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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/22/2021 in all areas

  1. What's goooood my good people Here we have some training talk, this is nothing new, just a video I came across that helped me and might be helpful to some of you, some of you may already be familiar with it. What is this Kushman Chiropractic nonsens? Well, basically it's super cropping, but with less risk of loosing branches and/or damaging the plant and much quicker response times and virtually no recovery time. I've noticed on the forum the hot shit when comes to super cropping is the method of rolling a branch between your fingers slightly pressing down on it untill it subtly lays sideways, but still kinda standing on its own. This has caused me to snap a few branches in the past, having to run over to my medic kit and strap and wire shit back up to save the branch if it doesnt snap and I did it 100% correctly the plant will still take about 12 to sometimes 24hrs to prop all the tops back up facing the light before it can continue with normal growth. Well, here we go, no more of that for me!!! We all know why we supercrop, so I won't go into that, but here is a video on how I found out about Kushmans Chiropractics that goes into quite a bit of detail on why we do it and all that, he also demonstrates his way and I found it to work MUCH better. snapped all my plants in about 30min last night without loosing a single branch. if you just wana check the chiropractics part skip to the 18:50 mark. he does something very very interesting
    6 points
  2. Here are the 10 nominees for SOTM August (in no specific order) @Legalhomegrowkzn #1 @Chris Jay @Legalhomegrowkzn #2 @thelazyfishermanza @Stinger96 #1 @Stinger96 #2 @koshaking @Green Leaf Organics @Pants @ORGANinc. Voting will now go to the voting panel. Hopefully we can wrap this one up quickly now. Good Luck!
    5 points
  3. I just did some chiro on the plants I put I to flower a week or so ago, works really well. No broken stems by accident, unlike with what I was doing previously. Now let's see how it goes and compares. Sent from my Redmi Note 7 Pro using Tapatalk
    4 points
  4. hocus pocus for your small tent maybe but an intake or an extractor is not sufficient to move the air correctly - without fans, your extractor will default to the easiest way out of the tent and create static wind currents that may or may not work as well as your in your tent space - the smaller the tent, the less you have to worry about air movement if your extractor is beefy you want the FAE as well as something to mix the air up in the tent consider keeping one of the fans for that purpose - i felt this bigtime in my dads tent when he only had an extractor and no fan to churn the air up... plants suffering from weird heat stress for no reason, some plants were not in the way of the FAE static airflow, and i could tell the difference in growth compared to those that were in the static breeze.
    3 points
  5. What a great video! I feel its a must watch for any grower - especially a new grower who might not know this. I feel as if this Kyle Kushman and I do things in quite a similar manner, but there are somethings I will be trying for sure after watching this video. The chiropractic part is new to me, curious to give it a try though. I wish I had watched this video sooner, would have saved me time learning a lot of this myself or bits and pieces from others. @John Stonedwell A nice video with regards to how much to prune / defoliate.
    3 points
  6. its coming! and it will be the final post - repeat - logging company reports successful felling Sitrep on route
    2 points
  7. Blomme. Week - No idea. No effort being put in here. These here weeds are just growing themselves. Oscillating fans are hocus pocus, you just need correct FAE. I have 2 brand new in the box, black RAM fans for sale R300 each. Hit me up if you want them, courier for your pocket.
    2 points
  8. Day 49 from seed Strawberry Vostok female no.2 (different pheno to no.1)
    2 points
  9. Just had a guest staying over for the last couple days and guess what we spoke about, Landrace. It was not only an interesting discussion, but great news is there is one documentary coming out in December ( Sponsored by GHS ) , and hours of footage of another "landrace" documentary that still needs finishing. If anyone here would like to get on video and talk about landrace cannabis please let me know, any suggestions of other people who are knowledgeable in the field would be welcome to. Very excited to see this video published.
    2 points
  10. Always a treat to view your images man. Proper pro style. Keep it up
    2 points
  11. Photo-period (Critical or Banana not sure) switched to 12 hour cycle 44 days ago.. and recently pollinated by 2x Strawberry Vostok males
    2 points
  12. After much deliberating I decided to submit T3 as my submission for the comp. Here are her final pictures. She was grown in a 10L grow bag, with organic soil from Organic Matters and fed on GHE nutrients twice weekly and black strap molasses and Epson salts on a bi weekly schedule. Thank you to @420SAand @Totemicfor this amazing opportunity to grow these incredible genetics. I had a blast. Thank you to all the other growers for the support and the competition throughout.
    2 points
  13. Progress some bit Thanks for viewing
    2 points
  14. TORTONI #3 My favorite. This would have been my entry plant had I not overshot the deadline.
    2 points
  15. Starting to get a lekker stretch now , the OKC on the left is stretching more than the Super Cheese . Happy so far. Sent from my Hisense Infinity H50 using Tapatalk
    2 points
  16. 2x breeding backups cut from SV no.1 (lowest branches)
    1 point
  17. I absolutely love this video. One of the first videos a friend showed me when I grew my very first proper outdoor plant. A gem and atleast top 5 video any grower should watch. I love the feeling of doing the chiro on the plants, feels quite satisfying. The cracking scares people usually
    1 point
  18. Nov 6 - Canelo going to work on Plant. Can't wait
    1 point
  19. No, I don’t import directly. You sometimes get the seedbanks bringing in some decent auto flowers. But people don’t want to pay for them. But I will be working on some auto flower genetics next year. Got my hands on some regular seeds from Gnome genetics. He came second in the Auto flower cup for best flower with his Bobby’s Widow In 2019. Bobby’s widow is white widow from dinafem crossed with Bobby’s Girl by Moxie. I have some auto flower seeds from fastbuds and royal queen seeds. Not my favourite breeders but lets see what they do. So I will pollinate them with the Bobby’s Widow male. Just to see what I get. I am sick and tired of buying seeds. And if you want to go off the grid like I want to there will be no money to buy seeds.
    1 point
  20. Nice, see how they're doing when the lights are back on - the should have started pointing upwards towards the light again and then as they grow you can continue to adjust your training to ensure a nice flat canopy to help ensure most of the bud gets the same amount of light and strength of light (PPFD). After the stretch, then you can likely remove the training stuff if need be, won't cause harm to keep it in place until harvest either though. You may need to stake or use something to help support the branches from the weight of the bud.
    1 point
  21. 21 September 21 LST / TLS (Tender Loving Stress) lol wasnt me blaming some Blue dream hahaha Before n After (at least an hour) multitasking with Netflix Couple of kinks on some branches, but mission complete on the most part
    1 point
  22. I tried to curb the Christmas tree shape by defoliating the main stem way more, but it didn't really work, I don't think. Returning to just training it down. Going to try doubling nutes from 2ml/3ml - micro/bloom (per 4l) to 4ml/6ml. Photo def looks like it needs...something. Trying more like 6.0pH rather than the 5.5 that it's been for a while.
    1 point
  23. Ok. So more experimentation. Better get this over with. Settled on going for temp 23-25. Looks like hum Will behave, let’s see what happens overnight. At around 3:30 I kicked on the heater and went on the school run, got back to a flower box of 40 C. Perhaps the fancy vpd Calc is risky as the trigger relies on movement. New plan: try and stabilize temp around 24. Hum seems to come down to better levels as well there. Last bit was me opening the flower box to work on the girls. Temp dropped to 17 and hum shot to 70%. All I have to do now is close the box and it should settle. Update tomorrow Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  24. Short walk. 5m from garage to driveway. Sent from my S40 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  25. This madir should've stayed in the comp. @Totemic Only fair for you to see her with that fade!
    1 point
  26. Day 51 from seed - No.1 Strawberry Vostok female pre-flower in progress
    1 point
  27. Then some cutting's to play around with. One or two for the cabinet, still deciding, and the rest outdoors in the shade house. Sent from my S40 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  28. 1 point
  29. 1 point
  30. 1 point
  31. 20 September 21 Week 3 Airpot = Talliman (Oni) Fabric pots = Terple (In house) Current state of the Clones - They do need some love, plan is to spend time with them tomorrow❀ @PsyCLown can see what you mean now about these in house needing training. Some of the branches are spreading out quite wide and drooping already, without bud Will see what I can salvage otherwise just gonna snip the outliers away. Didn't get to the goal of +1m, which is maybe not a bad thing considering I didn't train. So next grow will be vegged longer and trained harder haha
    1 point
  32. 1 point
  33. 6 September 21 Not the best pics coming up now, but wanna try to cover some gaps in the journey with some random snaps I took till now Week 1 - Flower but no training
    1 point
  34. Thanks @SkunkPharm for sharing. What an interesting and informative watch. Will definitely try out this method and compare. Bless
    1 point
  35. Very nice training. Like a scrog but without the scrog. . Brilliant job on leveling and spreading that canopy
    1 point
  36. Ok, I think it's flat and bushy enough now. I've set the timer to 12/12, 9am off-9pm on. First photoperiod, let's see what happens to this random plant.
    1 point
  37. What about a nice mankini? The investment is totally worth it. Buy a pizza oven, get people to eat pizza and trim your bud in exchange for some fresh, home made pizza. Providing pizza is like a vacation. Gives me time to go to the beach with my mankini.
    1 point
  38. Whats up bro, have an update for us? should be close to your intended flip date no?
    1 point
  39. Alright... The ladies are still going on.... Getting fuller and heavier by the day!
    1 point
  40. 1 point
  41. So not going to lie, the plants I took down really did not come out very nice. The bud was lacking frost, yield was really low and popcorn for days and the most bizarre part is the pistils went a dark colour and did not compliment the bud and made it looks even worse. Sigh Here are some pics, not the best pics but not the best bud either. I feel the root aphids may be partly to blame here. Slurrijug Black Cherry Pie Bananium Slurricane Will likely be taking down more plants this weekend though, hoping these plants turn out better - they look good at least. Will check trichomes towards the end of the week. Might give some another week if needed.
    1 point
  42. So a bit of an update, took these photos on Saturday but didn't get a chance to post them until now - been busy trimming some plants which came down. Twisted Helix: Bananium: Frosted Apricots: Sugarcane: Really excited to take these plants down! Some new ones which I have yet to try myself as well.
    1 point
  43. Unfortunately with capitalism, pay to play is often part of the game. In House Genetics are not ridiculously expensive when compared to some other breeders out there. I suppose I have gotten use to it, the fact we split packs helps in terms of price. A lot easier to split a pack and cough up a portion of the price than to pay the full pay as a single grower. I have also said this before, just because you are paying a lot for a pack of seeds does not mean you're going to get some strain or pheno. Not all of the In House Genetics stuff is amazeballs. The nice thing is that their packs are easily available locally, unlike some other breeders who I want to try where the local stock is super limited and often the lesser known strains are what is available or not available locally at all.
    1 point
  44. going cheap is the most expensive thing you can do, a good rule of thumb in life but especially when it comes to lighting equipment for a indoor cannabis grow setup. I love that saying "paying your school fees" hahah you're lucky enough to be surrounded by a group of A++ candidates that will just let you copy the answers straight from their tests
    1 point
  45. Another quick update on the plants further into flower. I have staked all of them and did a heavy defol, see how it turns out. The stacking is coming along nicely - especially for some of the in house strains and compared to my previous run with them. I need to finish adding the rest of the lights to the tent though, you can see it is dark behind the plants but the camera just makes it seem worse than it is, all plants are still receiving sufficient light PPFD. For anyone wondering, those stakes are 1.4 and I pushed it as far down into the coco as I could. So around 1.4m from the ground - not from the top of the coco.
    1 point
  46. Nice man. Welcome. This forum has helped me alot with making up my mind with my setup. You'll learn alot. Any questions anytime.
    1 point
  47. I took a video of the plants further into flower as well. Let's see how the video hosting does. Otherwise I uploaded it here too: https://streamable.com/rcdtbp 1626959344776.mp4
    1 point
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