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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/09/2021 in Posts

  1. These are a few of my latest pickups over the last couple months.
    6 points
  2. Ey brother. No hostile vibes meant at all. Sorry if i came across as hostile. Just trying to help a fellow grower.
    3 points
  3. I thought this was Biltong and Buds posting what's new for sale
    3 points
  4. Just had an "oh yeah" moment. I was wondering then what happens with autopots because they are both plastic and barely have time that the bottom of the pots aren't soaked in nutrient feed/water and you can't keep them raised... then I remembered the air domes
    3 points
  5. Dirty Kush Breath finished drying and trimmed up! Got about 126g from her excluding popcorn, not too bad in my opinion. I've had a test smoke and she hits! Taste not there yet but curing it for the next weeks should bring it out more.
    3 points
  6. Fkn hell this is turning into a Jerry Springer Show episode. Think about this guys. Are we moving deur the lewe or is the lewe moving deur us? Let's be irie and respect each other's views and opinions because you can only judge a man after you've walked 2 moons in his shoes
    2 points
  7. yeah, just look at your pepper plant, now tell me that 'plant' can just "drop seeds" and there you go? your statement is lacking some context there. are you saying this plant dropped 3 healthy seeds? cause for that to happen the plant needs to be pollinated. by a male that's carrying pollen already (mature male) or it made nanners cause of all the stress and pollinated itself, but if that happens it's more likely that most of the seeds produced wont be viable, you'll have around a 10% viability rate. not 100%. especially from such a young plant in that condition. eitherway, this does not seem likely, and going by your statement of "plant drops seed" creates a resistance to believe what you are saying. in fact, plant does not just simply drop seed man. ✌
    2 points
  8. Sorry bro just a bit confused on how this could happen...
    2 points
  9. Like phoning someone with a phone ?
    1 point
  10. Shot. My mistake was not hardening them off enough before transplanting outdoors. They grew nicely in my humidity dome but as soon as they went outside. Instant burn. Now i appreciate cannabis's hardiness even more.
    1 point
  11. real rich comming from the guy who jumped on a conversation just to show his emotions. fml well I am really not stupid enough to give my dank seeds to someone who's not gona take it serious and not appreciate what they're doing. hence the interrogation. I am not handing out free seeds to any Tom, Dick and Harry, but rather to someone who'll appreciate the seeds. careful.... you already crossed that line, I am still being nice to you here.
    1 point
  12. well, actually what I said was "plant does not just simply drop seed" and you're a clever guy, right? so if you plant a seed and just grow the plant, is that plant gona give you seeds? what happens with our plants when they don't get pollenated? they literally live their whole lives without dropping seeds. so don't come trying to make me out to look like I am crazy for saying "plant does not just simply drop seed" that statement is 100% true. nothing faulty about it. on the other hand saying "plant grow, plant drop seed" leaves SOOOOOOO many open ends and grey area and causes more confusion than anything. it's a faulty statement, en klaar.
    1 point
  13. uh, well... I kinda mentioned that you left out context right. you completely left out the fact that it was ever pollentated before I asked how it was possible and made my statement about plants not just simply dropping seeds. they have to under go a whole phase before that can happen. leaving out context WILL ALWAYS cause confusion. you failed to mention it was ever pollenated, go check for yourself, this answers your question on why I wouldn't believe it. cause infact, if a plant was not pollenated IT WILL NOT DROP SEEDS EVER AND DIE WITHOUT EVER HAVING DROPPED SEEDS, yeah I know it might sound unreal to you. but that's actually something that happens in the wild too If you interested in harvesting a good amount of good weed I would advise against spending too much time and energy on those seeds. if you in my area I will give you seeds or clones for free. but seriously................. don't try this with me I don't for one second believe that you don't know what the word "context" or "pollenated" means.... or don't you? we can be straight up with eachother man, but don't try make me look dom cause you failed to mentoin the plant was ever pollenated.
    1 point
  14. tell me, is this plant pollenated and seeded???? you can clearly see a swollen calyx. so tell me, what's inside? now listen, I am not out to proove you wrong or whatever emotion trip you on here, I am telling you that what I see is a unhealthy plant in bad condition and a lot of what OP is saying sounds very unlikely and even if it was the case I wouldn't advise to grow those seeds, cause this is a cannabis forum where we help people to grow dank and lots of it. if someone doesn't wana be constructive don't go asking for advice in public, cause sadly not everything everyone does is right. you gotta have the gut to call shit out when you spot it. not pussyfoot and nurse these oaks like babies. I don't have time to care about someones feelings. really. oh, I know. I could smell your emotions all the way from over here. doesn't smell nice. I'll literally hand over dank seeds, dank clones, dank flower and dank knowledge for free if one is open to indulge. but I am not going out of my way to make someone special and what not to get in their good books. I did nothing to OP, didn't call him anything, didn't try intimidate him. I literally just didn't believe what he was saying and that's that. I don't have to either. now, you're wasting both of our time and youth here.
    1 point
  15. no I can't how can you tell what I can see? for interest sake, I can't even see any bud...
    1 point
  16. ok ok, calm down mr. khakibos didn't mean to hurt your feelings there I can't believe I have to type this out dude, but did you see OP mention anything about pollenating before I made my statement? where the hell you ever seen a cannabis plant drop seeds without being pollenated. read my post again, and again and again till you read where I mentioned that op left out context. lol ✌
    1 point
  17. Not seeds but found this refreshing during times that everyone is moeg en gatvol van die jaar se kak. Legeh
    1 point
  18. Nah man, nothing like that, its constructive criticism, we all went through that stage and we learn as we go along.
    1 point
  19. I feel I dont know enough to fully commit. And the rocks is all I had at the time, I will most probably start over once I'm comfortable that I wont mess up some expensive seeds. Lesson learned on the rocks, someone also mentioned earlier on that its a bad idea due to fungus ect ect, I made a note of that . To be honest I do pickup a hint of hostileness (Not only from you) , But I dont think you are a doos. I only came here to learn and not to call people things. I much prefer to teach my self or maybe learn from the US forms/friends than having to defend my self over crap. , local is not always lekke it seems.
    1 point
  20. Fokken cool genetics. You should breed with these race horses.
    1 point
  21. You get the 20L fabric pots now, aswel as air domes that sits directly between the roots, without the air dromes, the roots grow out of the pot abit and I'm guessing that's enough air for them, what I did to replace those air domes on the root was to add the airstones to the tanks themselves and that seem to work great. Had an impressive yield on this last grow. I don't believe in paying so much for a piece of plastic for anyone running autopots and wants those air domes there's diy on the net that works the same
    1 point
  22. Thanks for all the replies guys. I'll let him know about raising the pot, he is using fabric but it's worth a shot. I don't think it's heat stress since some of the lower leaves are experiencing the same issue. Sent from my SM-N950F using Tapatalk
    1 point
  23. @Weskush is on point by what he said. Telling by the pic seems only top leaves are effected? We ll have to rule out heat stress from the lights first. You may also put the pots on top of something to get some air flow into the roots like @CreXmentioned.
    1 point
  24. @Ponica not trying to be a doos. Just trying to advise to the best of my limited experience. Firstly i would advise to rather use clay pebbles instead of rocks. Will make your life way easier. You are growing indoors so if i were you, i'd start over with new seeds. You have the environmental controller in your hands. There is a lot of experienced growers on this forum so just shout at any hint of doubt. PS. That Ghost Pepper looks very nice though. I failed twice now trying to grow them so you can probably teach us something about growing hot peppers🌶.
    1 point
  25. I get plants like this when my pots don't have enough breathing space under the pots... What pots is he using? If fabric... Then I retract my analysis... If plastic, get those bitches raised so they can breathe under their feet
    1 point
  26. Hey CreX thanks for your advice re Chelated Calcium. I got some and have started using it.
    1 point
  27. Looks like its only the ones closest to the light...light burn or heat stress i'd say.
    1 point
  28. I've got a room full of cookie crosses I'm trying out. Decided to give them a bash after the old vs new debate on this forum. The tropicanna punch's have stayed low and squat, kind of like an umbrella. There are 14 of them in total. The 2 other strains are dirty banana and beach wedding. I decided to do an experiment with the comcat. So I separated the TP's from the others, and only gave them the comcat. Let's see if it improves stretch on them and helps them to catch up in height. Oh... I flipped them on Saturday, so just in time for the stretch.
    1 point
  29. All good, discuss away. I’ve seen that stuff a few times, might try it on the next run. The cibusil I’ve seen make a difference, branches are much sturdier and such.
    1 point
  30. Who else keeps their old empty seedpacks as trophy's? Lost a few due to gifting over the years.
    1 point
  31. Planet of the grapes auto flower seeds ethos genetics Gg#4 from josie wells
    1 point
  32. I'm using a 240W LED for the first time, coming from HPS. Popped a few seeds a couple of weeks ago and the growth was terribly slow even at 130W. With HPS I would try to maintain the ambient temperature at 26 degrees. I've since raised the ambient temperature in my box to 29 degrees in an attempt to get the leaf surface temperature a bit higher, this seemed to work for me. I am not sure what your temps are, but this could also be a contributing factor.
    1 point
  33. Mmm, your confusion is confusing me Thats how plants work right ? Plant drop seed Seed touches water Seed sprout Seed become seedling ect ect ect cycle repeats
    0 points
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