan leaves. Over the next week I will remove some leaves covering buds but after 3 weeks of 12/12 I'm going to try avoid any surgery until the big cut. #3 in all her glory
    3 points
  19. Howzit fellow growers Any suggestions on high CBG strains? CBD is one thing but CBG seems to be more potent for particular treatments. Any input would be lekka
    2 points
  20. So I transplanted her into a 40l fabric pot, which is inside a plastic pot for now. She is recovering at the moment. Getting calmag once a week with her hortimix nutes. Sent from my SM-A715F using Tapatalk
    2 points
  21. Look at you now, running full send again
    2 points
  22. I believe you might have felt discouraged if you bought a nice new light thinking that is the problem, but then plants dont react and still look the same. you would've still had to get air sirculating and get the roots healthy and all that so I think this is a big step forward for your grow space.
    2 points
  23. Hey guys here is my charlottes angel. if there is anybody in the eastern cape Grahamstown looking for clones dm me plz iv got 5 clones to give away
    2 points
  24. Thanks everyone for that. Although the fan was about what I wanted to spend on a light. But to a much better outcome. With the break in weather the last couple of days my flower box actually went down to 45% hum. Never seen that before Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  25. Try this product as it's amazing for fungus Nats and won't hurt your medium at all , that's where i would start
    2 points
  26. Would Diotomatious earth not work?
    2 points
  27. i have a few wetting agents in my cupboard. efekto G49 - beautiful spreader if dosed correctly - will burn everything to shit if over dosed Liquid Fulvic acids - this is my favorite spreader and i can cowboy it if i wanna some organic one i got from a mate - apparently you can go bos with it... but it either had a reaction with the sulphur spray or i went too strong with the wetter... bad Richard! bad! naughty naughty! smacks hands! i have also tried dish soap, which works fine, or new born baby shampoo LOL i think the soap option to break surface tension of the water is mostly avoided to avoid a reaction or negative effect on the intended spray. for example, i would not spray a tea or any live spray, be it bacteria or fungi and use the soap as a spreader, the off the shelf wetting agents are there because they have been tested to not react with most products you spray with
    2 points
  28. Wetting agent, what are you using? Added, I hope your plants are okay, and wish you the best for them.
    2 points
  29. Check out these guys, strains look well. https://hokuseedco.com/
    2 points
  30. I had a really close call with a foliar I did for PM provention, went in a bit heavy with the wetting agent I'm not used to.... And fucken crispy fried some plants pretty bad.... Every plant that wasn't in mid to late flower got the same spray, and my whole veg tent got a bit hurt. The Tortoni came out 98% unscathed... But if it got as burnt as the platinum punch I have in veg, it would have been game over and comp over for me... I would not recover before harvest. Just thought I'd mention it to let you guys know how close to the edge I rode
    2 points
  31. In Christopher Walkens voice... You gotz, to water, them in... If you do, and it's time for them to be fed, you will not skip a heartbeat.
    2 points
  32. Same dude, same. It also really helps to water when transplanting to prevent air pockets in the soil at the root level. Them air pockets can be a doozy. @Adansonia digitata, I like your blue takkies bru
    2 points
  33. Awesome man. I once made the mistake to not water after I transplanted and didn't do the plants any good. Usually a good watering after the transplant helps alot with the shock. But otherwise they look great. They'll explode the next few weeks. Will be watching this closely.
    2 points
  34. It's been a week since I transferred the plants into the PnP bags. I kept the lights on 24 hours since Monday temps in my cabinet dropped down to 9°. I have started also adding molasses. Things seem to be back on track and plants are improving on a daily basis.
    2 points
  35. Some happening middle of the week, decided to push these branches apart to open up budsite for the middle 2 arms on the small plant, better late than never. And then image of the living mulch, just a combination of different covercrop as-well as green and brown mulchies. No pest pressure and/or anaerobic situations for now.
    2 points
  36. I used efecto Oleum in early Veg as a drench seemed to help when I had some unknown bug.
    1 point
  37. You can use something with spinosad in it. Soil drenching should get rid of them.
    1 point
  38. Diatomaceous earth is just going to stop them from coming to the surface, also when wet it's kak. I actually tried some of that Margaret Roberts stuff for fungus gnats but doesn't make a difference, thought I did have fungus gnats initially. I believe Cinnamon kills fungus and I'm planning on using fungus to help kill these root aphids, so not going to risk it. Sent from my Redmi Note 7 Pro using Tapatalk
    1 point
  39. Currently going for an average of $10 a seed for High CBG low thc . CBG will overtake CBD in anxiety treatment in the next few years
    1 point
  40. @Nibiru I'm hope you are well brother... Was looking forward to seeing you drop some of that fire soon, and the family here too Would be amazing if you posted the grows on a diary or something of that kind, and not meant to rush you now. Stay well brother
    1 point
  41. Jisso, me toooooo. Go Bulls
    1 point
  42. Pics Today Sent from my SM-N975F using Tapatalk
    1 point
  43. Less than 12 hours later
    1 point
  44. Firstly, Hope you members from KZN are all safe. That shit was WILD, man! 12 June - Week 3 Not uniform growth, it's likely a user error.
    1 point
  45. Week 8 Update / Flower Week 2 Morning fam, this week was defol time for me to remove the lower stuff that won't make the cut (intentional lame pun ) and to give some light to the stragglers that just might push through to the tops. Last time I'm touching the leaves until much later. Ms Organic is a beautiful steady growing plant. I followed the great advice of @Green Leaf Organics and was mindful of saturating all of the media to runoff and following up with another saturation 20min later. As predicted she looked a bit droopy initially but not too bad, she bounced back quickly and was soon up and about with more vigor than before. Pics to follow All the ladies before defol: Ladies immediately defol: Some pics of what they currently look like: Ms Organic getting a good soak and looking a little droopy: But snapped out of it very quickly: Have a great weekend!
    1 point
  46. Quick update, the one plant started praying and is going hundreds. Other plant still looks to have a eina eina with the bright light.
    1 point
  47. 7 days into flower , they enjoying this grow space much more than the veg space . Very cold the last week in WC and they just received plain rainwater. Sent from my Hisense Infinity H50 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  48. So its hard to take pics of the 3 plants seperately. But here they are. The mutant is the first pic. The the tall one then the normal growing one. The mutant and the normal growing one is the stinky plants the tall one not so much. I think its to be expected. The slurricane was a the tall plant not so smelly but seriously resinous. But we will see what happens later on.
    1 point
  49. July 10 - 1 week post-flip Left to right - 2, 1, 3. Ladies got watered with a light dose bloom and microbes. Applied buddi all rounder spray yesterday and that will be the last application. 20210710_203352_1_1.mp4 You might notice the ladies got new shoes found some of those plant stands at Cape Garden Centre. not comp related but if you're wondering how the clones are going? We have life!
    1 point
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