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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/01/2021 in all areas

  1. 3 points
  2. Good day people, This season I'm going to be running x5 of each strain Grapefruit Sourz F1 Tortoni F2 Chocolate Gelato F2
    1 point
  3. What's a lazy Sunday if not spent at home all day doing as little possible, some clean ups, reorganizing some stuff and possibly some lazy gardening perhaps a little light extra IPM for the garden one exciting thing that comes from this is digging up something interesting you had laying around and forgotten about! this time it was a 2x 2D square frame I had put together maybe over a year ago. some of you might remember an old thread of mine where I built a grow box from scrap materials. I'll have a looksee if I can find a photo of the box... -best one I could find, inside only This box was 80x80x100, I took the cube apart, but kept the 2 squares that make up the bottom and top squares whole. Originally I kept it like that so it was easy to put it all back together for future use, but since I got a new tent and no more need for extra space I might aswell use it for something else.... and seeing as it's already square and around the right dimentions for this......... so naturally........ this is the same 80x80x100 dimentions, it just doesn't have the 80×80 square at the bottom. structure got some brackets keeping the feet in place, sturdy as hell. if I lift the frame the pallet lifts aswell and so the whole pot and all. this wasn't my plan as I already have the green stakes to train the plant, but what's a little extra support? the 100cm tall frame might need to be reduced, although the Sour Lemon OG is sativa dominant in her growth charactaristics, so I am expecting at least a lot of stretch. Plus, remember the 80x80 square that's not being used at the bottom? I might just pop that in as a second layer in the middle if the plan't doesn't get that tall will see how she does cater to her needs 16 days only in this pot and she has really taken off I had to put down a few bricks, at first I had the soil covered just with acacia brances, to keep the cats away, but they just end up playing with the acacia branches and mind you they're the monkey thorn kind, the one with the hooked thorns, no idea how a cat does that shit, they sometimes even climb our monkey thorn tree what the f, you can't move in either direction when close to these branches without getting caught up in them, this is literally a nightmare tree to deal with, but not for the domesticated king of the jungle I guess beautiful thing how nature can be so gentle yet so unforgiving
    1 point
  4. Probably the best looking weed i have ever grown. wedding cake (breeder unknown)
    1 point
  5. Hopefully by the end of next month all the plants will fully show sex (I've got a few already showing extremly early signs) and I can pull the males and get to transplanting
    1 point
  6. Photo dump from this morning. Buds on Dinamed 1 are fattening up! Cheese 1 and 2 are slowing down their stretch and look ready to push out some buds. Strangely they seem to be at exactly the same phase of flowering despite being planted about a week apart. Dinamed 2 just hanging out being tiny.
    1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. Alrighty, outdoor season is upon us! I got myself a few free seeds, just going to be playing around with them a bit, nothing serious. I have 2 big pots, 60L and 80L, ready for action. Planning to run some clones of mine, but first... I recycled and reamended some soil for my outdoor plants, but before really planting anything important in it I wanted to see if it's any good. Did a few tests, this is one of them. These are all regulars so I will be putting them in the flower tent in groups to rid out the males. Then clone all the ladies, number them, flower the mothers and select the best girl for further testing. Will probably end up with 2 plants at the most. Small phenohunt if you wana call it that, but it's not quite really. Group 1 - Hawaiian Cake in Freedom Farms Group 2 - Hawaiian Cake in reamended Soil Group 3 - Trainwreck in Freedom Farms Group 4 - Trainwreck in reamended soil (added more perlite) These plants are all between 4 and 6 weeks old, popped in sphagnum peatmoss and transfered to these pots a week after they popped. Only been getting clean water, no nutrients. The only signs of stress was the leaf damage from the few days of heavy wind that smacked their first sets of true leaves a while back when they didn't have any wind shade. They seem to be growing just fine, I have tested the EC of the soil, came in at 4.6, which is really fine for a young plant in an organic situation. I went ahead and brought out the first clone for the outdoor season, planted her in the 80L pot she'll be in till harvest. Sour Lemon OG
    1 point
  9. I had an issue were they were overwatered (due to me leaving my 1 week old plants out in the rain) but put the grow bags in the sun and then left them in a tub of dry coco to pull excess moisture from the bottom. And were better after within 2 days, which allowed me to finally start my watering schedule. Since they have dried out they have received some Jadam maintenance solution. Top row: Chocolate Gelato Middle row: Tortoni Bottom row: Grapefruit Sourz
    1 point
  10. Top row: Grapefruit Sourz Middle row: Tortoni Bottom row: Chocolate Gelato
    1 point
  11. Thankfully we got some decent rain, won't have to water anytime soon hopefully
    1 point
  12. Top row (green tag) - Chocolate gelato, all 5 germinated but one is taking its time popping up. Middle row (orange tag) - Tortoni, all 5 looking good Bottom row (purple tag) - Grapefruit Sourz, all 5 looking good
    1 point
  13. I struggle to grasp the idea that Seedbanks would refund you for seed that didn't germinate. Why should they? Their side of the deal was complete when you received your order nicely packaged and in good time. The germination process is completely out of their control, how can they be responsible? The cannabis industry is the ONLY instance I've come across where people expect refunds for seeds that didn't germinate under their own conditions. There is no way to look at a healthy potentially viable seed to determine it isn't going to germinate. Seedbank: I'm sending this potential failure to Hardcoregrowerman011 just to fuck with him. Ya, I'll show him. I've said it before on this forum, buying seed is a gamble you take. Suppliers cannot guarantee the outcomes, in fact nothing is guaranteed. The way to get the exact same outcome is to use clones. The CPA... Lol! you are joking, right?
    1 point
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