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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/12/2021 in Posts

  1. Day 121 and day 37 12/12. Pics are in sets of 3 today plant #1 - #3. Watering twice a week now and adding molasses every 3rd or 4th watering. Nice sweet aromas starting to fill the garage.
    6 points
  2. Getting very close to harvest , ? I have made the decision to go with the more Indica looking strain,she has lekker size and bud appeal
    5 points
  3. So this is my "final post" for the competition... 120 days since seeds got wet, I present to you 3x Totemic Tortoni grown in Orgasoilux under LEDs, nourished very lightly with biobizz grow but more activera almost throughout and bloom in flower. Also, Biodyne liquid gold microbes, molasses and worm tea. Buddi All-Rounder spray to avoid undesirables. Let's start this post like so many others in this grow log - a GIF, 5 - 10 September: So on Friday, 10 September - after 70 days of 12/12 and trichomes are milky and around 10-20% amber, #2 is perhaps closer to 5-10% amber. Here are the 3 plants in their final form before the cut: #2: This one is a stinky girl. Reminds me of the aroma that welcomes you as you enter a Durban-beachfront-public-bathroom on a hot day in summer. #3: This one has a sweetish smell and was a close contender to be the chosen one, but not quite. #1: This one smells sweet like #3 but this one the smell is quite a bit stronger and this plant has the biggest cola of the 3 plants (big in the context of my grow, perhaps not the comp lol). I present to you the chosen #1: Want a GIF of the journey? I got you [emoji869] My first time documenting a grow. My first grow competition. My 2nd indoor grow. What a thoroughly enjoyable experience which I feel has taught me a lot. Thank you @420SA, sponsors and judges for a great competition. Thank you @Totemic for the quality genetics, I hope you have enjoyed the show. I look forward to growing many more of your seeds in future. Thank you @Pants again, for roping me into the forum and competition. Documenting a grow like this has been a fun experience for me - I tried to make it an enjoyable or at least entertaining read. For those that followed the journey, offered support and guidance - thank you. For now, drying is underway until stems start to crack rather than bend. Then trim and into terploc bags for +3 weeks but I suspect some sneaky tasters may happen on Heritage/Braai day weekend which seems like an appropriate occasion. When I entered this competition I had a goal of producing bud I can be proud of... while I'm not quite at the finished product yet to confirm that - I think I'm going to need to set new goals. Peace[emoji111]
    5 points
  4. Good sir, It has been a pleasure following your grow, thank you for showing us all that no matter how bad things are going, there can still be flowers at the end of the road. You've had a tough grow, and seeing your plants is flowering, in my eyes turns a tuff grow, into a successful one. Congratulations on sticking around and not falling away, you my dude, are resilient asf. Ty.
    4 points
  5. So I got my hands on some Cat Piss seeds from Lollipop Seeds in Finland if I'm correct. Well reading up on this strain, is major confusing as one review make it a sativa strong hybrid and some indica strong.. Highly popular in the early 90s with 3 types or phenos talked about.. Great uplifting long lasting vibe once you endured the apparent foul odour and some say taste, where others say nice tasting puff.. With so manny chancers out there one would only know when sampling for yourself and that is what I am planning to do. I handed the beans to a friend of mine and he managed to get 3 going and all three were female. Cuts are currently being made and I took one of the girls back and will now put her outside. She'll start to flower and I should be able to guage her authenticity before she reveges and I take clones or throw her in the compost heap.. She's a early July baby and had to endure harsh cold and inadequate light. According to some reviews the strain like moderate to cold conditions so having her outside now should not stress her to much I hope.. So here goes.. Lets see if this long lasting, uplifting daytime smoke strain lives up to her followings reviews.. Apparently not for the faint hearted.. Please, if anyone has any experience with growing the strain coment on traits and your opinion. Thnx.
    3 points
  6. Almost 6 weeks in veg and ready to go , today will be the last veg day for these and 12/12 starts tomorrow. Sent from my Hisense Infinity H50 using Tapatalk
    3 points
  7. So we're about 8 days since I planted the seeds in the peat pellets. So far 3/4 have been plated in their pots, and one seed has yet come out of it's shell. As for the ones that have been potted, the one Dinamed seedling that sprouted first is looking great, and the other two not as great but hopefully nothing to worry about. The two Dinamed seedlings were potted 3 days ago, and the Cheese 2 days ago. Here are some photos of the 3 of them.
    3 points
  8. What a cracker of a diary!!!!And for a first one, this is something to be very proud of. Only your second grow?! That's very well done indeed. Thanks for sharing. Gifs are really awesome, how do you do that?
    2 points
  9. People investing big... dont risk a empty fridge. They usually have a lot more. So when they invest big before a law is released... that is just pure greed. They knew it can go sour... so dont complain when it does. Right now we are depending on the good will of the cops. You dont piss em off, they let you be, otherwise, they can act after the present law. Private use is not even implemented yet... they need 2 more years for that, even it should be done and dusted. I hope... really really hope, that it wont be a mission to get a licence for a coffee shop, grow and sell. But for now, i just wait. My Visa renewal took usually 4 to 6 weeks. Handed it in Feb, havent heard a thing yet burocracy is veeery slow at the moment. And hemp legelization wont be the top priority. Lets hope not ending in 25 licences for the highest bidder... or crap like that
    2 points
  10. Very pretty Sent from my Hisense Infinity H50 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  11. They look fine. The last pic looks like a genetic mutation of the leaf or a hungry gogga took a happie. It happens and i'm sure that they will be hundreds
    1 point
  12. And as I was busy in the flat, made pics for the Slurricane and Gelato currently growing after the Tortoni's
    1 point
  13. Thanks man. Lots of encouragement and solutions from the forum helped along the way. It could even be the Epson salts hey.[emoji2937] Sent from my S40 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  14. Apologies gent, never replied to you. I dalla FIM after the 4-5th node
    1 point
  15. Just awesome, the plants and the write up. [emoji91][emoji91][emoji91][emoji91][emoji91] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  16. Just a quick update for the weekend, nothing too exciting to mention this time around . Ladies are looking happy, got my environment sorted with the change in pots and the added filter. Glad to say that's all working. I also added a passive intake to the tent, simply cut my ducting in half and stuck that in one of the holes with a stocking on the end of it. Seems to be helping quite a bit. I feel bad for having these plants still referred to as numbers, I think it's time they get names... Throw some suggestions in the comments for me DSC#1 DCS#2 DSC#3 Still got the 3 little ones in here. Garden prep happening Monday, think they will be moving outside in the following week
    1 point
  17. and some close ups
    1 point
  18. Some final quality and pest checks being done.. Having to grow in a grow off is a very humbling experience for me.. Nr 3 is looking very naaice.. She was the one un topped or fimmed and pulled down. Her nugs are a bit more appealing than nr 1's.
    1 point
  19. Update: Both Dinamed Kush seedlings have been planted in their forever homes. Still waiting for the Cheese seeds to breach before I pot them. Humble beginnings
    1 point
  20. I thought it was gonna be a shriveled up lost case but, nah bruh. You good
    1 point
  21. Ok. Enough of this kak. Can’t stand opening the tent so while I had time and mostly cloudy, took them down. Was an awesome comp and came a long way. Grow space is upgraded and running a lot better, as long as I check my dosages. Something to never forget. Good luck to everyone still competing. Will move the vegging #2 to the flower box soon and prob start a round of vostoks! Runt #3 up first And #1 In the box Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  22. Week 9 done and now into the 10th and (I expect) final week of flower. Gave 2L straight water each last night and I expect that to be the last watering for #1 and #3. Unsure about #2 at the moment, she might go a few days longer if she wants to swell. 31 Aug - 5 Sep: #1: #2: #3:
    1 point
  23. Day 114 and day 30 of 12/12. As the competition draws to an end here I am. Some are getting ready to harvest while others are gonna push a bit longer then there is one or two of us that fucked up along the way. But finish we will. Just by looking at the killer plants that have been grown the I think the judges have their work cut out for them. Pics are in groups of four #1-#3. Finally figured out the blue bags are drying twice as fast as the brown bag. Gave them all a proper soaking today. For what it's worth I'll be putting T3 forward on judgment day. Bonus is I get to have a sneak peek to what my plants should look like in 40 days time.
    1 point
  24. I'll go through posts and see if anyone else is still running a dwc. I did remember seeing 2 or 3 people but not sure if they were running hortimix Sent from my SM-N975F using Tapatalk
    1 point
  25. I will open a Coffee Shop once it is legal ^^ I should IPO too hehehehe Is nice to have a pharmacist.. but with weed.. I prefer a guy knowing how to grow weed and skip the pharmacist So.. buy shares from my Coffee Shop.. once they are available
    1 point
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