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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/11/2021 in all areas

  1. what's good team, hope all is well decided I'll start logging the flower tent, although the run I am busy with right now was not really planned, just threw those plants in there cause I had them and was starting to veg plants of higher interest so the flower tent was "empty", had to fill her. right now, I got 3 x Super Lemon OG plants in there which I am most excited about, they're cuts from my previous run, they're spectacularly lemony and very strong sativa-like effects. I like her a lot, gona fill my jars with her. there is also 1 Banana Hammock, a cut I been keeping around for about 3 years now so I know her like the back of my hand. last is 1 small Deluxe Sugarcane plant, first time growing her, I used the plant as a mother to get cuts for my next run really, but thought it's a good idea to shove her in there aswell and make use of her after I made about 30 cuttings off her and there was very little left. tent Super Lemon OG - Emerald Triangle Seeds Banana Hammock - Ethos Genetics Deluxe Sugarcane - In House Genetics have a good weekend all
    9 points
  2. Hi folks. A friend came over and he has a schweet phone... Shit that thing can take nice photos.. so I thought I'd share a couple...
    5 points
  3. I'm actually really excited to see how this plant turns out. Sent from my Redmi Note 7 Pro using Tapatalk
    5 points
  4. 2 weeks later quick update here, spotted those dreaded spots on the leaves clearly indicating mite presence not on my watch!!! very suspect as 2 of these plants where clones picked up at the dagga farmacy in Paarl, they where said to be pest free and I treated them before introducing to the rest of the family, yet they're the only new comers on my property and now my streak of no pests inside my tents has been broken. I emptied the tent, deep cleaned everything with soap and warm water, then a peroxide spray down and another wipe down. had the plants outside, so did a late night full dose Pyrol on all before going back in the tent. the Pyrol obviously had to toast one plant in the process, wasn't light burn as I did this during night time she's still alive, but a bit behind the others now. at least no signs of mites anymore. going to double up my weekly Neem treatments to twice a week, but lowering the dose a little. only few weeks now before they go into flower, can't risk it now!! I moved all 3 of the DS over to the right, one in bottom right corner biggest and fastest grower, yet all cuts of the same plant, soil the same and treatments the same..... strange, just shows how much plasticity has an impact in so many different ways and factors. so we got the Blueberry HashPlant looking sexy and exploding with growth in the top left corner, had to pinch, bend and manipulate her a little to get her closer to the height of the rest. bottom left we got Frosted Apricots, she's the one who took the hit and is now a little behind the others, already made a full recovery though, going strong and not far from catching up cuts in the middle is for next run, got a French Macaron - THSeeds cut as a gift from a good friend.
    4 points
  5. On Wednesday, the new “traffic light" coalition presented their plans for Germany. Under the motto “Dare to make progress", the parties presented a 177-page document that includes plans to introduce the controlled distribution of cannabis in Germany. Germany to commence with sale of cannabis Germany’s coalition parties - the SPD, the Greens and the FDP - have set out their vision for Germany in the post-Merkel era. Among other things, the parties’ coalition contract included provisions to ease the laws around the personal, recreational use of cannabis. The contract stipulates that the new coalition “will introduce the controlled distribution of cannabis to adults for consumption purposes in licensed stores.” The document goes on to state that this measure will “control the quality, prevent the circulation of contaminated substances and ensure the protection of minors.” Under current German law, cannabis plants can be grown, sold, owned, imported and exported. While private, recreational use of the drug is banned (although police do tend to turn a blind eye towards small amounts), medical cannabis has been legal since 2017. Do the health benefits outweigh the risks? It is hoped that the government regulation of cannabis will reduce the amount sold by street dealers, which is how recreational users most commonly purchase the drug in Germany. The German Cannabis Association has warned of the dangers of buying drugs from street dealers, suggesting that cannabis bought in this way is often mixed with other substances, such as sand, hairspray, talcum powder, glass and lead. Experts have also suggested that marijuana is sometimes contaminated with heroin or synthetic cannabinoids, which can have severe side effects. The director of the German Cannabis Organization, Georg Wurth, has said that the legalization of marijuana is unlikely to lead to a significant rise in consumption and subsequent unexpected health problems. “Since a significant increase in consumption is not to be expected, (an) increase in the various problems caused by consumption is not to be expected either,” he said. However, the move to legalise the sale of cannabis has drawn sharp criticism from politicians and health advocates. The CDU’s advisor on drug policy, Stephan Pilsinger, has accused the new coalition parties of running an “experiment on the health of our society and our young people." Experts have warned that the use of marijuana amongst young people can affect the central nervous system, which can lead to psychosis and schizophrenia. Sustained use of the drug has been linked to respiratory diseases and testicular cancer. Cannabis: An economic lifeline for Germany? As of yet, no decision has been made regarding the sale of recreational cannabis in Germany. The coalition wants to regulate the distribution of the drug, so as to better control who can buy the drug and the supply. So far, it has been suggested that cannabis could be sold in tobacco stores, pharmacies or even coffee shops, like those found in Amsterdam. Illegalizing marijuana also carries a financial incentive for Germany; a report by the Heinrich-Heine University in Düsseldorf found that legalizing's cannabis could generate around 4,7 billion euros every year in public funds, as well as create around 27.000 jobs. Wurth has argued that the prohibition of marijuana actually costs German taxpayers, as billions are spent every year on prosecuting those who deal the drug illegally. He also stated that the ban on cannabis “promotes organized crime by giving it exclusive access to a market worth billions.”
    3 points
  6. I like the idea of having a constant thread going rather than creating a new thread everytime, so I will be trying to keep most of my stuff under relative topics for now I will start a flower tent log as soon as these ladies move over. finally got the time and space to grow out some of the Deluxe Sugarcane cut I got from a forum member quite a while back. grew her out and made a bunch of clones. originally I was planning on running all DS, but that plan was short lived as I got 2 new cuts before I even had the DS rooted I picked up a Frosted Apricot and a Blueberry Hashplant cut, let's see what we get the small cuts are just backups of all the stuff I got in flower currently
    1 point
  7. Cool bud, I would cut the grow. Continue with the fish at half dose for 2 weeks and then go back to normal. Plant should be happy with that. Sprinkle half a cup of worm casting over the top if you have
    1 point
  8. Smooth move brother man. Would love a cutting to see if their "house" stock is up to scratch
    1 point
  9. its freedom farms classic but 2nd grow with the soil. i've been winging it till now mainly biobizz grow fish mix and now bloom
    1 point
  10. Dos veggies are coming along nicely. Ended up removing one of the cherry tomato plants for space. Cayenne chillis and the baby peppers need some tlc. Tomato's are actually fruits
    1 point
  11. Also be aware that spidermite can develop resistance to a pesticide if you use the same one repeatedly.
    1 point
  12. Hey bud! Looks like your nitrogen toxicity isn't too bad, your leaf colour is looking good, could be a tiny bit on the darker side, so possibly stop feeding any and all sources of nitrogen, should help with the spider mites as well. Also another consideration, the plant looks a tad over-watered. Maybe give her 3 days or so to dry up, She should dry up fast being in the stretch phase. Then going forward give us some details about feeding for flowering if any? What type of soil you are using?
    1 point
  13. I got some Nag Champa F2's from Terpfi3nd and LA confidential from DNA_genetics
    1 point
  14. done with week 2 now. They just getting water.
    1 point
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