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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/18/2021 in Posts

  1. 6 days in the drying cabinet. 36g in the curing jar. 11g trim and popcorn for party chocolate.
    4 points
  2. Day 35 , they tagging along . OKC stretch more than the Super Cheese on the right , would have liked the SC to be longer tho. Added some 660 Reds Sent from my Hisense Infinity H50 using Tapatalk
    3 points
  3. Feel like I did a thread before, but she’s gone cap’n. [emoji1745] Anyways, got a nice deal from @Bay Seeds And joining the fun I gave them out left, right and center. Finally gotten round to popping some myself, and after the dog ate the first ones and a restart I am now sitting with a very nice male, looking for pollen catching and storing tips? Plan is to do F2’s and see what pops out There is also a little lady just starting to show pistols in the same pot, just about right Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  4. Strawberry Crosses (Strawberry Cuda and Strawberry Jedi) only x2 of each survived the first week, think my soil was to much for them as it's a potent seedling mix (I usually use it for pumpkin and baby marrow seedlings since they are such heavy feeders)
    2 points
  5. I am going through with this now with some autos I've popped recently
    2 points
  6. I had a problem with stunted growth my last grow. One of the problems was that my soil was too wet. It was a seedling in a 10l pot and although the soil felt dry by really sticking my finger in there I invested in a probe that told me otherwise. Check and tick off the list. Sent from my S40 using Tapatalk
    2 points
  7. Oh snap, I actually met the guy that makes this Rhizo PGPR Porridge at a grow store once. Cool dude, I was wondering when his product would pop up here on the forum. Personally haven't used the product myself but I know a few big outdoor growers who mix their own soils that love the stuff.
    2 points
  8. I don't think your light is the issue, you said you're growing in coco? Your own mix?
    2 points
  9. Hi, I am growing Fast Buds C4. The seed sprouted in soil 11 days ago and the growth seems to be a bit slow. I am using a 3500k 240W quantum board at 60CM from the plant at around 80W. Does this look normal and are there any suggestions as to what I can do to help it speed up? Growing in coco and just been giving it plain water so far. I am tempted to just switch back to my blurple LED light just to help get it into a good veg space.
    1 point
  10. So when I pot clones or pop seeds (just did some seeds yesterday). I saturate my medium with 2L to 3L of full strength veg nutes (GHE tripart), that is in a 20L fabric pot. Never had any issues with stunted growth and the medium stays moist for around a week as it mostly evaporates over time as they don't drink much. Even if the medium is still a bit wet after a week, I will give a bit of feed as well but not the full 3L per pot. My grow environment is likely different to yours though - RH, temp, air flow etc. I always feed with nutes though, you have your 2nd set of true leaves there as well. Never tried to get seedlings going in coco without nutes, but never had issues either. Not saying it is needed as I know seedlings can go without nutes for upto 3 weeks, just easier for me and I make sure to PH obviously. It does not do any harm. The nutes are then available for when the seedling is ready. Auto's can be iffy at times though, the most issues I have experienced have been with auto's. Pop multiple seeds at once, some have amazing growth and out of say 5 one is just super slow. Never had this with photoperiods and I have popped a lot more photo seeds. I really doubt it is your light. You could lower it a little if you really wanted to but I don't feel that is necessary.
    1 point
  11. Rather than calling it when the week is over, wait till the first set of true leaves with 3 fingers are fully formed before first feed. a cannabis seedling can grow quite a lot without any food really. you gona be running synthetic nutes?
    1 point
  12. Using Atami High Porosity Cocos. Thanks for all the advice, I will hold off watering any further and see how it goes. I also feel it's too early for nutes, I may introduce at the end of the week maybe. Sent from my SM-N950F using Tapatalk
    1 point
  13. I was just about to say, that seedling looks a little light green, they don't really take up any nutes at this time so defs count deficiency out, only other reason a plant would turn that colour is over water. to pop a seed they need 100% saturation for about 24hrs, so either leaving them in a glass of water or put them in completely saturated soil, from there you need to slowly decrease the amount of water around the seed only making sure to not let the medium dry completely. so you let the medium go to 30% moisture or pick up the pot, it should be light before giving any water again and when you do just give a tiny amount about 2cm away from the base of the seedling. make the roots go looking for the water. don't saturate the medium again untill the seedling has formed a complete rootball. note that if you're in a bigger pot it'll take longer to dry out so you need to water much less.
    1 point
  14. Looking great there. Here’s is my first attempt at making seeds. This boy is showing off Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  15. Well, I only have good things to say. The Double Sunset and Grape Gorilla is awesome.. The CG is now bottled and this thread is now done. She came out awesomely.. To be honest, I'll only grow from Totemic's stable in future..
    1 point
  16. This is how I tie my branches down. Are you using plastic pots? Kinda looks like terra cotta?
    1 point
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