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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/30/2021 in all areas

  1. Photo dump from this morning. Buds on Dinamed 1 are fattening up! Cheese 1 and 2 are slowing down their stretch and look ready to push out some buds. Strangely they seem to be at exactly the same phase of flowering despite being planted about a week apart. Dinamed 2 just hanging out being tiny.
    5 points
  2. Thanks once again for this great competition and all the excellent prices from all the sponsors
    5 points
  3. Thanks once again for this great competition and all the excellent prices from all the sponsors
    4 points
  4. 2 points
  5. Hey guys, I'd appreciate some feedback regarding a choice I have to make for the light I'm developing: The driver will be located outside of the tent (on top of tent like I do or up to user) to more easily keep temps low. Two options I have to decide between: 1. External driver + external dimming - no daisy chain. 2. External driver + internal dimming + daisy chain located on the inside of the light frame. Here are my thoughts: - Practically speaking, it is easier to access the dimmer when outside the tent. - When located on the light, the user first has to unzip the tent, and depending on the orientation and height of the fixture, accessing the control can be awkward, especially for shorter or disabled people. - The user may wish to dim the light before they open the tent, in order to protect their eyes. I feel like the majority of people looking to cover a bigger tent/area will usually buy a single, bigger light, rather than daisy chain multiple. In any case, when located externally, the dimmer is right there, on top of, or at arms length beside the tent, and will be clearly labeled for accurate power selection. An external daisy chain/dimmer combo box should be possible in the future though. And while I don't think it takes much effort to turn 2-3-4 dials (how often is it even necessary..3 times in a complete grow cycle, if that?), still, it would be nice to have the option. Not everyone is willing/wants to train a single, level canopy. In those cases, the ability to hang multiple lights at different heights and power levels is way more useful. Maybe I'm dead wrong, and/as well as a crazy person. Let me know.. about the first part. vs ------------------------------------- On a side note, the led count is up 25% from 424pcs to 528pcs, a trade-off benefit of it being more cost effective to produce a traditional strip of LEDs vs the separated design(which will have to wait, for now). Kinda weak, but also pretty sweet because the power is up a nudge, and they will run cooler, more efficiently and prolong their lifespan. It should now comfortably flower a 90cmx90cm tent.
    2 points
  6. Had a chance to take some nice bud shots of Dinamed 1 today. Things are getting interesting!
    2 points
  7. Hi guys We have a range of Bongs on Sale. Don't miss it! https://www.passthedutch.co.za/sales
    1 point
  8. The last few days have been abit crazy! Finally got some time to repot most of the plants. The 2 in front in Fabric pots are the SFC and the other 2 on the right GTH and Terple from @GreenGrow Garden Route These will be finished in a living soil while the rest are in 70/30 feeding Mega Solutions. In the back left is the mother Buddah Cheese I got from @Dr. Green The DKB is spread out nicely and she's looking frosty already in week 3. Have Auto Banna Blaze also just cruising along in the back.
    1 point
  9. @Aeradix @420SA @greensmokeroom @ExploGrow May I also please receive my prizes?
    1 point
  10. Oh man, the only places I know are online stores and they take a while to deliver + I'm not to sure how clean their product is. EE apparently gets their stuff tested but it's using one those GemmeCert machines.
    1 point
  11. well deserved @mantis
    1 point
  12. So many Chocolate Gelato's being grown we can still turn this into a Outdoor Choc Gelato grow off...
    1 point
  13. Join us in Jeffrey's Bay as we continue our Journey through the Sunshine Coast of South Africa. We visit the Turtle House (A Grow One Africa Club) and stop for a seaside brunch. Enjoy the episode.
    1 point
  14. SCROG it is not. Without getting into the finer details about what makes a SCROG or not this grow is leaning towards using a net for support more than a SCROG. Next time I'll train the plant correctly from the beginning. This cutting I used to take more cuttings and the shape of the plant sent me down this path. I've stretched a 800mm x 800mm net into a 900mm x 900mm cabinet. Squares are to big for my liking (120mm x 120mm) but working. Have another screen (100mm x 100mm squares) which I can adjust the height when the time comes. Last two pics. I know I need to defoliate below the net at some stage. I know there is going to be a growth spurt. Anyone's 2c will be appreciated.
    1 point
  15. Where you getting cuts my bruuuh I couldn't find any locally =( These seeds were purchased after I got this strain from my usual farm hookup, it had something special in it for sure, been smoking daily for like a decade now and that smoke was special to the point that I went online immediately and ordered the seeds with money I didn't (still don't) have. Need to harvest that gatskop dank or my wife is going to Thug Roze me!
    1 point
  16. And as if the universe is speaking to me. How’s this for a fit. Thanks soooooo much @420SA @PASSTHEDUTCH Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
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