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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/10/2021 in Posts

  1. Cibusil, make them nice "sturdier" Like so...
    5 points
  2. I got some Nag Champa F2's from Terpfi3nd and LA confidential from DNA_genetics
    5 points
  3. Dos veggies are coming along nicely. Ended up removing one of the cherry tomato plants for space. Cayenne chillis and the baby peppers need some tlc. Tomato's are actually fruits
    4 points
  4. I love your scrog work, you really knock it out of the park with every grow. I think both would grow exceptionally well with that technique.
    3 points
  5. Howzit guys, I've had an absolute bitch with spider mites. I've h202 my whole then the took out all plants sprayed them outside kept them out for 2 weeks and monitored them. i eventually got my hands on Margaret Roberts and did a full spray down. I moved my best clone back into the tent and flipped it. Once again mites are back i have sprayed it twice with Margaret Roberts and all seems good but now it seems like i have a nitrogen toxicity. Any recommendations?
    2 points
  6. Also be aware that spidermite can develop resistance to a pesticide if you use the same one repeatedly.
    2 points
  7. don't think anyone was judging anyone brother. you yourself saw the confusion caused by the lack of information provided, I pointed it out, then some new addition to the conversation had an irrational emotional outburst and took the role of cybersaviour upon himself and tried to make himself look smart while saving others' feelings. that's about it... so yeah, very modern Jerry Springer tipe shit, sadly. I also believe the religious "don't judge others" belief hold very little water. that's a very poor stance to have in life. instead, to gain better judgement in life you need to be open to judgement and you need to judge stuff. it's not a bad thing, depending on who you ask, it's very constructive. but if you put your emotions first you'll ALWAYS think people are fighting or arguing with you. that's for the children, we're all grown ups here. I hope.
    2 points
  8. Hey bud! Looks like your nitrogen toxicity isn't too bad, your leaf colour is looking good, could be a tiny bit on the darker side, so possibly stop feeding any and all sources of nitrogen, should help with the spider mites as well. Also another consideration, the plant looks a tad over-watered. Maybe give her 3 days or so to dry up, She should dry up fast being in the stretch phase. Then going forward give us some details about feeding for flowering if any? What type of soil you are using?
    2 points
  9. I just got blunicorn and jelly breath cuts the other day thanks for sharing this will help me decide if I actually want to grow them out
    2 points
  10. Fkn hell this is turning into a Jerry Springer Show episode. Think about this guys. Are we moving deur the lewe or is the lewe moving deur us? Let's be irie and respect each other's views and opinions because you can only judge a man after you've walked 2 moons in his shoes
    2 points
  11. These are a few of my latest pickups over the last couple months.
    2 points
  12. Morning folks. Just passed the second week of flower and all seems to be going pretty well. I am seeing pistils all over the place and the mains are starting to take some decent shape. On the stretching side the OSG Cheese really bulked up and got some height but that doesn't come close to the Jelly Breath... that lady just doesn't stop stretching They got their first feed of Bloom yesterday and it looks like the nute balance is on point at the moment, will just keep a close eye on leaf colouration. Another plant that is impressing me quite a bit is the Purple Dosidos. She's got some bulk and I feel like I might see some dense big nugs come from her. Here are some pics... White Bubblegum White Afghan Skunk Purple Dosidos Sunset Sherbet S1 Blunicorn Jelly Breath Super Silver Haze 98 OSG Cheese Tent front view Tent side view
    2 points
  13. Assumption is the mother of all fuck ups. Sent from my S40 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  14. only judgement I see here is when someone almost called me a poes. but hey, that's all OK, right? nothing wrong with that....
    1 point
  15. just like I assumed at the very least that people know how to speak correctly guess we both made an assumptions and I shouldn't have thought that you actually know that much oh the boy got jokes now no, not like phoning someone with a phone at all, but don't stress and keep at it, you'll get there... hope those seeds teach you something, because there is A LOT to learn for you and clearly I can't help at all here and there is no chance in hell I'll ever give you free seeds or free anything for that matter, smart ass. stick to the forum, I learned a lot here, chances are within just a few months you'll get the hang of it and probably get some free stuff from other members that'll help a lot. a tip for the pros - don't make assumptions when you trying to outsmart other people and definitly don't leave out context. very unprofessional and will always cause someone to question you. in every situation in life it works that way, you can't just assume stuff. very dangerous for your own mental sanity. hope you guys have a nice day
    1 point
  16. If you have a pen and can check ppm or EC, then you can follow the feed schedule and see how it goes.. You could start at 50%… because your GHE is already the soft water type and has some extra calcuim. And then taper it up or down accordingly
    1 point
  17. done with week 2 now. They just getting water.
    1 point
  18. Just got of the hola with Jayden from fullmeltfiltration.co.za, he has metres of good quality screens, mesh. Might be worthwhile sending a message.
    1 point
  19. My wishlist is Archive, Rare Dankness, La plata labs, subcool, obsoul33t, swamp boys.. The breeding for bag appeal first tipe breeders. Very pricey but worth it for breeding
    1 point
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