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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/07/2021 in all areas

  1. Day 1 of Week 14 Update They got 1 Liter of 1/3/4 - 4 ^^ Tarryn Sisa
    5 points
  2. Another week and some more bud development. I had already cleaned the lower branches a bit shortly after the previous update. Busy pumping the full flower dose of GHE nutrients now. Think the stretch has finally stopped!
    5 points
  3. 3 points
  4. When you are a perfectionist, you become the only person trusted to wash and wax this brand new, limited edition Mach 1 1 of 90 in SA
    3 points
  5. what I did for my upcoming outdoor grow, because I am growing in pots, I just took all my old ff soil and added 30% of it's weight in wormcastings. done been sitting for 2 or 3 weeks now. will plant in it by Oct.
    3 points
  6. Reminded met of that simpsons episode
    3 points
  7. Aug 1 - Aug 6 5th week of blom: Going down on #1
    3 points
  8. 2 points
  9. Most ready to use cannabis soils (30L) bags cost R180-220 . I buy those then do a grow and then amend vir Elemental Blend . Phone Jamie's and let them keep a bag for you . If you don't have old soil you can contact me I can get you some to amend. Sent from my Hisense Infinity H50 using Tapatalk
    2 points
  10. hahahah sheeeeet sorry brother, that wasn't meant as an suggestion for you, juuuust cz prom was referring to mr.canuk who mixes a premix organic dry ammendment that's why I show those, that's a similar product, but yeah for your situation I would recommend either the elemental blend as above, or just keep it plain and simple and grab a bag of wormcastings. WAIT, first gotta ask. what you are working with already? I see this is for a raised bed. the existing soil, is it right for gardening? no use to moer a bunch of expensive products on some seasand soil or some clay rich soil, so knowing what you working with is key here. now you gona look for a base, because you can't mix the whole thing with wormcastings either... I have made MANY MANY MANY garden beds. and when I say MANY....... lol. just have a look at the beds at Babylonstoren Gardens in Fraschoek, great inspiration there, they remake those beds monthly and have literally hundereds of beds all made in different ways and with different little tips and tricks. As part of my permaculture internship I worked those beds for a while... Maybe show a picture of the area, dig like a spade depth, see the soil profile, if it's too sandy or too much clay you gona have to work the bottom soil first. THEN you fill ontop. get in contact with the nearest dairy farm around your area, ask them what a bakkie load of fresh cow manure will cost. befriendly, they don't sell the stuff like that and if you get your wording right you might be getting a bakkie load for free. otherwise search for local compost makers, go to where they make the stuff and ask for the freshest straight from the cows stomach poop. you can use horse poop too, but they carry loads of weeds, because a horse does a poor job of digestion. a cow has 4 "compartments" in their stomach so they digest weed seeds and their poop is way waaaayy hotter. with either of these, once you filled the bed you gona have about a week of stinky smells lingering in your yard (I love the fresh farm smell) probably a bit more so with cow poop, but then horse poop attracts gnats. so again the cow poop wins. you gona have to let it sit and water the stuff in for a good month, tilling once weekly, but don't plant anything for a month or you'll burn the shit out any plants. from there you golden, you gona work that little bed for a good long time before having to bring in new soil again or top dress with new compost.
    2 points
  11. 420 friendly accommodation, will be sure to get some attention infact, so 420 friendly you'll be camping out in the grow space right next to the plants!
    2 points
  12. I noticed a familiar logo on some shelves in a store and figured why not support a fellow comrade from the 2021 Indoor Grow off - @mantis and "bring a little luck into my grow" with 3 Mantis pots which 3 of the stronger clones have moved into. The furniture got rearranged
    2 points
  13. Very nice, looking very happy Fridge is a win, can pop the freezer door open in peak summer as an aircon Just need a sleeping bag and you're ready to list on AirBNB.
    2 points
  14. Gave this a quick glance and upon seeing the price, started feeling a bit agitated... But thanks for sharing brother
    2 points
  15. Day 7 of Week 13 Update They got a liter of 1/3/4 - 4 ^^ You should get that by now And the second clean up spray went over the flower tent with Serenade. Tarryn Sisa
    2 points
  16. Utilizing the latest evidence and investigations, this series promises to present new information in a hunt for the truth about infamous, iconic monsters and their origins. It features eyewitness accounts and all-new stories while unveiling eye-opening theories about these nightmarish beasts. Wowzers what an intro! I'm intrigued if I may say so myself. That, however, is actually the description from IMDB for the TV program In Search Of Monsters but it seems appropriate here. I'm looking to grow a monster of a tree that could serve as a Christmas tree at the end of the year if things go well. This journal will document the journey. So the game plan is to take one of the Tortoni clones in the veg tent outside when the sun comes around in Spring, with a headstart into veg. End goal is a 200L pot and have 10L, 15L, 20L, 30L and 80L options to get me there. 80L is the biggest I've grown in so this could/should be a personal best for me in terms of growing a tree, especially with the headstart. In the veg tent, we have our clones: 12 Tortoni's - I took 6 cuttings each from Tortoni #1 & #3 from the 2021 indoor grow-off. Despite my noobness at cloning and it getting pretty cold at times I somehow have all 12 cuts alive, albeit to varying degrees of strength. I'll take that as a win, and beginners luck but I'm sure it actually has a lot to do with working with quality material. Something about these @Totemicgenetics having an incredibly strong desire to live - kudos where it is due Biggest plant you see here at the moment, right-centre in this pic is a Critical Churchill seed I had left lying around. The rest are the Tortoni clones. Those 3 in black single plastic pots in the tray were the first to root and are clearly the most developed of the clones at this point. But that's where we are starting from and going to. Thank you in advance to anyone who offers their insights, tips and suggestions
    1 point
  17. Sorry how I missed this. Yeah.[emoji109] Sent from my LM-X210(G) using Tapatalk
    1 point
  18. 11 seeds (10 +1 free) in the tin. 1st batch (6x seeds) into water on Sunday 1st, 2nd batch (5 seeds) Wed 4th. 10 have germinated. Previous pics posted (day 5 & 6) are of seedling A, here's B and C (day 6)..
    1 point
  19. Sir, I can neither confirm nor deny the possibility that you are in-fact tripping balls (may the odds forever be in your favour)... but yes that is indeed ducting coming through the light/between the lights intake fan sending fresh air onto the plants. Small oscillating fan bottom right out of frame to circulate air back up to the extraction fan at the top left. Hmm... very good point... so you say an even bigger pot??? I will have to search far and wide... and also apply for a small bond to finance the soil
    1 point
  20. This is plain Coco and plain Spagnum Peat Moss , added Elemental Blend at a ratio of 1L Elemental to 10L medium as per label. I have used it before like this and the grows was good. Perlite il add just before I pot up. Hope this helps . Hydroponics.co.za also stock it. Sent from my Hisense Infinity H50 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  21. there are a few generic brands that are local who you can get potting soil from. Reliance being one of them then there's also DoubleGrow and a few others. I have to say I don't really trust any of them. I used to support Reliance, so if I had to choose between the two I would go with Reliance, but get their compost and work it into the beds, not potting soil as it would contain too much sand. Work the compost into the beds, water it in well for a good 2 weeks or so then you're ready to go. Personally if I was making beds, I would go cow poop and put in the physical labour, tilling and watering into the beds for a month or so. We live in farm country, driving through farm areas you bound to find a farm that has compost heaps or cows, very easy to find good manure around.
    1 point
  22. Morning all. Could one buy a good quality potting soil and add elemental blend or worm castings. I have a few 100l boxes/beds I want to try in the shade house this year. Sent from my LM-X210(G) using Tapatalk
    1 point
  23. think @Weskush is trying to build a bed outdoors, he sais 1m x 2m wide and 20cm deep so I am assuming this will be ontop of soil and not completely a box, so I don't think used ff will be best option even if he ammends it with elemental blend.
    1 point
  24. 1 point
  25. fokken naaaas boet am I tripping or is that duct coming right through the qb? if you got a christmas tree by Dec, you gona sit with roughly another 5 to 6 months before the outdoor flower season starts. by that time you should have the 200L pot fully grown in. which would probably be just too big to flower her inside. and outside will be bit of a stretch unless you give her an even bigger pot or go straight into the ground to push her through till outdoor flower cycle starts then grow a 2kilo plant hahahah
    1 point
  26. Finally day 1 of flower. 2l plain water shared between the 3. Sent from my DRA-LX5 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  27. I am not great at diagnosing deficiencies as I struggle with colour a bit. When I use to buffer my coco, I would get the calmag solution a lot higher than 0.3 EC I would aim for around 1.2 EC to 1.6 EC to let the coco sit in to ensure proper cation exchange. Perhaps it was a bit excessive. I recall someone mentioning they used an EC of around 0.8 when buffering their coco and never had issues. To me, 0.3 EC to buffer seems a bit low. So it is possible that is part of the issue. As for why it is affecting only one of the strains is a bit weird but could be due to the demand for certain nutes which the one strain has vs the other strain. You could try add a little more micro to the mix as that contains some the calcium and some magnesium too. You could add a bit extra calmag as well (I think it was 1g or 3g per 10L for maintenance) to the feed if you feel the coco may not be buffered properly. Now a days I just purchase already mixed and buffered coco, much easier for me. Are you using the soft or hard version of the GHE nutes and is it normal tap water? Filtered water? Borehole?
    1 point
  28. All happy girls still, no after smell now then next day.
    1 point
  29. Everyone, as promised, here is...
    1 point
  30. Rain water for the girls, and happy camper's.
    1 point
  31. Clone's potted, more up potted plants.
    1 point
  32. I contacted the guys at Thrive and unfortunately the shipping to Cape Town was about R2000. Guys are super nice and friendly, just wish there was a cheaper option as I also wanted to experiment with their soil.
    0 points
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