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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/30/2021 in all areas

  1. Today is Flower Day 60 These pics were taken on Flower Day 57 (Friday 27 Aug) but will try my best to post pics from today later Below is Tortoni #2 and #3. I'm not gonna bother with #1 as she's a bit of runt and a bit nasty compared to these 2. I'd say #2 is just about finished. She has started to foxtail slightly but not bad at all. I'll be checking her trichs tonight #2 #3
    9 points
  2. Nightshots They have been grown organically, just to repeat that, because my ladies a bit uglier than yall salt feeding ninjas. Would love a thc compare test end of grow like last time @420SA Has @Aeradixresponded on the request as yet?
    8 points
  3. Greetings canna fam! Time has come for the next update in this grow! Tortoni is starting to fade and fill out well... If she keeps this up I may even become impressed
    6 points
  4. Good evening , most probable the second last update before the chop the weekend. Have them the last Fire Juice 5days ago and just water now Al the way to the end . I think another week would have done them justice , still clear thrichs now. This was a realy nice comp thx to the forum and all involved [emoji120]. Sent from my Hisense Infinity H50 using Tapatalk
    5 points
  5. So I took down some plants this weekend, didn't take pictures before unfortunately. Was quite unhappy with the Black Cherry Pie and then time was not on my side so focused on getting the job done as opposed to taking pictures (sticky fingers and a phone is also not pleasant). I took down the following: Black Cherry Pie Remo Chemo Slurrijug Jelly Breath Bananium A lot of strains look quite shitty when compared to the Slurricane & Bananium. I will take pics of the bud once its dried and trimmed. Yield on the Black Cherry Pie appears to be quite poor. Keeping in mind, I got the Black Cherry Pie and Remo Chemo from a friend in small plastic pots and kept them as such - I can without a doubt see that something was up compared to my other plants in their 20L fabric pots. The root system on the plants from my friend seemed under developed in comparison Last night I managed to take some pics of some plants which should be ready to be cut in the next few weeks. They're looking good, at least I think so! After the BCP and Remo Chemo, I was a bit demotivated and seeing this brought a smile to my face Frosted Apricots Platinum Punch - dare I say, looking pretty good when compared to the Sugarcane? I have 2 more phenos of this strain to grow out and compare as well. Certainly a keeper - just need to see which phenos is the chicken dinner. The way it packs on the frost reminds me of the Bananium though. Last but not least, Sugarcane...
    5 points
  6. So the latest pics are up. I have counted and she did 7 weeks of veg roughly and is now in week 9 of flower as I flipped on the specified date (Week 16 overall). The other day I top dressed the soil, and she has been getting mainly plain RO water since. The buds are starting to fatten up a little which is nice. The frost is everywhere though and she is smelling good Had a quick look at the trichomes the other day also to see where we are sitting and most are expectedly still clear.
    5 points
  7. Been wanting to go rdwc for ages, never did but decided I was over coco and all the mess involved. So built my own due to the ridiculous cost of off the shelf systems. a few minor mods left to do tomorrow and I’ll be doing water tests.
    4 points
  8. Week 14 Update / Flower Week 8 We're inching closer to the finish line but still a fair way off, T3 will definitely be first in line although she is also been pushing out new flowers recently: Tent photo: T1 (back right): T2 (back left): T3 (front left):
    4 points
  9. Day 3 of Week 17 Update They got 1 liter of water each
    4 points
  10. Morning everyone, my update for the previous week: She’s looking ok to me, 40+ heads just need some flesh but a lot can happen in the next two weeks. Think it’s definitely going to be more than two weeks before harvest.
    4 points
  11. 4 points
  12. Nice, ya from my experience with tortoni and how totes first run went I was curtain there would have been much bigger buds throughout the competition. Obviously there are definite standouts. But ya there’s a lot of variation in technique etc. heres one of the colas of the #3 I grew. I’ll definitely be keen to try out the F2s
    3 points
  13. So nothing really happening but it was watering day so I checked them all again and took some real shitty pics.. I thought I had it down but afterwards checking them, most were a waste of time.. Their going into week 8. I would say easy another 3 to go.. Input would be appreciated.. Will obviously check trichs closer to the time best I can.. WPM is still lurking and I gave them a good spray with Serenade again.. Nr 1 Her leaves are starting to fade and yellow.. Nr 2 Nr 3
    3 points
  14. Oh!! An I also have a surprise for everyone haha!! One of the fan leaves felt a bit left out and decided to start growing some bud on it I'll keep it and cure it for a sneaky pipe sometime
    3 points
  15. Im so high I thought the same guy was talking to himself in this thread based on those profile pics :D Following! Sent from my SM-A715F using Tapatalk
    3 points
  16. Day 104 59 of 12/12 Little bit of size gain , less than i was hoping for
    2 points
  17. Now that’s a competition plant ☝ Nice one bud
    2 points
  18. Unfortunately, science says that LEDs do not emit UV-B radiation which is beneficial to plants and most living things in moderation, and only output moderate UV-A light which isnt as useful to plants, and absolutely zero UV-C which is the dangerous UV spectrum. UV is best supplied using additional supplemental flourecent tubes designed to output UV-B. so the UV diodes are a small waste as technology isnt there yet. and the IR is useful for flowering plants who use large amounts of red light to grow... the red also increases vertical growth which can be good or it can be bad if you arent aware of this fact. all in all, its better to have them than not have them - but you dont neeeeeed them
    2 points
  19. Late last night i received this whatsapp from Jeremy Acton, leader of the Dagga Party: " All participants in this spoken submission process who get to speak, please declare NO CONTRACT with the Bill, and DECLARE A VETO on further process of the Bill. Please declare the Bill to be COMPLETELY REJECTED. The same is going for the Umzimvubu Farmers Support Network, FOGFA, Schindlers, ECDC, and a couple others that are involved. So I take it that the powers that be are trying to screw us as usual. Thankful for having great people mentioned above looking after our interests while we smoke and grow in peace.
    2 points
  20. Apologies, I spoke too soon, it takes as long as your router takes to startup to resume it schedule, I was just impatient and outraged to think of this lol Sent from my SM-A715F using Tapatalk
    2 points
  21. Back crossing is when you cross an F3 for eg. Back to one of the parents. Not just any plant from the same F2 generation, but the exact parent plant(usually the male, but you can reverse backcross onto a female too) You'd do this because a trait(most likely recessive) has popped up in the F3 based on your male selections that you'd like to see more often in the next generation. The goal is to ensure you get a double copy of the gene expression to make it dominant. Backcrossing is a way of stabilizing and locking in traits. It's interesting to note that a backcross brings as much stability as 3 filial generations worth of selections. What makes breeding a challenge is that while you are trying to select for good traits, there are undesirable traits that need eliminating too, so a backcross does not translate to a good cross necessarily and selections will always be important.
    2 points
  22. So I have some of these tomato cages / plant support: https://gthydro.co.za/products/698-tomato-cage.html Most are new and unused, I think there are 11 or 12 of them. Not being used so instead of them gathering dust, I'd rather someone else be able to use it. R55 each
    1 point
  23. Thank you.. That would be the assumption but I think there is allot to consider.. What is strange to me though is that the Grape Gorilla seem to be far more PM resistant.. She is in the same tent and out of the 7 plants she is the only one not showing anny sign of PM. AND what I have also noticed is that defoliating does not make a difference. In actual fact the ones less defoliated in the other tent also show no sign of it.. But it is early days in my adventure indoors.. I need to get my climate spot on to actually be able to make anny judgement regarding the matter..
    1 point
  24. Go ahead accepted thank you brother [emoji12][emoji120] Sent from my Hisense Infinity H50 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  25. Lekker loaded with thrichs Sent from my Hisense Infinity H50 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  26. Bro! Thank you for this, exactly the kind of info I was looking for. I think they caught me with the marketing tactics lol I am happy to go with the normal boards + 660nm Would have been nice to have, but if its not going to make much difference then would rather get the extra 660nm pieces.
    1 point
  27. I use 3000k with 660nm QBs.. and happy so far ^^
    1 point
  28. Lekker frosty [emoji91] Sent from my Hisense Infinity H50 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  29. Got some closeup shots tonight Trichomes look mostly milky, not too many amber. Pots are still a bit heavy so will make the chop as soon as they feel light.
    1 point
  30. Lemon OG Haze from Nirvana with a batch of Candy Kush to follow once space. Rest are some clones from my mother tent. Gelato (2 different phenos), Slurricane, Exodus Cheese, JetFuel, Deluxe Sugarcane, Super Skunk. Should all drop in before or around Xmas.. love to give myself presents
    1 point
  31. Here I a better pic
    1 point
  32. Last day of Week 16 Update Last feeding.. proper one ^^ 3/3/4 - 4 (Fish Mix, Bloom, Top Max per liter) - (Amino Boost per 10 liters) 2 Liters each Tarryn Sisa
    1 point
  33. Good evening contestant's [emoji91][emoji323] Nothing spesial this week , same watering and feeding. #1 the topped one I'm still liking , #2 fimmed thought it would be closer to #1 size wise but it's smaller and then #3 Xmas tree just might be the best yielded . If I scroll back it looks like we start week 8 tomorrow. Nice shiny dense buds. Sent from my Hisense Infinity H50 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  34. Still just water. Day 54
    1 point
  35. Well shit, they from CT now... They be, Cape Town Skunk now
    1 point
  36. Bro your goods look Devine, huge respect and that colour too is amazing. I just can't help but think of this song / move, every time I see that name Do Si Do
    1 point
  37. 90u Full Melt Dry Sift same source material
    1 point
  38. another pic and some shatter from the same bud processed for the same client
    1 point
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