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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/31/2021 in Posts

  1. Ok so today is day 63 of flower. They are pretty much ready to be harvested but I will push them one more week.
    12 points
  2. Day 104 59 of 12/12 Little bit of size gain , less than i was hoping for
    8 points
  3. Here's some pics with the lights on.
    6 points
  4. Tuesday 31st August : week 9 of flower. Orange pistils all around, even the phone camera detected the plants as fireworks when taking the pictures. Lol Fireworks is no lie. The ladies are looking hot!!! Super frosty all over too, and smelling amazing! T2 is my top performer out of the topped plants. Admittedly, not the fattest of buds but I'm super happy with the grow. They survived one of the coldest winters we've had in a long time. I think it's time to take the microscope out to have a look at some trichomes.
    6 points
  5. Busy tent day ^^ took the mains from the Lemon OG haze plants to hunt and 2 Cream Caramel mothers got prepared too to get processed soon. Took quick some close ups from the Tortoni's too
    5 points
  6. I see a lot of horror stories starting with "I went away for the weekend", so naturally I was rather worried about my ladies while away for 4 days. I had a friend go through and give them some water as I figured they'd be dry by day 3. I came back to the plants all overlapping each other, had a growth spurt of note! So it was time to get my 2nd light going and time to spread them a part a bit. Tonight I'll start with some LST before topping
    5 points
  7. Ahoy @PsyCLown, @Naughty.Psychonaut, @Weskush, @GGG... Thanx for popping in. No this is not to sterilize the soil. This is purely a added extra for the soil. When done it will add millions of good bacteria into the soil helping it stay alive and thriving. I found the recipe on the "Unconventional Farmers" website and saw it in video format on youtube from the "Weedy Gardener". Go check it out. Jip that is exactly what my goal is... No not to worried at all. In fact I'm brewing it again due to the success I had last season. I used a few added supplements but the Lacto was one of them from the start and will be part of my arsenal. I use it for feeding the soil and to foliar spray. Keeps PM away for sure. The BB and GSC is from last season that i had left over. Great strains and yields was insane... When I found it I was skeptical, but the end product, the smell, the things that can be done with it apart from gardening. I even drink it when i have made some...
    4 points
  8. Day 4 of Week 17 Update They got nothing and fading now Tarryn Sisa
    4 points
  9. Went on leave today so i got some stuff ready for the grow season. Cleaned my measuring jugs, checked nute stock and what needs to be bought, picked out my seeds and went on to start the Lactobacillus Serum. The seeds has been put out into separate glasses and tomorrow morning, 31 Aug, i will drop them in water. PROBIOTICS : I started off with 1 litre of tapwater which i left to stand for 24 Hours to get rid of the chlorine. Then I added 500g of white rice, stirred it up for a bit and strained the rice water into another glass jar. I covered it with paper towel and set it in a dark place. It will stay in the dark for 7 days, depends on temperature. After the 7 days I will add 1 litre of full cream milk and then its almost done....
    4 points
  10. Sorry I make some more... have my Muse over Friday then we check what 'interesting' shots we can produce. And a on the smell.. those ladies have a intense one
    3 points
  11. in doing the one you're also doing the other I guess, well you got a good question then cause how would I know what his intention was and I would also like to know the answer from our smelly friend and if using for sterelizing the soil how well does it work? and if you growing in sterile medium wouldn't that be like growing in coco?
    3 points
  12. Lactobacillus is a beneficial bacterium that helps sterilize soil and remove byproducts that can build up and create a harmful environment. The presence of lactobacillus limits the undesirable organisms in the soil. This creates a more balanced environment that is able to support plant life.
    3 points
  13. Definitely the BudBox but I have yet to press that big red BUY button
    3 points
  14. if the plant doesn't seem stunted by this and is continuing growing on healthy like normal you can defoliate. Though, I think what you sprayed is inside the plant already, even though it's a contact treatment product it was obviously a bit too concentrated and the plant took something in that wasn't meant to. it does not look like surface damage. for this reason I would advise not to remove biomass otherwise the stress will just translate to what good growth you have left. you may just wana step back and not do a thing right now. if a leaf is past 50% of necrosis or falling off by itself you can remove it. if you don't see healthy new growth, don't defoliate. only once you see healthy new growth you know there is minimal stress remaining from the damage then you can go ahead and defoliate.
    3 points
  15. Good evening , most probable the second last update before the chop the weekend. Have them the last Fire Juice 5days ago and just water now Al the way to the end . I think another week would have done them justice , still clear thrichs now. This was a realy nice comp thx to the forum and all involved [emoji120]. Sent from my Hisense Infinity H50 using Tapatalk
    3 points
  16. 31 August 21 Forgot to take pics the weekend, due to some partly dried Lemon AK, worth it Here's what the baby girls like today... For Scale: 2 Litre O O O Oros bottle
    2 points
  17. Day 30 (batch 1) and day 27 (batch 2) from seed - 3 confirmed males, 1 with purple sacs early (pictured). At this stage it looks like there will be 5 females and 4 males from the 9. The other pic is the boss male
    2 points
  18. Been waiting weeks for these closeups
    2 points
  19. Ja the evidence are on the leaves. I eventually got the nematodes and applied it last week. I can already see an improvement. Will keep updating on those.
    2 points
  20. @EastRandGrower Welcome and enjoy your stay! Make sure you are visiting via the webpage and not Tapatalk, then goto your name at the top right, click the down arrow, click on Account Settings and then select Signature.
    2 points
  21. They busy in parliament discussing it now Sent from my Hisense Infinity H50 using Tapatalk
    2 points
  22. It wouldn't be completely sterile, at least I do not think so. It is outdoors and bacteria can live in an array of different conditions. @Smelly Joe What says you?
    2 points
  23. Howzit oaks. So a couple of days back I was surfing through facebook and up comes a post from the SAPS. Usually I see tons of people getting arrested for growing, possessing, dealing, transporting etc. of the cannabis plant we all love so much. It is depressing, I know, but also gives me an idea of what I have to deal with if something happened blah blah blah. So this was just a regular post (for them) about some "dagga" that they had confiscated and charges and sentencing and extremely scarey stuff. I do understand it is a huuuuuuuge amount but they referred to the Cannabis for Private Purposes bill. Here's the post. And here's the bill: B19_2020_Cannabis_for_Private_Purposes_Bill.pdf So a few things I understand or might understand: You can only have 4 flowering plants per adult in a household, and not more than 8 flowering plants per household. 2 vegetating plants count as 1 flowering plant. You can get sentenced if you smoke infront of your children or if it bothers neighbours etc. Seedlings measurements may not exceed 15cm height and width (above that is considered a vegetative plant). 600g per person, up to 1.2kg per household dried product. 1g dried product is 5g wet product. In public may carry 100g or 1 plant equivalent. And plenty more. So is this the bill that is in question tomorrow according to the sms you recieved? @Chris Jay I must be honest, this bill is absolute shit. There are still incriminating factors of the use of cannabis and therefore it is not "decriminalized" as I am sure that is what we are asking for (minimum)? I am not at all clued up with law and this stuff so please correct me if something is wrong in the post. I would love to know more. There are way too many issues with this bill and I agree to scrap it completely. Is this hopefully what happens tomorrow? It would be impossible to grow perpetually or have any mother plants as they would be taking up the so called flowering quota. This is extremely bad for our local strains, right?
    2 points
  24. .....Bacto Sent from my Hisense Infinity H50 using Tapatalk
    2 points
  25. Can't go wrong with Bactis , very good for soil Sent from my Hisense Infinity H50 using Tapatalk
    2 points
  26. beautiful man!! truly magic bro!! just a pity about them thrips, but they dont seem to have slowed you down in the least!!
    2 points
  27. Week 3 veg and I going to be honest I have not seen growth like this with organics in awhile, so far I'm really enjoying the autopots with organics. The synthetics seem to be building salt on top of the coco and the growth somewhat seems slower compared to organic. I believe it might be due to the organics having a dosage of tricantonal which has been proven to boost growth Some of the ladies also got FIM, topped & LST Nothing else to report Zkittlez GG K-2
    2 points
  28. @Naughty.Psychonaut I do not have a rosin press, yet at least. So never pressed them. Popped seeds as @greenkush said, busy narrowing down the phenos though. In House Genetics put out some serious Not the cheapest seeds, but really worth it provided you get a good strain from them (not all of their stuff is the same). Their morphology is quite low in comparison and unlike a lot of other breeders, you typically do not need to go through multiple packs to get a great pheno... Or perhaps we're just extremely lucky. I don't think we can be this lucky though considering how many packs we bought and seeds we've popped.
    2 points
  29. I think he is adding beneficial bacteria, creating micro population
    2 points
  30. Oh!! An I also have a surprise for everyone haha!! One of the fan leaves felt a bit left out and decided to start growing some bud on it I'll keep it and cure it for a sneaky pipe sometime
    2 points
  31. Greetings canna fam! Time has come for the next update in this grow! Tortoni is starting to fade and fill out well... If she keeps this up I may even become impressed
    2 points
  32. So the latest pics are up. I have counted and she did 7 weeks of veg roughly and is now in week 9 of flower as I flipped on the specified date (Week 16 overall). The other day I top dressed the soil, and she has been getting mainly plain RO water since. The buds are starting to fatten up a little which is nice. The frost is everywhere though and she is smelling good Had a quick look at the trichomes the other day also to see where we are sitting and most are expectedly still clear.
    2 points
  33. I havent posted on the forum for quite a while but lets not get into that. Lets rather just get to growing The strains for the season is as follows for now and might change: Chocolate Gelato Royal Banner Slurricane Cheese Blue Kush Berry This grow will be kept to a budget and for any of you that is new to Outdoor growing or maybe just want to see what can be done with the minimum of products, I will show you. Last season i pulled just under 2kg dry bud. Its not much for some, but for me its more than a years bud. I will also add prices and suppliers for those that need it. I will be heading out end of the month to buy my soil mix etc and will mix and share when it comes down to that. Until then have a great weekend and chat soon...
    1 point
  34. Nice and healthy looking , are you going to top them to get more budsites ? Sent from my Hisense Infinity H50 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  35. So I went shopping today. Rolled a beautiful and tasty GSC x BB joint, took the wife to work and missioned off to the best adult store in my opinion. The guys over at the Hydro store in Brackenfell was friendly and helpful as always. I grabbed 3 bags of the 50/50 Coco Perlite blend. I was looking for some Amino Acid and micorizza, but unfortunately they did not stock. I cant seem to find at the other stores as well, the ones in my vacinity that is. After that I got back into the car, heades home but not after lighting the rest of that joint. I also stopped by the Nursery in my town and bought 5 bags of potting soil to mix mix the coco perlite mix. I will get some compost in anothet small town that has crushed egg shells in it. I used it last season and that extra calcium seemed to have helped. Before I left i dropped the seeds in water and by 19:00 all of them has sunk to the bottom. So I took them and placed them in their birthplace. So here goes season 2021!!! The Slurricane Cheese that I got from a grower is looking good with fattish leaves. I havent grown out this strain and have little knowledge about it except what I read. But then again, is it a true Slurricane Cheese or just a name and a unknown, maybe, could be that strain seed.??? I guess only time will tell. My next post should be with an update on the seeds. The Chocolate Gelato will also have her own thread seeing that it is a tester. I am only popping 2 this round cause i tried germinating one last season and I messed up. So the last 2 are the for back up...
    1 point
  36. Decided to rebuild the control manifold and a few mods and this is the final product. Currently filling to test entire system for leaks, how I’ll drain it is another days problem.
    1 point
  37. I believe this to be BS to, there is no legal limit of plants/ or recommended amount of plants. Its just a guideline for now. That is correct. I actually have Jermeys speech for today, if I could only find an easy way to upload. One part I will quiote:" 9. That is like asking the real criminals to become judges or to act as wolves might do to decide for the rights of sheep.". Love it.
    1 point
  38. Thanx @GGGnot half as good as your grows but I'm trying
    1 point
  39. The right people need to be able to profit from it safely and conveniently... Us as the home growers are not the right people as far as the government is concerned. @The Grass Baas The limitation is still a limitation and can be very limiting depending on what exactly you want to achieve with your grows. As you stated, 8 flower plants = 16 veg plants. This is a combination, so someone keeping say 4 mothers (not a lot of variety, is it?) is then left with 6 flower plants or 12 veg plants... combination of both. This is if there are 2 adults living together, so if you're single and living alone... well fuck, even worse for you. Now you cannot share your harvests with friends and family as much due to the limit imposed. If someone wants to do some proper breeding locally, good luck doing so easily while abiding by these limitations. The frustrating part is that other substances do not have these limitations, the common ones being alcohol and cigarettes. Why can we not follow the guidelines of cigarettes? I fully understand not smoking infront of children and not giving any tobacco or cannabis to children (unless for proper, approved medical use and then it would typically be in an edible / oil form and they'd not be smoking it). Currently is there a limit to people brewing their own beers or growing tobacco plants themselves? As far as I am aware, no. The bigger issue is why is there a limit in the first place.
    1 point
  40. So nothing really happening but it was watering day so I checked them all again and took some real shitty pics.. I thought I had it down but afterwards checking them, most were a waste of time.. Their going into week 8. I would say easy another 3 to go.. Input would be appreciated.. Will obviously check trichs closer to the time best I can.. WPM is still lurking and I gave them a good spray with Serenade again.. Nr 1 Her leaves are starting to fade and yellow.. Nr 2 Nr 3
    1 point
  41. perhaps for an experienced grower who doesnt need to worry about his plants so much, then fancy upgrades like wifi switching are on the table but for a new grower, worrying about if your lights are on or off when they are supposed to be on or off shouldnt be on the forfront of your problem list. also, even if the power comes back on and the switch goes into its last state or an on state, while its supposed to be lights off, the plants will have the lights on for a good few seconds, depending on your router it could be a few more seconds. the one thing i learned very early on is the light cycle should never be disturbed at all costs - and to me, those few seconds of potential overlap is more than enough for me to stay away from wifi switching for my core program and stick to a mechanical digital timer with built in battery backup
    1 point
  42. Day 3 of Week 17 Update They got 1 liter of water each
    1 point
  43. Nightshots They have been grown organically, just to repeat that, because my ladies a bit uglier than yall salt feeding ninjas. Would love a thc compare test end of grow like last time @420SA Has @Aeradixresponded on the request as yet?
    1 point
  44. Wow, that must be some bud. LoL.
    1 point
  45. Im so high I thought the same guy was talking to himself in this thread based on those profile pics :D Following! Sent from my SM-A715F using Tapatalk
    1 point
  46. Here I a better pic
    1 point
  47. Fat ass bitch that Sissa is... Those never let you down...
    1 point
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