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    GreenGrow Garden Route

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/28/2021 in all areas

  1. It is time for an #1 Slurricane Cheese Haven't had the joy to grow this before and the info on the web isn't that much. And also not guaranteed that it is a Slurricane Cheese because it was gifted to me by someone who I dont trust to much. But hey, its a lady and she looks decent #2 Bruce Banner #3 Tried getting a female for 3 seasons now and it finally happened. I am super stoked to grow this strain because I have grown a few BB crosses before and all was amazing. And to grow the OG will be awesome. #3 Banner Buscuits Talking about growing a few crosses, I have chosen the Girl Scout Cookies x Bruce Banner, dubbed Banner Biscuits by myself. She delivers rock hard nugs, trichome covered and knocks like a fucking freight train. Any pain quickly dissapears after a few hits from her #4 Pineapple Chunk This is also another great strain. Grew it out last season and was very pleased with the tightness and smella of this plant. After a few weeks of curing the Pineapple smelss comes through quite intensely #5 Blue Kush Berry Seeds were bought few years back as regulars. I took a male and female, pollinated the lady and now I have some of my own seeds. I fogot about these seeds and very happy I got a lady Coffee Compost I received a bag of Composted Coffee from a friend but not sure what the dosage is. I asked if it is just dried coffee grounds but he said that its Composted coffee... Hay Mulch Got myself 2 huge bags af hay. Great thing is that its fine and I guess its the leftover pieces from the bales. Mulched my soil and now they look so much happier...
    4 points
  2. Thank you for your kind words, good sir. I'll definitely be stealing that camera more often, doesn't do too well with the really close-up stuff though Thanks, man! Saturday will be 4 weeks. So we're just past 3 and a half weeks now
    4 points
  3. yeah very possible that it's mostly due to the dramatic shift. Western Cape area technically still going through Spring Equinox as the days are still only up to 14hrs long. Which means nights are 10hrs long. that is closer to a 12/12 cycle than it is to a 18/6 cycle and if you're brining out a clone/plant that's already acustomed to the 18/6 cycle will have high chance of jumping to flower mode. For quicker reveg I would suggest maybe using a 50w outdoor floodlight to add about 4hrs of light after the sun went down? I have seen a guy on a farm in Paarl keep all his plants in veg all through winter with some outdoor LEDs. I got the exact opposite going on here, I had a clone I wanted to run outdoors, brought her out beginning of Oct, before transplanting I left her in her small pot for 2 weeks and stood her where she would be planted as to see what amount of hours of sun hits her. have to add, I brought down my 18/6 cycle down to 15/9 about a week before bringing her out. helps to be one step ahead sometimes.
    3 points
  4. So I got blessed today by @GreenGrow Garden Routewith 6 beautiful ladies. 2 x Terple, GTH and what I'm most keen for is SFC! I'm not going to Veg it as much because I'm trying to get as much as I can out of this current flower cycle before I restart (only space for 1 tent)
    2 points
  5. SCROG it is not. Without getting into the finer details about what makes a SCROG or not this grow is leaning towards using a net for support more than a SCROG. Next time I'll train the plant correctly from the beginning. This cutting I used to take more cuttings and the shape of the plant sent me down this path. I've stretched a 800mm x 800mm net into a 900mm x 900mm cabinet. Squares are to big for my liking (120mm x 120mm) but working. Have another screen (100mm x 100mm squares) which I can adjust the height when the time comes. Last two pics. I know I need to defoliate below the net at some stage. I know there is going to be a growth spurt. Anyone's 2c will be appreciated.
    2 points
  6. Morning growmies. So pheno 2 got trimmed and bottled. These SV's are smelly.. She took her time to dry at 11 days I was getting a bit worried but she came out nice. 10g total. She's far more leafy than pheno 1 but I am happy. The seeded girl yielded 400 beans.. The outdoor girl is now starting with preflower and she is the same size as the the other 3 girls were at finish. So I expect a bit more from her. Have a awwsome weekend.. O yes.. Be different this time.. Vote Dagga Party..
    2 points
  7. Safari - 28 Oct 2021 at 00:08.pdf Some know it. Some don't. Interesting either way
    2 points
  8. Bru i have plants outside with only 4 nodes that are preflowering pretty strongly already. Actually only the fems. Very weird. Can't recall that happening last season.
    2 points
  9. I'm in Northern Suburbs in CPT. I think the preflowering could also have been triggered by too drastic of a change in light schedule when moving outside, even if they were still getting a bit more than 12 hours of light when they moved outside. They were on 18hrs a day inside. More notes for myself...gradually phase the light cycle from 18hrs on per day to 14hrs a day in the last few weeks before moving them outside. That should avoid a big swing in light exposure and still keeping it at +12hrs light a day. Yes I would much rather prefer this option Option B. Final answer.
    2 points
  10. Just a quick close-up on one of the ladies. Loving the trichome production
    2 points
  11. I've selected a new male from the F1 seeds. Surprisingly most smell of gas. I chose a male with a candy smell.
    2 points
  12. Amazing crew of stoners , growers and cannabis cup winners headed up the sunshine coast several weeks ago. I met up with them half way and took them on a short tour ending up at my local for a lekker kaaier. Part 2 coming soon. On this Insiders Eco Tour we will embark on our first ever CannaCruise with a remarkable crew of 16 Garden Route Growers. We will head off to the Sunshine Coast of South Africa for a 2 day excursion where we will visit local Cannabis Clubs in the area, an experienced growers private grow space, and a licensed Aquaponic facility at an undisclosed location. Our first destination is the Tsitsikamma Wolf Sanctuary where after we will proceed to Jeffrey's Bay.to pick up Oom Boom. Brace yourselves for an epic journey! Enjoy the episode & don't forget to smash that like & subscribe button
    1 point
  13. Nah, I watered it down and had a bit off rough wind and it was fine.
    1 point
  14. Yo @sunwestgenetics are you a breeder or seedbank or just a recreational grower like most of us here?
    1 point
  15. A very happy girl. Day 22 of flower
    1 point
  16. Looking great! How far into flower are you again?
    1 point
  17. Absolutely love all your photos man, well done!! Especially this one. You should borrow your girlfriends camera more often. Grow is looking stellar keep it up and you will be a very happy camper come harvest
    1 point
  18. Feel you. It's just a guideline anyways
    1 point
  19. Just playing around with a pic editor. She is growing very well and healhty as fuck. She is just loving the soil mix and today was also feeding day. Gave all the ladies a dose of Seagro and Humigro.
    1 point
  20. So I've spread out the DKB as much as possible. Going to be adding a Buddah Cheese mom that @Dr. Greenhas organized for me. Was looking to add another 1 or 2 bigger plants but budget doesn't allow for extra plants and soil. The seed bank I purchased the seeds from is also sending me some clones that I might just put straight into flower(seeing if I can set up a Veg space 1st) Pics to comming soon.
    1 point
  21. Net will be going in this week and training will begin. My current regiment of feeding is : Cibusil / Anngrow / Biobizz Acti-vera / Plant Exlir fulvates. I alternate with GHE but they seem to freak out a bit in the freedom farm soil. Currently under roughly 400 watts per side with heavy blue spectrum. I plan to introduce environoc 401 on the next feeding. The marks on the leaves is Sulphur reside for PM prevention.
    1 point
  22. Yeah, I feel you could do a bit more defol still if you wanted to.
    1 point
  23. Thanx I was suppose to do a heavy schawazz but as i said im not a fan of this so i went lighter than usual
    1 point
  24. Looks good! I doubt you will have any negative effects from the defol you did.
    1 point
  25. Start of week 4. Buds are starting form and nothing else much happing except a friend of mine who's quite the grower advised me to heavy defol / schawazz. Now Im not a fan of this but I went and did it on day 21 anyway. After this I ll leave them alone until harvest. I hope it works out and doesn't turn out to be a flop
    1 point
  26. I like creating these little comparison photo's, really gives you an idea of why they're called "Weeds". Shit grows like mad!
    1 point
  27. End of week 2 since flip and it seems like the ladies have stopped their stretch (thank goodness) So for the flip I gave the organics a top dress of Bloom nutes and worm castings, will reammend again in 4 weeks and for the synthetics I did my own ratio of bottle nutes by balancing the grow and bloom nutes in order to feed abit more nitrogen during the stretch phase. As from this week onwards it full strength of bloom. I did some super cropping at the end of week 1 of flip just to build those nice "Knuckles" we like on the stems The synthetics have caught up with the organics during the stretch somewhat, I think it's mostly due to them being super slivers. The stretch on them is INSANE! One can only imagine how they do outdoors! Also discovered a male Super Silver that I will be keeping for pollen, all the other super sipvers plants turned out to be females Bag that B**ch! So the boring part is finally over andnow the interesting part begins. Next update we ll take a closer look at the ladies bud formation. Peace
    1 point
  28. Week 6 done and start of week 7 This will be my last update until week 3 of flower. Everything has been boring up until now lol OK so we have seen the organics with some fast growth and they look lovely but the big question is, where the hell are the pics of the synthetic Marzcanna!? Well I don't like synthetic that's why lol! Actually the reason why I haven't posted any pics is because before I started this grow I had just enough amended coco from my previous grow for my organics, laziness soon kicked in when I realized that I'd have to buy anther brick, wash and buffered it, so I went and bought "washed and buffered" coco with perlite instead. Now I have mentioned that you should still wash and buffer your coco regardless and guess what I didn't follow my own advise, I watered the coco and planted directly (I won't mention the brand of the coco or the company, because it's partially my fault for not washing and buffering it regardless if it was advertised that it was) long story short you can guess what happen next, slow growth, alot of yellowing and even after loads of flushing and dosage of cal - mag it took the synthetics along time to recover (this is why I prefer to mix my own soil and this will be the last time I buy in pre made coco or mixed soil) The synthetics are now looking healthy and growing fast but I doubt it will catch up with the organics , I will post some pics soon but I guess it has thrown off the all side by side I had planed for this grow but forward we go. Here's a pic of the grow room at this stage and happy heritage day growmies!
    1 point
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